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Pagina de acceso a la base de datos de S'COOL

30 Mar 2011 ... Pagina de acceso a la base de datos de S'COOL. Por favor, elige una de las siguientes opciones. Ambos enlaces te llevaran a una pagina donde ...

NASA Website

CDC - Influenza de temporada (gripe) | Cuidar a una persona enferma...

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de datos de EBSCOhost suscritas por la BUC (Academic Search Premier, ATLA Religion Database. HERRAMIENTAS / OTRAS OPCIONES Si se va a utilizar la plataforma de EBSCOhost con frecuencia es conveniente seleccionar esta opci�n para crear una cuenta personal de EBSCOhost. Crear una cuenta permite dispo- ner de

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las bases de datos de EBSCOhost suscritas por la BUC (Academic Search Premier, ATLA Religion Database. HERRAMIENTAS / OTRAS OPCIONES Si se va a utilizar la plataforma de EBSCOhost con frecuencia es conveniente seleccionar esta opci�n para crear una cuenta personal de EBSCOhost. Crear una cuenta permite dispo- ner de

E-print Network

Biblioteca Complutense. Febrero de 2008. 1 ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER

interfaz permite consultar individual o simult�neamente cualquiera de las bases de datos de EBSCOhost. HERRAMIENTAS / OTRAS OPCIONES Si se va a utilizar la plataforma de EBSCOhost con frecuencia es conveniente seleccionar esta opci�n para crear una cuenta personal de EBSCOhost. Crear una cuenta permite dispo- ner de

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Informe Sobre La Misi?n Del Trasbordador Discovery STS-131-22 - NASA

15 Abr 2010 ... El equipo continua buscando una soluci?n al problema de la v?lvula atascada y considerando opciones para el futuro remplazo del ensamblaje ...

NASA Website

Planificación del cuidado de transición (PDQ®)

Este sumario para pacientes sobre la planificación del cuidado de transición es una adaptación del sumario escrito por expertos en cáncer para los profesionales de la salud. Esta y otra información fidedigna sobre el tratamiento del cáncer, exámenes de detección, prevención, apoyo terapéutico y ensayos clínicos en marcha están disponibles en el Instituto Nacional ...

Level 1 PSA of an ABWR Plant With Digital Protection Systems in Japan

The purpose of this paper is to provide the quantitative evaluation method with regard to the Digital Protection systems (DPSs) that were newly adopted in the ABWR plants and to show the results of level-1 PSA of the ABWR plants. (authors)

Energy Citations Database

[Principles and technique of Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) in the treatment of uterine fibroids].

Los miomas uterinos constituyen una fuente de morbilidad para mujeres en edad reproductiva, lo que puede resultar en s�ntomas que afectan la calidad de vida. El tratamiento definitivo ha sido tradicionalmente la miomectom�a, sin embargo, un n�mero creciente de mujeres busca las opciones para procedimientos no invasivos en el caso de esta enfermedad ...


ABWR-II Core Design with Spectral Shift Rods for Operation with All Control Rods Withdrawn

An innovative reactor core concept applying spectral shift rods (SSRs) is proposed to improve the plant economy and the operability of the 1700 MWe ABWR-II reactor. The SSR is a new type of water rod, in which a water level is naturally developed during operation and changed according to the coolant flow rate through the channel. By taking advantage of the largeness of the ...

Energy Citations Database

ABWR (advanced boiling water reactor) Design Verification Program

The ABWR Design Verification Program is aimed at restoring confidence in the US licensing process by demonstrating its workability by obtaining USNRC preapproval of GE's ABWR Standard Plant. The purpose of this work is to achieve full NRC approval of the ABWR through the award of an NRC Staff final design approval (FDA) and ...

DOE Information Bridge

Primary System and Components Design of ABWR-II

The Advanced Boiling Water Reactor-II (ABWR-II) is under development, based on the technologies and experiences of ABWR, to further improve the performance and economy. There are new systems and components developed or under development to incorporate into the primary system of ABWR-II. This paper introduces the primary system and ...

Energy Citations Database

ABWR (Advanced Boiling Water Reactor) Plant Model for Power-System Operation.

This report describes a plant model of the advanced BWR (ABWR) plant. The model has been jointly developed by CRIEPI and General Electric Company (GE). This model is designed for combining it with the CRIEPI power system dynamics analysis program and for ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

[Physician's professional retirement. Family dynamics.

