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[Concerning a chapter of "Ephodia": abortion and Greek physicians].

In reference to the presence of a list of abortifacients in a Greek manual of therapeutics or Arab origins (the Ephodia), the author reexamines the Oath of Hippocrates and its statement on abortion and abortifacients in the Hippocratic tradition as they were employed in Greek, Roman, Arab, and Byzantine cultures. PMID:17243320


Automatically Created Concept Graphs using Descriptive Keywords in the Medical Domain

(1) abortifacient agents (43) prostaglandins (35) prostaglandins, synthetic (36) misoprostol (2 synthetic analog of natu- ral prostaglandin. Finally, the relationship between ,,misoprostol to the application in abortions: misoprostol is approved as an abortifacient in many countries, whereas (as stated

E-print Network

Reproductive health services in rural Washington State: scope of practice and provision of medical abortions, 1996-1997.

OBJECTIVES: This study explored reproductive health care in rural Washington State, reasons given by providers for not offering abortions, and providers' willingness to use medical abortifacients. METHODS: Physicians, midwives, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in rural Washington completed an inventory of reproductive health services that they provide, whether and ...

PubMed Central

Conscientious objection and abortifacient drugs.

The legal right to assert a conscientious objection is reviewed, using as an example the dispensing of abortifacient drugs by pharmacists. The three areas of law that most significantly concern the right to assert a conscientious refusal are employment law, conscience clauses, and religious discrimination law. Each of these is reviewed, with descriptions of recent cases. It is ...


Evaluation of Monomethyl Formamide, Dimethyl Formamide and Dimethyl Acetamide for Possible Teratogenic and/or Abortificient Properties, with Cover Letter dated 09/29/1995 (Sanitized).

Dr. J. B. Thrersch in personal communication (1) indicated his animal research has reported dimethyl acetamide to be an effective abortifacient agent; monomethyl formamide to be a potent teratogenic agent without abortifacient properties; and dimethyl for...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Antifertility activity of Ailanthus excelsa Linn. in female albino rats.

Alcoholic extract of leaf and stem bark of A. excelsa at a dose of 250 mg equivalent of plant material/kg body weight, exhibited remarkably high anti-implantation and early abortifacient activities. The results are in agreement with the traditional use of this plant as a abortifacient by the Irula women of the Nilgiri district. PMID:8359839


Contraception and abortion in the Greco-Roman world.

The author discusses the validity of the claim that, in Antiquity, effective contraceptives and abortifacients were available, were widely used, and their use was responsible for the decline of population in certain periods. After reviewing the maneuvers and drugs used for those purposes, the author concludes that ancient physicians did not have at their disposal effective ...


The first finding of Neospora caninum and the occurrence of other abortifacient agents in sheep in Slovakia.

Neosporosis is an infection of animals caused by an intracellular coccidian parasite, Neospora caninum, closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite is one of important abortifacient agents of bovine abortions worldwide. The aim of the study was to detect the prevalence of anti-Neospora antibodies in dairy aborting sheep from two eastern Slovak regions and to compare it ...


Abortifacient effects of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and common juniper (Juniperus communis) on cattle.

Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and common juniper (Juniperus communis) contain high levels of isocupressic acid that has been identified as the abortifacient component of ponderosa pine needles in cattle. Therefore, the abortifacient potential of P contorta and J communis needles was tested in feeding trials with pregnant cattle. Cows (2 groups of 2 each) ...


Implication of agathic acid from Utah juniper bark as an abortifacient compound in cattle.

Freshly ground Utah juniper [Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little] bark was given via gavage at a dosage of 2.3 kg per cow twice daily to three pregnant cows starting on day 255 of gestation. All three cows aborted the calves after 4, 5 and 6 days of treatment. A fourth cow was dosed with Utah juniper needles and this cow calved early on day 268 of gestation with complications consistent with pine ...


Are contraceptives abortifacient?

The Institute for Social Studies and Action of the Philippines is endeavoring to encourage the public and the Catholic Church to Recognize the differences between contraception (which prevents the union of the sperm and ovum) and abortion (which terminates pregnancy long before the fetus is viable). Nonetheless, widespread opposition to contraceptives, especially the IUD, persists because they ...


