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Cyber Security

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Top 75 Contributor
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Liz Craig posted on Tue, Nov 15 2011 7:40 AM

NICIC is looking for curricula or training modules/handouts and agency policies around social networking from the point of view of those incarcerated or on supervision, as well as staff. Please let me/us know if you have any information you can share. Inquiring agencies and their training directors want to know!

Thanks, Liz

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Top 200 Contributor
Level 2 MVP
Points 427

I am not usually this blunt but social networking? Really? Someone has bumped their head. Heck just give then there cell phones back, you will get the same outcome, and this go's for staff at work also unless their conducting back ground checks.

Somewhere down the line "Criminal Justice" seems to have lost its meaning.


Hey C.O., can I start a FB page to tell everyone how much FB has helped in my rehabilitation, lol.




MCO T. Abner, Audit Coord., Policy R&D, Emergecy Managment Coord., D.A.I., Red Cross Instructor, Stress Management, Conflict Resolution, Fire Safety Officer, Firearms Instructor, CERT Officer, F.T.O.,etc.

Top 75 Contributor
Level 3 MVP
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Thanks for your bluntness! Some of the inquiries refer to offenders who are in the community rather than in institutions as such.

I thought you (and others) might find this piece interesting, more from the perspective of officers using social networking sites:

Top 150 Contributor
Level 2 MVP
Points 478
Have to agree with Liz here. A person coming out of prison today without a fundamental understanding of how to use the Internet and all of it many communication tools, such as Social Networking is going to be totally lost. We are completing an Internet simulator that is closed from the outside world, but that does actually update Internet content daily. Communication with anyone outside is impossible, however people incarcerated will understand how to use this important tool when they are released. Many companies do not even accept job applications except via the Internet. I do understand the very legitimate concern with using the open Internet for incarcerated individuals, hence the reason for the development of an Internet Simulator.

Dave Koch (614) 929-3565

Top 100 Contributor
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Points 528

Dave, can you send me information about teh "Internet simulator".  Is this something you developed or is it an available program




Top 150 Contributor
Level 2 MVP
Points 478
Hi Kila I was the founder, President & CEO of Fiber Network Solutions, Inc., which was one of the companies that built the infrastructure of the Internet (circa 1995) until I sold the company in 2003. The Internet Simulator is being developed by one of the companies operating under the umbrella of Self Reinvention Corp. - It is a rather sophisticated project and is only now in Alpha phase. Consequently, there is no release available at this juncture. I would estimate release in roughly twelve months. Dave

Dave Koch (614) 929-3565

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Points 5

What kind of issues will be centering around?

Top 100 Contributor
Level 3 MVP
Points 528

Hi Dave,

I looked at your site and was very impressed.  I work with the juvenile correctional system and your ideas and book really hit home.  I am interested in following your progress in the development of the simulator, but also interested in the whole concept you have in assisting felons who leave lock-up.  The real world is pretty stark in this position.  Please email me as I am interested in talking to you about your ideas, possibly speaking in our facilities and your possible membership in our National PREA Resource workgroup, whose endever is keeping inmates/offenders safe in prison.  One way to motivate offenders is give them hope.  This would give us less victims and perpetrators in our correctional facilities and give our offenders reason to work towards a better future and not mess it up while incarcerated.  Does this make any sense to you?



Not Ranked
Points 32

Our experience with the modules and training programs we have used in Florida in and around social networking has been very poor.

Dave - I had read The Sextant online newsletter a while ago but for some reason it is not coming up anymore. IS the website been taken fline for some reason.


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