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2010-2013 Cetacean Unusual Mortality Event in Northern Gulf of Mexico


Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (as amended), an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) has been declared for dolphins and whales (cetaceans) in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas/ Louisiana border through Franklin County, FL) from February 2010 through the present.

These numbers are preliminary and may be subject to change. As of February 10, 2013, the UME involves 858 Cetacean "strandings" in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (5% stranded alive and 95% stranded dead). Of these:

Cetaceans StrandedPhase of Oil Spill ResponseDates
114 cetaceans strandedprior to the response phase for the oil spillFebruary 1, 2010- April 29, 2010
122 cetaceans stranded or were reported dead offshoreduring the initial response phase to the oil spillApril 30, 2010- November 2, 2010
622 cetaceans stranded*after the initial response phase endedNovember 3, 2010- February 10, 2013**

*This number includes 6 dolphins that were killed incidental to fish related scientific data collection and 1 dolphin killed incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project.

**The initial response phase ended for all four states on November 2, 2010. Response re-opened for eastern and central Louisiana on December 3, 2010 and closed again on May 25, 2011.

Brucella fact sheet

Brucella bacteria

In addition to investigating all other potential causes, scientists are investigating what role Brucella may have in the Unusual Mortality Event.

Since our original finding of Brucella in 5 stranded dolphins from Louisiana, scientists have been concentrating testing on cases that show pathological changes consistent with the fetal pneumonia or adult meningitis identified in the first 5 cases. Here are our results showing the total number of Brucella cases identified so far. We update these numbers as new results are available.


FAQs on the investigations of the ongoing dolphin die-off and the potential impacts of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill on marine mammals are available.


By month/year: All stranded cetaceans (dolphins and whales) from Franklin County, FL to the Texas/ Louisiana border.
NOTES:Historical data excludes 2 previous UMEs in the panhandle of Florida (March-April, 2004 and Sept. 2005-April 2006). Historical data from 2008 through present are unvalidated and numbers may be subject to change as more information becomes available. Current UME Data are considered preliminary and may be subject to change as more information becomes available. They include any strandings reported on or before February 10, 2013 as well as 6 cases that were incidental scientific data collection takes and 1 take incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project. Raw historical data are also available for download.

Average (2002-2009)6.66.917.911.
2010 Total5116241403010191761113
2011 Total256272392023173016261913
2012 Total252446171199510131614
2013 (through February 10)2310          


By state: All stranded cetaceans (dolphins and whales) from Franklin County, FL to the Texas/Louisiana border.

NOTES: Historical data excludes 2 previous UMEs in the panhandle of Florida (March-April, 2004 and Sept. 2005-April 2006). Historical data from 2008 through present are unvalidated and numbers may be subject to change as more information becomes available. Current UME Data are considered preliminary and may be subject to change as more information becomes available. They include any strandings reported on or before February 10, 2013 as well as 6 cases that were incidental scientific data collection takes and 1 take incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project. Raw historical data are also available for download.

Average (2002-2009) 20142020
2010 (Feb-Dec)332564138
2011 Total3359111159
2012 Total28314991
2013 (through February 10)321216


Number of strandings per state or region from Feb. 2010 through 2012.
The red line represents the number of cetacean strandings in each region over time. The green line represents the reported number of Stillborn, premature, or neonate stranded bottlenose dolphins (actual or estimated whole carcass lengths less than 115 cm) in each region over time (Feb. 2010 – 2012) The blue line represents the historical average per month calculated from 2002 – 2009 stranding data.
NOTES: Historical data excludes 2 previous UMEs in the panhandle of Florida (March-April, 2004 and Sept. 2005-April 2006). Historical data from 2008 through present are unvalidated and numbers may be subject to change as more information becomes available. Current UME Data are considered preliminary and may be subject to change as more information becomes available. They include any strandings reported on or before January 20, 2013 as well as 6 cases that were incidental scientific data collection takes and 1 take incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project.  Raw historical data for 2002-2009 are also available for download.


All stranded bottlenose dolphins from Franklin County, FL to the Texas/ Louisiana border by month.
NOTES: Historical data excludes 2 previous UMEs in the panhandle of Florida (March-April, 2004 and Sept. 2005-April 2006). Historical data from 2008 through present are unvalidated and numbers may be subject to change as more information becomes available. Current UME Data are considered preliminary and may be subject to change as more information becomes available. They include any strandings reported on or before February 10, 2013 as well as 6 cases that were incidental scientific data collection takes and 1 take incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project. Raw historical data are also available.

Average (2002-2009)5.46.616.610.
2010 Total3954383820919136712
2011 Total245867361821172511241814
2012 Total201838158673681213
2013 (through February 10)206          


Stranded bottlenose dolphins from Franklin County, FL to the Texas/ Louisiana border with reported actual or estimated whole carcass lengths less than 115 cm (partial carcasses excluded). Bottlenose dolphins <115 cm in total length are either premature, stillborn, or neonatal.
NOTES: Historical data excludes 2 previous UMEs in the panhandle of Florida (March-April, 2004 and Sept. 2005-April 2006). Historical data from 2008 through present are unvalidated and numbers may be subject to change as more information becomes available. Current UME Data are considered preliminary and may be subject to change as more information becomes available. They include any strandings reported on or before February 10, 2013 as well as 6 cases that were incidental scientific data collection takes and 1 take incidental to trawl relocation for a dredging project. Raw historical data are also available.

Average (2002-2009)
2010 Total0111941010002
2011 Total634271222000001
2012 Total8810200000002
2013 (through February 10)93          

2013 Map

January 1-February 10, 2013
Map of Cetacean (Dolphin and Whale) Strandings in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Bottlenose dolphins are shown as circles and other species as squares. Bottlenose dolphins with reported actual or estimated lengths of less than 115 cm are shown as a circle with a black dot inside. Pink markers show the most recent week of data while green markers are all other cases since January 1, 2013.

2012 Map

January 1-December 31, 2012
Map of Cetacean (Dolphin and Whale) Strandings in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

map of 2012 northern gulf of mexico strandings

Bottlenose dolphins are shown as circles and other species as squares. Bottlenose dolphins with reported actual or estimated lengths of less than 115 cm are shown as a circle with a black dot inside. Pink markers show the most recent week of data while green markers are all other cases since January 1, 2012.

2011 Map

January 1-December 31, 2011
Map of Cetacean (Dolphin and Whale) Strandings in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

map of 2011 northern gulf of mexico strandings

Bottlenose dolphins are shown as circles and other species as squares. Bottlenose dolphins with reported actual or estimated lengths of less than 115 cm are shown as a circle with a black dot inside.

2010 Map

February 1-December 31, 2010
Map of Cetacean (Dolphin and Whale) Strandings in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

map of 2010 northern gulf of mexico strandings

Bottlenose dolphins are shown as circles and other species as squares. Bottlenose dolphins with reported actual or estimated lengths of less than 115 cm are shown as a circle with a black dot inside.

More Information

Updated: February 14, 2013