Ananas comosus: Is the unripe fruit juice an abortifacient in pregnant Wistar rats?

ABSTRACT Objective The juice of unripe pineapple (Ananas comosus) was investigated for abortifacient activity in pregnant Wistar rats. Method Animals in Groups A, B, C and D received orally 0.5 ml of distilled water, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight of the juice, respectively, once daily from day 7 until day 14 of pregnancy. Results The juice contained tannins, ...


Birth control in antiquity.

The question of birth rate control in Antiquity clashes against problems in the sense that the majority of ancient authors when discussing this matter expressed themselves in a very unclear way; they did not distinguish exactly between contraceptives and abortifacients and sometimes even interchanged them mutually. The ancient Greek doctors studied long and precisely this area ...


Revision Date: January 2006 David Marshall, VMD

neurological form of equine herpes virus type 1 virus (EHV-1). EHV-1 is most commonly an associated viral cause neurological EHV-1, and the respiratory EHV-1, this same EHV-1 virus is a major cause of abortion of respiratory EHV-1 or abortifacient EHV-1, but it is paralysis causing, neurological form of EHV-1 I want

E-print Network

Implication of Agathic Acid from Utah Juniper Bark as an Abortifacient Compound in Cattle.

Freshly ground Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little) bark was given via gavage at a dosage of 2.3 kg/cow twice daily to three pregnant cows starting on day 255 of gestation. All three cows aborted the calves after four, five and six days of treatment. A fourth cow was dosed Utah juni...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Differences in ponderosa pine isocupressic acid concentrations across space and time

Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) is distributed throughout the western half of North America, where it is the most widely adapted and ubiquitous conifer. Ponderosa Pine contains isocupressic acid, a diterpene acid, which has been shown to be responsible for its abortifacient activity. The objectiv...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

A bacterial mutagenicity study of rivanol, an acridine derivative used as an abortifacient.

We have used the forward mutation to resistance to 6 azauracil to test the mutagenicity of rivanol (6,9 diamino 2-ethoxy acridine) on Escherichia coli. Rivanol has been used to induce therapeutic abortions in midpregnancy and is considered safe and effective for this purpose. The findings reported here that rivanol, like other acridines, is a mutagen, at least in procaryotes, suggests that such ...

PubMed Central

Antiovulatory and abortifacient effects of Areca catechu (betel nut) in female rats

Objectives:To study the antiovulatory and abortifacient effects of ethanolic extract of Areca catechu in female rats.Materials and Methods:For antiovulatory effect, ethanolic extract of A. catechu at 100 and 300 mg/kg doses was administered orally for 15 days. Vaginal smears were examined daily microscopically for estrus cycle. Rats were sacrificed on ...

PubMed Central

Further study of trichosanthin's effect on mouse embryos with confocal laser scanning microscopy

Trichosanthin(TCS), a ribosome inactivating protein extracted from the root tuber of a traditional Chinese medicine herb Tian Huo Fen(THF), possessed abortifacient, anti-tumor and anti-human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) activities. For centuries in China, THF has been used as an effective folk medicine to terminate early and midtrimester pregnancies and to treat ectopic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Effect of papaya (Carica papaya linn) on pregnancy and estrous cycle in albino rats of Wistar strain.

The antifertility effects of Carica papaya were investigated by feeding adult cycling and pregnant rats with different components of its fruits. No attempt was made to force-feed the animals. The results indicate that unripe fruits of papaya interrupt estrous cycle and induce abortions. The abortifacient property seems to decrease as the fruit becomes stale or ripe. Exogenous ...


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Effect of Ruta graveolens L. on pregnant mice.

Ruta graveolens L. is used in many countries, including Brazil, as an abortifacient. To determine its effect on pregnancy, the lyophilized hydroalcoholic extract of its aerial parts was administered orally at a dose of 1000 mg/kg per day to mice between the first and third day of pregnancy (DOP), between the fourth and sixth DOP or between the seventh and ninth DOP. The ...


Do pharmacists have a right to refuse to fill prescriptions for abortifacient drugs?

