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Washington D.C. - Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) stated today Congressional Republicans introduced a dangerous spending bill that cuts jobs, threatens American innovation and reduces investments in rebuilding America. She participated in a news conference convened by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to announce creation of their own debt commission and comment on the Republican Continuing Resolution to keep the federal government running.

"We are the conscience of the Congress and my conscience is bothering me today." Congresswoman Fudge reassured Americans that "If no one speaks for the least & the last of these...[Just know] we will."

Republicans have proposed a budget that will add $5 trillion to the deficit, and have not presented a serious plan for actually addressing the deficit. Worse than that, their plan would cut jobs instead of creating them.

An analysis by the Democratic staff of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee estimated Ohio stands to lose 2,500 jobs and $89.6 million dollars in lost improvements through GOP proposed cuts for roads, bridges, transit and rail projects.

Congresswoman Fudge commented that the "Republican CR (Continuing Resolution) gives thousands of Americans a pink slip in a time when this nation's citizens cannot afford another lay off or door closed in their faces."
