Location: Building 620 (Admin. Room 118)

Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (expect Federal holidays and designated training holidays)

Phone: (912) 767-5265 or (912) 767-5267

Services: The ASAP Counseling Center provides outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation services for eligible active-duty personnel. ASAP Counseling Center provides evaluation, treatment, referral, individual and group counseling, command consultation and discharge planning for individuals identified with suspected substance abuse problems. Treatment is provided regardless of how the individual is identified for referral (self-referral, commander referral, police blotter, urine testing, medical referral, court referral, etc.). The program supports TRICARE, medical and mental health treatment providers, as well as other public and private agencies by accepting referrals for consultation, evaluation, and treatment.