Some pharmacists opposed to abortion on moral ground are concerned by having to fill prescriptions for abortifacient drugs like mifepristone (RU-486). The issue of the right of pharmacists to refuse to fill such prescriptions depends on the model of the physician-pharmacist-patient relationship. The libertarian model of pharmacy practice holds that physicians, pharmacists, ...


[Medical ethic considerations on the use of IUDs as a method to prevent unwanted pregnancies].

The problem of whether contraceptives, and IUDs specifically, can be regarded as abortifacients, is discussed. It is impossible to reach a general agreement as to the stage of development of the fertilized ovum at which an individual human life, such potential life requires appropriate conditions and environment in order to develop. Nidation is a critical stage, which is ...


Uterine contractility during pregnancy and the effect of abortifacient drugs.

There are a number of compounds in clinical use for termination of pregnancy. Treatment with all of them will result in increased uterine contractility. PGF2 alpha and PGE2 as well as different prostaglandin analogues all have a direct stimulatory effect on the myometrium, while other compounds such as hypertonic saline and Rivanol seem to act mainly through a stimulation of the endogenous ...


Unfinished feticide.

A fetus may survive an intentional interference with its intrauterine environment (1) if gestational age is mistaken and the procedure of induced abortion does not kill the fetus, (2) if a change of heart takes place after abortifacient drugs are taken and the abortion does not proceed, and (3) if a high-multiple pregnancy is reduced to a singleton or a twin pregnancy to ...

PubMed Central

The legal status of emergency contraception.

Emergency contraception (EC), an intervention within 72 h of unprotected intercourse, dates back approximately 30 years, to the Yuzpe method. Recent development of a second generation of 'morning after,' better called 'emergency' contraceptives, has raised claims that they are abortifacient. These claims are largely rejected in medical, legal and much religious reasoning. ...


Commonly used Indian abortifacient plants with special reference to their teratologic effects in rats.

A survey programme was organised in Lucknow and Farrukhabad, two towns of Uttar Pradesh, from March 1987 to July 1987. During the survey, the common folk medicine plants used by women were recorded and Ayurvedic and Unani drug encyclopedias were consulted for the antireproductive potential of these plants. Aqueous or 90% ethanol extracts of the plants of interest were studied in rats orally dosed ...


Birth control after 1984.

1) Eric Blair (alias George Orwell) can rest easy in his grave, because birth control by governmentally imposed methods, such as incorporation of a contraceptive agent into drinking water, is totally unfeasible by 1984. 2) Fundamentally new birth control procedures in the female (for example, a once-a-month luteolytic or abortifacient agent) and a male contraceptive pill ...


Antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. methanolic fruit extract.

Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae) is a medicinal plant traditionally used as an abortifacient and to treat constipation, oedema, bacterial infections, cancer and diabetes. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the plant showed the presence of large amounts of phenolics and flavonoids. Subsequent quantification showed the presence of 0.74% (m/m) phenolics ...


Antifertility screening of plants. 3. Effect of six indigenous plants on early pregnancy in albino rats.

The effect of 6 indigenous plants on early pregnancy in albino rats was tested by a screening procedure standardized in this laboratory. Pe troleum ether, alcoholic, and aqueous extracts of each plant were tested for antifertilizing, antizygotic, blastocystotoxic, antiimplantation, and early abortifacient activity. The aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaves and ...


Abortions in rural Idaho: physicians' attitudes and practices.

This study surveyed all family physicians, obstetrician-gynecologists, and general surgeons practicing in rural Idaho in 1994. Although most respondents provided a wide range of reproductive health services, less than 4% performed abortions, so most rural Idaho women wanting abortions must travel long distances for this procedure. Physicians report that they do not provide abortion services ...

PubMed Central

Religion and conscientious objection: a survey of pharmacists' willingness to dispense medications.

Some US states allow pharmacists to refuse to dispense medications to which they have moral objections, and federal rules for all health care providers are in development. This study examines whether demographics such as age, religion, gender influence 668 Nevada pharmacists' willingness to dispense or transfer five potentially controversial medications to patients 18 years and older: emergency ...


Antifertility screening of plants. Part IX. Effect of five indigenous plants on early pregnancy in female albino rats.