El ser humano tiene una resistencia natural a pensar en la vejez, tanto en lo personal como en lo profesional. Los gobiernos han dirigido sus esfuerzos con �xito a prolongar el tiempo de vida de la poblaci�n, situaci�n que ya constituye un problema social y econ�mico. �Viejo es una persona con limitaciones f�sicas, intelectuales y emocionales, ...


Development of Innovative Construction Technologies for ABWRs

This paper describes an effort by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to shorten the construction time in a drastic manner for the Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR), thereby aiming at reducing construction costs. First an outline of the actual construction records for the five BWR Units and the two ABWR Units at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa site is ...

Energy Citations Database

ABWR-II Core Design with Spectral Shift Rods for Operation with All Control Rods Withdrawn

An innovative reactor core concept applying spectral shift rods (SSRs) is proposed to improve the plant economy and the operability of the 1700-MW(electric) Advanced Boiling Water Reactor II (ABWR-II). The SSR is a new type of water rod in which a water level is naturally developed during operation and changed according to the coolant flow rate through the channel. By taking ...

Energy Citations Database

Disfunción Eréctil - Sus opciones: MedlinePlus tutorial interactivo...

Compartir Skip to Content Disfunción Eréctil - Sus opciones Empezar Programa Interactivo de X-Plain Empezar Programa Interactivo de X-Plain Empezar el Programa de X-Plain... Websites

CDC - Influenza de temporada (gripe) - Opciones para controlar...

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CDC - Influenza de temporada (gripe) - Opciones para controlar...

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36. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional?

Revisi�n General de la Norma Final Provisional de Registro Implementando la Ley de Bioterrorismo - Slide 36. ... 36. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional? ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

35. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional?

Revisi�n General de la Norma Final Provisional de Registro Implementando la Ley de Bioterrorismo - Slide 35. ... 35. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional? ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

34. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional?

Revisi�n General de la Norma Final Provisional de Registro Implementando la Ley de Bioterrorismo - Slide 34. ... 34. �Qu� Informaci�n es Opcional? ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

Advanced boiling water reactor safety analysis for MOX fuel

General Electric Company`s (GE`s) Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) has been approved for operation in Japan, and the final design approval (FDA) by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is scheduled for mid-1994. One possible utilization of the ABWR would be to operate with mixed oxide (MOX) fuel with the plutonium made available from the U.S. ...

Energy Citations Database


The current Army Boiling-Water Reactor program is reviewed. Plant design, core analysis, reactor theory development, and health physics studies are discussed for the Portable Low-Power Plants (PL-1 and PL-2). Plans for installing a PL-2 plant in a snow tunnel at Byrd Station in Antarctica are described. (B.O.G.)

Energy Citations Database

10 CFR Appendix A to Part 52 - Design Certification Rule for the U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
2011-01-01 the applicant's exemptions and departures...and updates to the plant-specific DCD required...Include, in the plant-specific DCD, the...referenced in the U.S. ABWR DCD. B...document for the U.S. ABWR, dated December 1994, for plants referencing this...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2011

Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

En esta investigacion, se desarrollo un instrumento que permite medir percepciones relacionadas al contexto de constriccion del conocimiento cientifico. Se examinaron instrumentos existentes y se encontro que el VOSTS (Views on science, technology, and society), instrumento desarrollado empiricamente en Canada por Aikenhead, Ryan y Fleming, podia traducirse y validarse en el contexto cultural ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The status of ABWR-II development

This paper reports on the current development status of the ABWR-II project, a next generation reactor design based on the ABWR. In the early 90's, a program to develop the next generation reactor for the 21. century was launched, at a time when the first ABWR was still under construction. At the initial stage of this project, ...

Energy Citations Database

Modeling and Simulation of the ABWR with Transient Analyses for Validation of RETRAN-3D/MOD003

Two advanced boiling water reactors (ABWRs) whose electric output power is 1356 MW have been commercially operated since 1996 and 1997 by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in Japan. Features of an ABWR are reactor internal pumps (RIPs) placed in the lower plenum and downcomer, peripherally bottom-mounted on the reactor pressure vessel - which should ...

Energy Citations Database

Development of 1000 MWe Advanced Boiling Water Reactor

1000 MWe Advanced Boiling Water Reactor has only two main steam lines and six reactor internal pumps, whereas 1350 MWe ABWR has four main steam lines and ten reactor internal pumps. In order to confirm how the differences affect hydrodynamic conditions in the dome and lower plenum of the reactor pressure vessel, fluid analyses have been performed. The results indicate that ...

