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Spanish for Corrections Staff

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Top 500 Contributor
Level 1 MVP
Points 274
Matt Luitjens Posted: Mon, Jan 17 2011 7:59 AM
Does anyone have any training information on Spanish for Corrections Staff? Thank you.
Matt Luitjens
Training Officer
Scott County Jail
Not Ranked
Points 5
Hello, My name is Gaspar Mendez, I work for Ingham County Sheriff's Office in Mason Michigan. I have 17 years law enforcement experience. I have worked in Corrections and am currently assigned to our training division. I am a corrections training coordinator. I also run my own training consultant business. I teach courses on Latin Culture and Language. I speak, read and write Spanish fluently. The course is designed for Law Enforcement and Corrections personnel. I have other courses that have been endorsed by Homeland Security and MCOLES. Please feel free to contact me by email: or tx. (517) 676-8355 Thanks Gaspar Mendez
Top 75 Contributor
Level 3 MVP
Points 631

There is an on-line course called Spanish on Patrol that has a correctioins module.  Also, there is a "Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel," published by BAJA Books, Box 4151, Santa Barbara, CA 93140.  Lastly, there are "Command Spanish"  in class for corrections also.

Deanna Axland
Top 500 Contributor
Level 1 MVP
Points 274
Thank you!
Matt Luitjens
Training Officer
Scott County Jail
Not Ranked
Points 5
Matt-- I just returned from Scott City where I gave a 2 1/2 day course for SW Kansas law enforcement officers--and I'd love to come back for another class (especially in a little warmer weather, to enjoy Scott Lake Park). Command Spanish(r) is the oldest and most widely recognized company providing Spanish for all aspects of the criminal justice system. We have a similar course for corrections staff, based either on one of our two manuals: Survival Spanish for Correctional Staff and Survival Spanish for Jail Facilities--or we have a "combo course" where each student receives the appropriate manual but in-class instruction is based on phrases common to both areas. You can also purchase either manual for independent study at:
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