Some indigenous plants reputedly possess antifertility properties when orally administered. Various extracts of some of these plants were used in an investigation to determine antifertility activity using a method which would ultimately detect anti-zygotic, blastocystoxic, anti-implantation or early abortifacient activity in adult female albino rats of proven fertility ...


Antifertility activity of Derris brevipes variety coriacea.

Traditional physicians in and around Kotagiri village near Ootacamund, use a mixture of powdered roots of Cassia occidentalis, Derris brevipes variety coriacea and Justicia simplex to control female fertility. A mixture of powdered roots of these three plants, powdered root of Derris brevipes variety coriacea and its ethanolic extract were screened for antifertility activity in proven fertile ...


Abortion in heifers inoculated with a thymidine kinase-negative recombinant of bovine herpesvirus 1.

The Copper isolate of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) was used to produce a thymidine kinase-negative (TK-) recombinant by insertion of a beta-galactosidase (bgal) expression cassette into the TK coding region. The recombinant virus (TK- bgal+) was tested for abortifacient activity in cattle by inoculation of 5 pregnant heifers at 25 to 29 weeks gestation. Five additional heifers ...


[Epidemiological and financial considerations for the control of Neospora caninum on Swiss dairy farms].

Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important abortifacients in cattle and causes substantial financial losses to bovine livestock production. This study aimed to calculate the losses caused by N. caninum on Swiss dairy farms and to evaluate the efficacy and profitability of the control strategies culling, not breeding replacements and chemotherapy of ...


Unsafe abortions: methods used and characteristics of patients attending hospitals in Nairobi, Lima, and Manila.

Using quantitative and qualitative data, the authors present selected characteristics of 626 women who reported complications of induced abortion in five hospitals: one in Nairobi, two in Lima, and two in Manila. Although there are some similarities, the findings show some marked differences in demographic characteristics. In Nairobi nearly all respondents were single, nulliparous, and 25 years or ...


Transplantation of electively aborted human fetal tissue: physicians' attitudes.

OBJECTIVE: To provide empirical data on the attitudes of Ontario family physicians and gynecologists toward the use of electively aborted fetal tissue for transplantation (FTT). DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Ontario. PARTICIPANTS: Random samples of 300 physicians from the membership list of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and 300 from the membership list of the Society of ...

PubMed Central

Toxicity of low concentration long-term exposure to an airborne mixture of nitrous oxide and halothane. [Rats

To evaluate experimentally the questions of reproductive, teratological, cytogenetic, and tumorigenic sequelae of long-term exposures to escape levels of halothane plus nitrous oxide (N/sub 2/O), male and female rats were exposed either to air, to 1 ppM halothane plus 50 ppM N/sub 2/O, or to 10 ppM halothane plus 500 ppM N/sub 2/O for 7 h/day, 5 days/wk for appropriate periods of time. At ...

Energy Citations Database

Is olfactory detection of human cancer by dogs based on major histocompatibility complex-dependent odour components?--A possible cure and a precocious diagnosis of cancer.

Given the reports made about dogs detecting cancer on the basis of odour, our hypothesis is that the volatile organic compounds produced by tumours, and detected by dogs, are products of MHC genes. Two lines of evidences support this hypothesis: (1) human body odour is genetically determined by MHC. These antigen molecules (HLA in humans) have soluble and detectable isoforms that are present in ...


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Induction of labor: the misoprostol controversy.

Misoprostol (Cytotec) is safe and effective for induction of labor, although it is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in pregnancy. In August 2000, the manufacturer of misoprostol warned against its use in pregnancy because of its abortifacient properties and cited reports of maternal and fetal deaths when misoprostol was used to induce labor, ...


Identification of viral pathogens in aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets from cases of swine reproductive failure in Spain.

The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of recognised abortifacient viruses such as porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV), Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV), porcine parvovirus (PPV) and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), in tissues from aborted fetuses and stillborn neonates in cases of late reproductive failure in swine. A total of 293 ...


FDA fast-tracking of pet population control drugs.

Theriogenologists have been studying estrus prevention and termination of pregnancy in dogs for at least 2 decades. However, drugs approved for estrus suppression are few. No dog or cat abortifacients or male dog and cat sterilants have been approved. Marketed drugs with alternate indications that have antiestrus and antihormonal activity might be good candidates for study ...


