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DAU Courses
ACQ 201A Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A
(Last Modified:18-Dec-2012)



Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A, uses computer-based training to prepare mid-level acquisition professionals to work in integrated product teams by providing an overview of systems acquisition principles and processes. Both ACQ 201A and ACQ 201B are required for DAWIA certification.
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Target Attendees
ACQ 201A is for military officers, O-3 and above; civilians, GS-9 and above; and industry counterparts who are Level I certified in acquisition (or have met the industry equivalent). Professionals should have 2 to 4 years of acquisition or functionally related experience.
ACQ 101, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
ACQ 201 Intermediate Systems Acquisition JHA INDEF
Course Length
You have 60 calendar days to complete this course
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Distance Learning
Equivalent Courses YES
ACE Recommended Credits YES
Additional Public Information YES
Continuing Education Units   2.5
Continuous Learning Points  25
Reservist Retirement Points  6
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Technical requirements for this course.
  • There are six exams (one at the end of each major section that you must pass with 100%
  • ACQ 201A and ACQ 201B are both required for Level III Contracting personnel who are assigned to an ACAT I program or who devote at least 50 percent of their time to an ACAT I program. Level II Contracting personnel should take ACQ 201A and ACQ 201B within 1 year of assignment to an ACAT I program.
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