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Customer Feedback for the Spectrum Dashboard

April 14th, 2010 by James Brown - Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

Last week, a customer feedback questionnaire was added to the Spectrum Dashboard.  The questionnaire should take a couple of minutes to complete and will help determine how the Spectrum Dashboard is being used, and how to shape future enhancements. 

After feedback from the questionnaire is collected and analyzed, a workshop will be held to discuss the feedback received, listen to public views on desired upgrades, and discuss ways to expand and improve the information and analyses contained in the Spectrum Dashboard.  The workshop will be announced in a Public Notice as well as through a blog.

To access the questionnaire, click on the “Give us your opinion” link located at the top right corner of any of the Spectrum Dashboard searches (Browse Spectrum Maps, Browse Using a Map, Search by Name, and Search by FCC License Categories).

We look forward to hearing from you.

One Response to “Customer Feedback for the Spectrum Dashboard”

  1. T Heller says:

    Hi -

    I'm just finding out about this resource, which I think can be very helpful for all.

    But I do have one question:

    Will the feedback be posted as a weblog that all visitors can read and even reply to?

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