Emergency contraception for women who have been raped: must catholics test for ovulation, or is testing for pregnancy morally sufficient?

On the grounds that tape is an act of violence, not a natural act of intercourse, Roman Catholic teaching traditionally has permitted women who have been raped to take steps to prevent pregnancy, while consistently prohibiting abortion even in the case of rape. Recent scientific evidence that emergency contraception (EC) works primarily by preventing ovulation, not by preventing implantation or by ...


Elizabethan birth control and Puritan attitudes.

During the Elizabethan era there was a considerable body of knowledge concerning birth control techniques including coitus interruptus, penis ointments, pessaries, purgatives, genital baths and bloodletting. Works were available describing the symptons and causes of abortion and reporting some abortifacients. The Puritans were aware of birth control techniques, but were ...


Early medical abortion: legal and medical developments in Australia.

Mifepristone is a safe, effective and relatively cheap drug that plays an important role in women's health care and is widely used for early medical abortion in many countries. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) can authorise mifepristone to be imported into and marketed in Australia. To date, no pharmaceutical company has applied to register mifepristone in Australia. The TGA can also ...


Cucurbitacin B induces differentiation, cell cycle arrest, and actin cytoskeletal alterations in myeloid leukemia cells.

Cucurbitacins have long been utilized for their abortifacient and anti-inflammatory effects; however, little is known about their mechanism of action. In this study, we have demonstrated robust antiproliferative effects of CuB on various leukemia and lymphoma cell lines, as well as on primary mononuclear bone marrow cells derived from patients with acute myeloid leukemia or ...


Congress delves into science with RU-486.

In June 1998, a conservative, Republican member of the US House of Representatives attempted to amend the 1999 bill authorizing funding for the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) to prevent government funds from being used to test, develop, or approve "any drug for the chemical inducement of abortion." This bill was designed to halt the approval process for RU-486, a drug that was deemed ...


Blastocyst implantation failure in mice due to "nonreceptive endometrium": endometrial alterations by Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaf extract.

Many plants are known to possess antifertility activity. However, limited attempts have been made to scientifically evaluate these claims. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers have been shown to possess antifertility and abortifacient activity. In this report, antiimplantation activity of water extract of leaves of H. rosa-sinensis was investigated. Pregnant female mice were dosed ...


Amniotic fluid adenosine 3',5' - monophosphate in prostaglandin-induced midtrimester abortions.

Cyclic adenosine 3'5-monophosphate (cAMP) was serially measured in the amniotic fluid (AF) of 9 patients undergoing midtrimester abortions induced by intraamniotic prostaglandins. The results demonstrate an increase in AF cAMP ranging from 2- to 7-fold within the 6 hours of observation. The fetal heart tones were closely monitored by a Doppler instrument and the time from injection of ...


Abortion in late Imperial China: routine birth control or crisis intervention?

In late imperial China, a number of purported methods of abortion were known; but who actually attempted abortion and under what circumstances? Some historians have suggested that abortion was used for routine birth control, which presupposes that known methods were safe, reliable, and readily available. This paper challenges the qualitative evidence on which those historians have relied, and ...


[Developmental toxicity of misoprostol: An update].

Misoprostol, a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E1, is currently used in Chile and other countries as an antiulcer medication, mainly for the prevention of non-steroidal anti-infammatory-induced gastric ulcers. Due to its uterotonic properties, it is also indicated in obstetrics for induction of labor and termination of pregnancy. In this last case, misoprostol is either used alone or in ...


The state-of-the-art of emergency contraception with the cutting edge drug

The objective of this study is to evaluate and elucidated the potential of selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs) to be an effective emergency contraception (EC). The data are extracted from the literature through the MEDLINE database service from 2000�2010. The SPRMs are in fact progesterone receptor ligands that could bind to progesterone receptor (PR) and exert antagonistic, ...

PubMed Central

The decline in popularity of the intrauterine device. A survey of general practitioner attitudes and practices in New South Wales.

Use of the IUD in Australia has decreased from 64,080 insertions in 1985 to 21,469 in 1989. In addition, the number of general practitioners (GPs) who inserted at least 50 IUDs a year dropped from 167 to 23, and adverse publicity has increased, especially that associated with the Dalkon Shield, Gravigard IUDs, and the perceived risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. To assess the attitudes and ...