Energy Citations Database

Breakfast of champions or kiss of death? Survival and sexual performance of protein-fed, sterile Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is increasingly being used around the world to control Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), the Mediterranean fruit fly as part of an area-wide integrated approach. One option that may improve the effectiveness of the SIT, by increasing the sexual competitiveness of released sterile males, consists of feeding males protein during the ...

Energy Citations Database

Study on Application of Seismic Isolation System to ABWR-II Building

This paper reports the result of a study that evaluated the applicability of the seismic isolation system to nuclear power plants. The study focuses on possibilities of a standard design with improved seismic safety of building and equipment for ABWR-II. A base isolation system with laminated lead rubber bearing was applied in the study. Based on the structural design of ...

Energy Citations Database

John E. Parsons & Yangbo Du February 3, 2009

-2019 3,787 [5] Southern Plant Vogtle 2 units AP1000 2,200 2016-2017 4,745 [6] NRG South Texas 3 & 4 ABWR

E-print Network

February 2008 Public Utility Research Center

(GE ABWR, ABB-CE SYSTEM 80+, Westinghouse AP600, Westinghouse AP1000) � 3 designs pending approval (GE in Japan & under construction in Taiwan � Westinghouse (600 & 1100 MWe Two-Loop PWR) � Advanced Passive (AP

E-print Network

Correlation Analysis of JNES Seismic Wall Pressure Data for ABWR Model Structures.

To investigate the applicability of existing seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) computer codes to deeply embedded and/or buried (DEB) structures, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) performed a correlation analysis. The correlation analysis was per...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Application of the DG-1199 Methodology to the ESBWR and ABWR.

Appendix A-5 of Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1199 'Alternative Radiological Source Term for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors' provides guidance - applicable to RADTRAD MSIV leakage models - for scaling containment aerosol concentra...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Probabilistic based design rules for intersystem LOCAS in ABWR piping

A methodology has been developed for probability-based standards for low-pressure piping systems that are attached to the reactor coolant loops of advanced light water reactors (ALWRs) which could experience reactor coolant loop temperatures and pressures because of multiple isolation valve failures. This accident condition is called an intersystem loss-of-coolant accident (ISLOCA). The ...

DOE Information Bridge

Prego inviare commenti a Fortunato Vettraino (autore, e (ENEA TB co-ordinator) 1

dichiarato da costruttori USA (2008) per gli impianti AP1000 (Westinghouse), ABWR e ESBWR (GE-Hitachi) � dell Reactor) di Areva, AP1000 (Advanced Pressurized) di Westinghouse, ESBWR (General Electric) e IRIS del: 3000 $/kWe; GE-Hitachi ESBWR: 3000 $/kWe; GE-Hitachi ABWR: 3000 $/kWe. I costi dichiarati dalle

E-print Network

Kernekraft og Nuklear sikkerhed 2006 Redigeret af B. Lauritzen og P.L. �lgaard

enheder) eller GE's ABWR (5 enheder), mens enkelte enheder er baseret p� General Electric's ESBWR og Areva ESBWR designet, mens Areva ventes at indsende en ans�gning om godkendelse af US EPR-enheden i de- cember angiver en konstruktionspris p� 1850 USD/kWe for ABWR enheden og 1600 USD/kWe for ESBWR. Der foreligger

E-print Network

Digital Instrumentation and Control Failure Events Derivation and Analysis by Frame-Based Technique

A frame-based technique, including physical frame, logical frame, and cognitive frame, was adopted to perform digital I and C failure events derivation and analysis for generic ABWR. The physical frame was structured with a modified PCTran-ABWR plant simulation code, which was extended and enhanced on the feedwater system, recirculation system, and steam ...

Energy Citations Database

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Basic philosophy of the safety design of the Toshiba boiling water reactor

This paper discusses the safety design of the Toshiba Boiling Water Reactor (TOSBWR) which was created {approx}8 years ago. The design concept is intermediate between conventional boiling water reactors (BWRs) and the advanced BWR (ABWR). It utilizes internal pumps and fine motion control rod drive, but the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) configuration is different from ...

