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Coats Supports Payroll Tax Cut, Jobs Bill

Bill Temporarily Extends Payroll Tax Break, Requires President to Act on Job Creating Keystone Pipeline Project

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today voted in favor of legislation to extend temporary tax relief to working Americans and facilitate the creation of thousands of new jobs through the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

“As a result of the president’s failed economic policies, unemployment remains high and hardworking Americans continue to struggle to make ends meet. This bill provides temporary tax relief for Hoosier workers, reforms the unemployment insurance program, protects doctors from devastating Medicare cuts and helps our job creators grow and hire.

“The legislation also takes us one step forward to making the Keystone XL pipeline project a reality, which would create thousands of good-paying American jobs and help reduce our dependence on Middle East oil. If job creation is the president’s top priority, then he should allow construction of the Keystone pipeline immediately. ”

The year-end legislation extends the temporary Social Security payroll tax cut for two months, renews unemployment insurance benefits for those who have been unemployed for more than half a year and preserves current Medicare reimbursement rates for physicians.

The bill passed the Senate 89 to 10.