Termination of early pregnancy in the rat by a single dose of human menopausal gonadotropin.

Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) is commonly used to induce ovarian follicular development and ovulation in infertile women. This report is a preliminary analysis of the ability of hMG to cause folliculogenesis and ovulation in pregnant laboratory animals. Wistar rats were injected subcutaneously with 0.5 mg of hMG on selected days of pregnancy. In addition, 2 days after receiving hMG, one ...


Reducing the immunogenicity and improving the in vivo activity of trichosanthin by site-directed pegylation.

PEG modification (PEGylation) has been shown to reduce immunogenicity and prolong circulating half-life of proteins. In the present study, site-directed PEGylation was used to reduce immunogenicity and prolong plasma half-life of trichosanthin (TCS). Four TCS mutants, i.e. S7C, Q219C, K173C and [K173C,Q219C] (KQ), were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. PEG modifications were done by ...


Recent developments in abortion law in industrialized countries.

An effort to bring new insights into the US abortion debate, this article reviews recent legal developments concerning abortion in 7 other industrialized countries. In addition to the US, the author examines developments in Canada, England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Romania, and Bulgaria. In the US, the Supreme Court has become the battleground for an increasingly bitter abortion debate. The ...


Population regulation in an island community.

The biodemographic dynamics of a small Bahamian island were explored historically through the analysis of religious documents, censuses, vital statistics records, and computerized anthropological survey data on 84% of the current residents. In contrast to the Caribbean area in general, population size of Bimini, Bahamas has stabilized since 1963. The following information was obtained for the ...


Misoprostol: a prostaglandin E1 analogue.

The pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy, contraindications and precautions, adverse effects, dosage, and cost of misoprostol are reviewed. Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue of natural prostaglandin E1. It produces a dose-related inhibition of gastric acid and pepsin secretion and enhances mucosal resistance to injury. Misoprostol is extensively absorbed from the stomach and ...


Mifepristone (RU 486) in the United States. What does the future hold?

RU-486 or mifepristone developed by Roussel-UCLAF was approved in France in September 1988. Mifepristone coupled with a prostaglandin and administered within 49 days of the last menstrual period produces a complete abortion in about 95% of cases. A new regimen involves supplementing mifepristone with an oral prostaglandin, misoprostol. Mifepristone has been also reported to be effective as a ...


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Methotrexate and misoprostol teratogenicity: further expansion of the clinical manifestations.

We describe a boy who was exposed to misoprostol and methotrexate in the first trimester of gestation as a result of a failed medical abortion. He presented with severe growth retardation, skull defects, proptotic eyes, cleft palate, and severe micrognathia. There were bilateral defects of the upper and lower extremities, missing and hypoplastic ribs, and undescended testicles. He had clinical ...


Inverse agonists and antagonists of retinoid receptors.

Nuclear receptors (NRs) are ligand-inducible transcription factors that regulate a plethora of cell biological phenomena, thus orchestrating complex events like development, organ homeostasis, immune function, and reproduction. Due to their regulatory potential, NRs are major drug targets for a variety of diseases, including cancer and metabolic diseases, and had a major societal impact following ...


High frequency of chlamydial co-infections in clinically healthy sheep flocks

BackgroundThe epidemiological situation of ovine chlamydial infections in continental Europe, especially Germany is poorly characterised. Using the German state of Thuringia as a model example, the chlamydial sero- and antigen prevalence was estimated in thirty-two randomly selected sheep flocks with an average abortion rate lower than 1%. Seven vaccinated flocks were reviewed separately.ResultsA ...

PubMed Central

Equine abortion and stillbirth in central Kentucky during 1988 and 1989 foaling seasons.

Pathologic and microbiologic examinations were performed on 1,211 aborted equine fetuses, stillborn foals, and placentas from premature foals in central Kentucky during the 1988 and 1989 foaling seasons to determine the causes of reproductive loss in the mare. Placentitis (19.4%) and dystocia-perinatal asphyxia (19.5%) were the 2 most important causes of equine reproductive loss. The other causes ...


