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Didemnum vexillum - New England Coast Occurrences and Images

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First documented occurrence

Fort Island Narrows, Damariscotta River, Maine; July 19, 1993. Didemnum vexillum colony living at 12 m (40 ft; at high tide) on a substrate of shell hash and gravel. Collected by I. Svane, C. Young, and T. Miller. Identified by G. Lambert, January 2004.

First anecdotal occurrence

A colonial tunicate resembling D. vexillum has been observed on the dock pilings of the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, ME since 1988 (P. Yund, University of Maine) and since 1994 (R. Wahle, Bigelow Laboratories). Source: L. Harris.

A colonial tunicate resembling the species that was collected in Fort Island Narrows, Damariscotta River, Maine, in 1993 was observed there in 1988. source: T. Miller.


Location Information

Location data

New England and Atlantic Canada regional map
New England and Atlantic Canada, inset map A
New England and Atlantic Canada, inset map B
New England and Atlantic Canada, inset map C
New England and Atlantic Canada, inset map D

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