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Migration of Multiradionuclides in Sandy Soil Layer at Different Acidityes.

The migration characteristics of multinuclides in a sandy soil layer were examined with an aerated soil layer mode apparatus under acidic, neutral and alkaline inflow conditions. The effluent ratios of each radionuclide were small under acidic and neutral...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Scanning study of the optical parameters of sandy soddy-steppe soil samples from the southern Ukraine

It was shown that an office scanner can be used for the acquisition of digital images of soil samples and their analysis using the RGB color system. The content and optical density of the humic acids were the main factors determining the color intensity of sandy soils. With all the other factors being constant, the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Use of Fly Ash as a Liming Material for Corn and Soybean Production on an Acidic Sandy Soil

Fly ash (FA) produced from subbituminous coal combustion can potentially serve as a lime material for crop production in acidic soils in areas. A five-year study was conducted to determine if FA can be used as a liming material in an acid sandy soil under corn and soybean grain production. ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Organic amendment effects on the transformation and fractionation of aluminum in acidic sandy soil

This study was attempted to evaluate the transformation of aluminum (Al) in an acidic sandy soil amended with composts (yard waste, yard + municipal waste, GreenEdge®, and synthetic humic acid), based on soil Al fractionation by single and sequential extraction. The compost amendment ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Soil and Water ScienceSoil and Water Science Research BriefResearch BriefResearch BriefResearch Brief

is well known to be a major retention mechanism for N2H5 + on humic acids under acid conditions. Acidic+ and H+ cations applied in acidic solutions to columns of Ca2+ /H+ - saturated sandy soil during steadySoil and Water ...

E-print Network

Soil as a Medium for the Renovation of Acid Mine Drainage Water: Part II. Soil Physical and Chemical Changes.

Acid coal mine water was applied to a Linden sandy loam soil at various levels. The soil data indicated that the main reactions between the applied water and the soil occurred in the upper part of the soil profile. The cation exchange capacity of the ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Influence of humic acid on migration of (sup 60)Co, (sup 85)Sr and (sup 137)Cs in coastal sandy soil.

Sorption and migration experiments were performed by both batch and column methods, to study influence of humic acid complexing on the mobility of (sup 60)Co, (sup 85)Sr and (sup 137)Cs in a coastal sandy soil. The study focuses on a correlation between m...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Genesis of Bisequal Soils on Acidic Drift in the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA J. G. Bockheim*

-cup soil-water sam- plers (model 1900, Soilmoisture Equipment Corp., Santa Bar- bara, CA)1 were installed, including fine sandy loam (interpreted as till or Table 1. Site characteristics and classification a thicker deposit of acidic till, into in the 2Btx horizon ranged from a few, thin porewith a sandy loam

E-print Network

Uranium partitioning under acidic conditions in a sandy soil aquifer.

The partitioning of uranium in an aquifer down gradient of two large mixed waste sites was examined with respect to the solution and soil chemistry (e.g., pH redox potential and contaminant concentration) and aqueous-phase chemical speciation. This involv...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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