Emergency Contraception: Knowledge and Attitudes of Family Physicians of a Teaching Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan

This study was conducted to assess the knowledge of family medicine providers and their attitudes towards emergency contraception in a teaching hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. A 21-item questionnaire containing the demographic profile of respondents and questions concerning knowledge of and attitudes towards emergency contraception was distributed among participants. In total, 45 interviews were ...

PubMed Central

Efficacy and Safety Assessment of T. Angelica Herbal Tonic, a Phytomedicinal Product Popularly Used in Nigeria

T. Angelica Herbal Tonic (TAHT) is a herbal product indicated for indigestion and constipation and highly patronized in Nigeria. In this study, the efficacy and safety of the herbal tonic in relation to the label claims were assessed. The effect on peristalsis in mice was evaluated by the charcoal meal model and in vitro using guinea pig ileum. The effects of TAHT on behavior, fertility, birth and ...

PubMed Central

Efects of the pine needle abortifacient, isocupressic acid, on bovine oocyte maturation and preimplantation embryo development.

Isocupressic acid (ICA) [15-hydroxylabda-8 (17), 13E-dien-19-oic acid], a labdane diterpene acid, isolated from ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), common juniper (Juniperus communis) and Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa), induces abortion in pregnant cows when ingested primarily during the last trimester. The objective of this study was to investigate the ...


Determination of ability of a thymidine kinase-negative deletion mutant of bovine herpesvirus-1 to cause abortion in cattle.

The Cooper isolate of bovine herpesvirus-1, which causes abortion in cattle, was used to construct a thymidine kinase-negative (TK-) deletion mutant virus. Twelve heifers were inoculated IV at 25 to 29 weeks of pregnancy with either TK- or thymidine kinase-positive (TK+) Cooper virus. All heifers developed fevers of 1 to 2 C during the first week after inoculation. Temperatures of TK+ inoculates ...


Calcium-dependent trichosanthin-induced generation of reactive oxygen species involved in apoptosis of human choriocarcinoma cells

The type-I ribosome-inactivating protein trichosanthin (TCS) has a broad spectrum of biological and pharmacological activities, including abortifacient, anti-tumor and anti-HIV. We found for the first time that TCS induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in JAR cells by using fluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate with confocal laser scanning ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Aetiology of childhood cataract in south India.

AIM: To identify the causes of childhood cataract in south India with emphasis on factors that might be potentially preventable. METHODS: A total of 514 consecutive children with cataract attending an eye hospital outpatient clinic were examined and their parents interviewed by a trained interviewer using a standardised questionnaire in the local language. Serology was performed on children under ...

PubMed Central

Abortion in nineteenth century America: a conflict between women and their physicians.

During the 1800s, male physicians took over women's established sources of medical care and knowledge causing friction between women and their health matters and the rising medical profession. This conflict still exists today. Physicians provided little information on how to prevent pregnancy since to do so would interfere with their natural biologic function of motherhood. Reproduction no ...



ABSTRACTPurposeTo review the association of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in individuals manifesting thalidomide embryopathy and M�bius sequence and compare them with three new studies in which ASD was also associated with ocular and systemic malformations: (1) a Swedish study of individuals with CHARGE association (Coloboma, Heart, choanal Atresia, developmental or growth Retardation, Genital ...

PubMed Central

A survey of medicinal plants used by Kavirajes of Chalna area, Khulna district, Bangladesh.

Kavirajes or traditional medicinal practitioners form the primary healthcare providers of the predominantly rural population of Bangladesh. Kavirajes use a variety of medicinal plants for treatment of different ailments. The formulations prepared from medicinal plants vary considerably between Kavirajes of different regions of the country. The objective of this study was to conduct an ...


A caravan for women's lives.

The war on the women of America is being actively repelled through the efforts on Molly Yard and the National Organization for Women (NOW), Tamar Abrams and the National Abortion Rights Action League, the Freedom Caravan for Women's Lives, and the many women actively supporting pro-choice. At issue is the Supreme Court decision in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services which limits women's right ...


The effect of a nutrition education programme on pregnant women attending Khartoum model clinic.