Energy Citations Database

Advance plant severe accident/thermal hydraulic issues for ACRS

The ACRS has been reviewing various advance plant designs for certification. The most active reviews have been for the ABWR, AP600, and System 80+. We have completed the reviews for ABWR and System 80+ and are presently concentrating on AP600. The ACRS gave essentially unqualified certification approval for the two completed reviews, yet,,during the ...

Energy Citations Database

Genetic Variation in Neonate Behavior of Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

... estrella en las pruebas de opciones realizadas en platos petri. Sin embargo, bioensayos de la planta entera ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure


El Pa?s Digital S?bado 30 agosto 1997 - N? 484. ?ndice � Buscador � Men? de opciones � Argentaria Reuters. SOCIEDAD Cabecera ...

NASA Website

Dengue: Vector Biology, Transmission and Control Options in ...

... Title : Dengue: Vector Biology, Transmission and Control Options in Mexico (El Dengue: Binomia Del Vector, Transmision y Opciones Para su ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The Cytopathic Effect of the Una Virus on a VNK-21 Culture (O ...

... Title : The Cytopathic Effect of the Una Virus on a VNK-21 Culture (O Tsitopaticheskom Deistvii Virusa Una na Kulturu VNK-21),. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Tailoring auditory training to patient needs with single and multiple talkers: Transfer-appropriate gains on a four-choice discrimination test.

Abstract Objective: Our long-term objective is to develop an auditory training program that will enhance speech recognition in those situations where patients most want improvement. As a first step, the current investigation trained participants using either a single talker or multiple talkers to determine if auditory training leads to transfer-appropriate gains. Design: The experiment implemented ...


Hypostomus unae

ANIMALIA CHORDATA ACTINOPTERYGII SILURIFORMES LORICARIIDAE (Steindachner, 1878) Plecostomus unae Steindachner, 1878 Taxonomic uncertainty. Least Concern ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Stability Estimation of ABWR on the Basis of Noise Analysis

In order to investigate the stability of a nuclear reactor core with an oxide mixture of uranium and plutonium (MOX) fuel installed, channel stability and regional stability tests were conducted with the SIRIUS-F facility. The SIRIUS-F facility was designed and constructed to provide a highly accurate simulation of thermal-hydraulic (channel) instabilities and coupled thermalhydraulics-neutronics ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Development of an Inertia-Increased ABWR Internal Pump

It is possible to simplify the reactor internal pump power supply system in the ABWR without affecting the core flow supply when a trip of all RIPs event occurs by eliminating the motor-generator sets and increasing the rotating inertia of the RIPs. This inertia increase due to an additional flywheel, which leads to a gain in weight and length, requires a larger diameter ...

Energy Citations Database

MELCOR 1.8.2 calculations of selected sequences for the ABWR

This report summarizes the results from MELCOR calculations of severe accident sequences in the ABWR and presents comparisons with MAAP calculations for the same sequences. MELCOR was run for two low-pressure and three high-pressure sequences to identify the materials which enter containment and are available for release to the environment (source terms), to study the ...

DOE Information Bridge

UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PISA Facolt� di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali

aria/acqua. Infatti, possiamo immaginare che una molecola in soluzione risenta di una forza attrattiva della soluzione. All interfaccia con l aria, una molecola risente di una forza totale non pi� nulla, ma creerebbero se ogni molecola dovesse occupare una sua cavit�. Inoltre, poich� le ...

E-print Network

Vehiculos de Combustible Flexible: Brindando Opciones en Combustible Renovable (Flexible Fuel Vehicles: Providing a Renewable Fuel Choice) (Fact Sheet)

The fact sheet discusses how E85 affects vehicle performance, the costs and benefits of using E85, and how to find E85 station locations.

Energy Citations Database

CDC en Español - Los CDC al servicio de todos - Comunicados...

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CDC en Español - Etapas de la vida - Tercera edad

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CDC en Español - Especiales CDC - Hágase la prueba el 27 de...

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CDC - Página principal del cáncer de mama (seno)

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CDC - Pertussis: Hoja informativa para niños

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CDC - Información básica sobre el cáncer colorrectal

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CDC - Enlaces relacionados con el cáncer colorrectal

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CDC - Directrices de detección del cáncer colorrectal

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CDC - Detección del cáncer de piel

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CDC - Detección de cáncer colorrectal

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CDC - Datos breves sobre el cáncer colorrectal

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CDC - Cánceres hematológicos

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CDC - Cáncer colorrectal (Colon)

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