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Can I tour Eielson AFB?

As visitors from all over the world flock to Alaska in search of solace, adventure and history, Eielson Air Force Base is doing its part to add to their experience, offering free-weekly tours of the installation.

Advance notice of one week is required to sign up for a base tour--with a list of the full names of guests. Foreigners will sign-up one-month out, per AFGSC coordination, and provide passport numbers and country of origin. 10-15 members needed per tour. Max is 20. Special considerations needed for children under 8.

Per Air Force Instruction 35-105:
Air Force and DOD assets belong to the American people and participation by Air Force people and display of Air Force equipment in public events furthers public understanding of the Air Force mission.

Since limitations of time and money make it impossible to grant all requests, public affairs will take all appropriate requests into equal consideration and recommend approval based on common factors that are in the best interests of the Air Force and taxpayer.

Tours will be conducted on a noninterference basis only. Public Affairs is required to ensure there is minimal interference with normal training or operational activities, determine if it is economically feasible, and make sure appropriate resources are available.

To make a tour request, please contact the Community Relations Chief at 723-6212 or email them by clicking HERE.

Base personnel can contact public affairs to volunteer as tour guides. For more information about the tour program, call public affairs at 377-2116.

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