A comparative study conducted in the Sudan illustrated both the potential of a nutrition education program for pregnant women and the many obstacles to creating more optimal maternal nutrition. Included in the study were 1200 women 18-34 years of age attending the Khartoum Province Model Clinic for a minimum of 5 prenatal visits. 83.3% were Muslims and 48.2% were illiterate. The 60 women who ...


Termination of pregnancy with reduced doses of mifepristone. World Health Organisation Task Force on Post-ovulatory Methods of Fertility Regulation.

OBJECTIVES--To compare the abortifacient efficacy and side effects of three doses of the antiprogestin mifepristone plus prostaglandin for termination of early pregnancy. DESIGN--Randomised, double blind multicentre trial. SETTING--11 departments of obstetrics and gynaecology and of family planning, mostly in university hospitals, in seven countries. SUBJECTS--1182 women with ...

PubMed Central

Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs.

The protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is one of the most important abortifacient organisms in cattle worldwide. The dog is known to act as definitive host although its potential role as infection source for bovines still remains unelucidated. The aim of the present study was to compile initial epidemiological data on the prevalence and incidence of N. caninum in Swiss dogs ...


Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep from Uberl�ndia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, by different serological methods.

Toxoplasmosis and neosporosis have been recognized as economically important diseases with considerable impact on the livestock industry. Considering the scarce information on the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep from Uberl�ndia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, this study aimed to investigate the frequency of antibodies against these parasites in sheep sera ...


Bishops on birth control: a chronicle of obstruction.

The Catholic Church historically has obstructed birth control by various means, e.g., encyclicals, the posturing of the US Catholic Conference and state Catholic organizations, and by bishops and upper hierarchy in the church. The desire is to see the law reflect the Catholic teaching that sexual intercourse is permitted only within 1 marriage, and no sex act may include an attempt to prevent ...


Antiprogestin drugs: ethical, legal and medical issues.

RU 486 allows women the choice of a medical rather than a surgical abortion, and, for most women, the choice is one of procedure, not of whether to have an abortion. Issues surrounding RU 486 were explored in an American Society of Law and Medicine conference in December 1991 entitled "Antiprogestin Drugs: Ethical, Legal and Medical Issues." An introduction to 14 conference papers provides an ...


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Abortion techniques in Australia: a history.

This is an historical survey of the abortion practices in Australia in the early 20th century. The evidence presented in the article is gathered from reports and documents, articles in medical journals, and information obtained at interviews. The estimated figures for induced abortion are 1/8 live births in 1904, 1/5 live birth in 1937, and 1/4 live births in 1970. Drugs inducing abortion were ...


Final report on the safety assessment of Juniperus communis Extract, Juniperus oxycedrus Extract, Juniperus oxycedrus Tar, Juniperus phoenicea extract, and Juniperus virginiana Extract.

The common juniper is a tree that grows in Europe, Asia, and North America. The ripe fruit of Juniperus communis and Juniperus oxycedrus is alcohol extracted to produce Juniperus Communis Extract and Juniperus Oxycedrus Extract, respectively. Juniperus Oxycedrus Tar is the volatile oil from the wood of J. oxycedrus. Juniperus Phoenicea Extract comes from the gum of Juniperus phoenicea, and ...


Do calcium-mediated cellular signalling pathways, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), estrogen or progesterone receptor antagonists, or bacterial endotoxins affect bovine placental function in vitro?

The major objective of this experiment was to determine whether the bovine placenta could be stimulated to secrete progesterone, since the bovine placenta secretes little progesterone when the corpus luteum is functional. Secondly, we wanted to determine whether reported abortifacients or progesterone or estrogen receptor antagonists affected bovine placental prostaglandin ...


Final report on the safety assessment of AloeAndongensis Extract, Aloe Andongensis Leaf Juice,aloe Arborescens Leaf Extract, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Juice, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Protoplasts, Aloe Barbadensis Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice,aloe Barbadensis Leaf Polysaccharides, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water, Aloe Ferox Leaf Extract, Aloe Ferox Leaf Juice, and Aloe Ferox Leaf Juice Extract.

Plant materials derived from the Aloe plant are used as cosmetic ingredients, including Aloe Andongensis Extract, Aloe Andongensis Leaf Juice, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Extract, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Juice, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Protoplasts, Aloe Barbadensis Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Polysaccharides, Aloe ...


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