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For Immediate Release
August 13, 2009

Aketa Marie Simmons

Cleveland, OH – Over 450 Ohioans packed into Ford Auditorium, at Case Western Reserve University, to hear Representative Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) deliver her Inaugural State of the Congressional District Address. Many more stood in the hallway, hoping to enter.  

The chief goal of the Address was to update citizens on Rep. Fudge's legislative accomplishments and the impact on the Eleventh Congressional District. However, crowds became energized at the mere mention of health care reform, signaling that  the  topic was chief on their list of concerns. Rep. Fudge obliged  many attendees  by answering every question posed.

A local teenager,  asked "What can we do to help Congress people like you fight for health care [reform]?"  Rep. Fudge reiterated the need to seize the opportunity to institute reforms and ensure health care coverage for all Americans.

Though faced with a long line of constituents posing questions, Rep. Fudge answered each  patiently. As she outlined the need for health care reform, Rep. Fudge told the crowd, "The cost of doing nothing is far greater than the cost of doing something." 

Rep. Fudge also delivered the following legislative highlights:

•    Passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: This included the largest infusion of education funding in the history of the country, $14 million for local police departments,$14 million to the Cuyahoga County Workforce Investment Board, and $100 million for local school districts. A full list of highlights can be found by clicking here.
•    Advocacy for Education Initiatives, such as higher Pell Grants, lower interest rates on federal student loans, a simpler FAFSA form, and increased funding for community colleges.
•    Support for Health Care Access Reform, including an expanded Children's Health Insurance Program, funding the conversion to electronic medical records for free clinics, and supporting a robust public health care option that could cover the 230,000 Ohioans without health insurance.
•    Activism on Foreclosure Prevention, through a foreclosure prevention fair attended by over 30,000 homeowners and the introduction of two foreclosure prevention bills in Congress designed to restore truth to mortgage lending.

Rep. Fudge also honored the 2009 Marcia L. Fudge Emerging Leaders, who will dedicate a year of service to the Greater Cleveland Area: Zac Ponsky, Julian Rogers, Terry Travis, Basheer Jones, Jessica Verbic, Corttrell Kinney, Antoinne McKinney, Truc X. Cao, and Michael Ruff.

Additionally, she presented awards to the 2009 Distinguished Citizens, individuals who impact the community through their professional contributions: Gabriel Gonzalez, Bruce Wimbush, Dr. Bilal Bomani, and Timothy Roberts.

Click here for video of the event.
Click here for a Web listing of highlighted recovery act funds committed to the Cleveland area. A PDF can be found here.
