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Commercial Opportunities

U.S. Mission New Zealand:

To carry out its operations in New Zealand, the U.S. Embassy often procures supplies and services from local contractors and suppliers. The Embassy is interested in hearing from vendors of office supplies and furniture; suppliers of travel and accommodation services; external contractors; owners/agents of rental property; or persons seeking employment with the Embassy.

Current Commercial Opportunities:

The Embassy intends to award a purchase order contract (up to 3 years) for the following service:
“GIS Services for the U.S. Embassy in Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand.
To request a solicitation package, interested parties should send an email to:
Closing date for bids will be February 15, 2013.  

The Embassy intends to award a purchase order contract (up to 3 years) for the following service:

GIS Services for the U.S. Embassy in Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand.

To request a solicitation package, interested parties should send an email to:

Closing date for bids will be February 15, 2013.  


The Embassy intends to award a purchase order/contract for the following service:

Dedicated 24/7 uninterrupted data circuit between U.S. Embassy Wellington and U.S. Embassy Canberra.

Closing date for bids is February 22, 2013.

To request a solicitation package, interested parties should send an email to:


If you are already doing business with the Embassy and have a query about a payment, we can update you on the status.

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