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Waterless/Dry/Nonwater Urinal

There are waterless toilets and waterless urinals, although waterless urinals are far more common.  Waterless urinals have no flush mechanism.  Liquid travels through a gel-filled cartridge which forms a seal to eliminate any odors.  Maintenance involves the replacement of the cartridge after a certain number of uses.  There are various types of waterless toilets including foam, incinerating and composting - all of which eliminate the need to flush drinkable water down the toilet.

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  • Building Systems Upgrades

    The following are Sustainable Strategies to consider as your space undergoes a building system upgrade to improve energy, water use and occupant comfort. Refer to the Share Section for a representative project Case Study to discover key practices, benefits, results and checklists.

  • Sustainable Building Operations and Maintenance Services

    Follow these sustainable strategies as your space renovations are complete and the building and interiors are operated in an environmentally sustainable manner. Operations staff should endeavor to establish best practices in energy efficiency, resource conservation, ecologically sensitive products, and other sustainable practices, and implement them.

  • Space Reconfiguration and Renovation Projects

    As needs change over time, tenants often need to convert space or phase the conversion of individual space or rooms to meet these changing needs.


  • Waterless

    Waterless urinals are touch-free fixtures that are designed to be entirely water-free. Instead of using water to clean the bowl, urine travels down specially-coated bowls and through specially-designed cartridges that ensure the fixture remains odor-free.
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