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Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
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What's New?
Thawing 'Dry Ice' Drives Groovy Action on Mars - 01/24/2013
Researchers using NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter see seasonal changes on far-northern Martian sand dunes caused by warming of a winter blanket of frozen carbon dioxide. >>
Martian Crater May Once Have Held Groundwater-Fed Lake - 01/20/2013
A NASA spacecraft is providing new evidence of a wet underground environment on Mars that adds to an increasingly complex picture of the Red Planet's early evolution. >>
BLOG: Snapping a Picture of Curiosity's Landing - 01/22/2013
Taking a picture of Curiosity while it was on a hair-raising ride to the surface was no easy feat. Find out how they did it! >>
A Winter Wonderland on Mars - 12/21/2012
Fall and winter temperatures bring changes to Mars as the carbon dioxide atmosphere turns to dry ice frost that clings to the surface. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter used its powerful cameras and spectrometers to capture detailed pictures and measurements of wintry scenes of nature's beauty at work on the Red Planet. >>
Orbiter Spies Where Rover's Cruise Stage Hit Mars - 12/05/2012
Pictures from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show scars on the surface of the Red Planet where discarded pieces of the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft hit the ground. >>
New NASA Mars Rover to Launch in 2020 - 12/04/2012
Building on the success of Curiosity's Red Planet landing, NASA has announced plans for a robust multi-year Mars program, including a new robotic science rover set to launch in 2020. Read More >>Watch archived webcast >>
Recent Videos
Mars��� Whirling Dust Devil - 04/04/2012
Animation of a skinny "dust devil" on the dust-covered Amazonis Planitia region of northern Mars. >>
Storm Chaser on Mars - 03/20/2012
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Catches a Twister in Action. >>
Mars in a Minute: Is Mars Really Red? - 11/10/2011
The Red Planet -- or is it? This video answers one of the most frequently asked questions about our planetary neighbor. >>
Possible Water Flows on Mars - 08/04/2011
Mysterious features on slopes hint there could be water flows on Mars. >>
Mars Exposed - 09/24/2009
How meteorites uncovered a Martian secret. >>
Where is the Orbiter?
Where is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter?
View the simulated views and computer generated images of where Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now. >>

Mars Calendar 2013 - 2014
Eyes on the Solar System
"Eyes on the Solar System" is a 3-D environment full of real NASA mission data. Explore the cosmos, including Mars from your computer. Fly with NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. See the entire solar system moving in real time. It's up to you. You control space and time. >>
Mars Apps On Windows 8! - 11/26/2012
See the latest mission images of our spacecraft and those returned from the Red Planet and get the latest updates on Curiosity's Journey! NASA Be A Martian >>
Pop Culture Mars
Mars has remained in the human imagination, and not even the rise of science and technology has interrupted our wary fascination with this neighboring world. >>
Explore the Be A Martian Web site
NASA and Microsoft Corp. of Redmond, Wash., have collaborated to create a Web site where Internet users can have fun while advancing their knowledge of Mars. >>
Ask Dr. C
Have you ever wondered why Mars is red?
Or, how big is the Mars Science Laboratory rover? Ask Dr. C, your personal Mars expert! >>