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H. St. John Philby, Ibn Saud and Palestine.

This work examines the policy of King Ibn Saud toward the establishment of a Jewish entity in Palestine - the 'Palestine problem'. H. St. John Philby was a British author, explorer and convert to Islam who was very close to Ibn Saud. Studying Philby's att...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The 2007 Gulf Conference

� Islamic Resurgence in the Hijaz Region 1975�1980 (Dr Mazin Motabagani, King Saud University, Riyadh) 4

E-print Network

Neurocomputing 38}40 (2001) 1051}1057 Minimizing memory loss in learning a new environment

Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA Abstract Human 22 Khalid Al-Mahsouq received B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.S. degrees from King Saud University, Riyadh engineering with First Class Honors from King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) in 1988. In ...

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SOLERAS - Saudi University Solar Cooling Laboratories Project. Final Report, Project Summary.

Proposals for research on solar cooling are presented for four Saudi Arabian universities. The universities are the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran, King Saud University in Riyadh, King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, and King Faisal Unive...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2001: Saudia Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy without elected representative institutions or political parties. It is ruled by King Fahd bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, a son of King Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, who unified the country in the early 20th century. Since the death of King Ab...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2000: Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy without elected representative institutions or political parties. It is ruled by King Fahd Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, a son of King Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, who unified the country in the early 20th century. Since the death of King Ab...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


�Ansari acknowledges the continued support of King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Ara� bia and the Saudi Arabian

E-print Network

############### Int Journal of Modern Physics D; Vol 14; Number 11 (2005)

of Science, King Saud University P.O.Box 2455, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Abstract We show that a previously

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�� � ��� � �� Synthesis and Characterization of DC Magnetron Sputtered ZnO Thin Films

for Nanotechnology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Abstract ZnO thin films were deposited on glass Institute for Nanotechnology, King Saud University, P.O.Box 2454 Riyadh 11451 Saudi Arabia, Riyadh,. Email

E-print Network

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2002: Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy without elected representative institutions or political parties. It is ruled by King Fahd bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, a son of King Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud, who unified the country in the early 20th century. A 1992 royal decree reserv...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2008: Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by the Al-Saud family. The population is 28.2 million, including 5.8 million foreigners. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd Al Aziz Al-Saud has ruled under the title Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, a refer...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2006: Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by the Al Saud family with a population of 22.7 million, including 6.1 million foreigners. Since August 2005 King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud has ruled as custodian of Islam's two holiest sites in Mecca...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. (2008).

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:143�152 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0177-1 Abstract The sources of and pathways for groundwater

Barbarossa. S. A. Aldosari is with the Electrical Engineering Department, King Saud Uni- versity, Riyadh

E-print Network

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2005: Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by the Al Saud family without elected representative institutions at the national level and with a 2004 population of approximately 26.7 million of which an estimated 7 million were foreign citizens. On August 1, King Abdu...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Advanced nuclear fuel production by using fission-fusion hybrid reactor.

Efforts are made at the College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh to lay out the main structure of a prototype experimental fusion and fusion-fission (hybrid) reactor blanket in cylindrical geometry. The geometry is consistent with most of the ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Use of some nuclear reactions for calibration of the 2.5MeV King Saud University Van de Graaff accelerator.

An accurate beam energy calibration of 2.5 MeV King Saud University Van De Graaff accelerator has been carried out using some nuclear reactions.The 27Al (p,(gamma)) Si28 resource at 991.90 KeV and 7Li (p,n) Be 7 threshold at 1880.60 KeV have been used as ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

� 1997 Oxford University Press 747�752Human Molecular Genetics, 1997, Vol. 6, No. 5 Mild congenital muscular dystrophy in two patients

, Department of Pediatrics and 3Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 5Department of Medical Imaging, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi

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Students' Attitudes and Perceptions towards the Effectiveness of Mobile Learning in King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

The main aim of this research study is to better understand and measure students' attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of mobile learning. This paper reports on the results of a survey of one hundred eighty six undergraduate female students at King Saud University about their attitude and perception to the use of mobile technology in ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Some Combinatorial and Analytical Identities Mourad E.H. Ismail

Arabia SAMER AL-SAID Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( (Received 24 October 20061 accepted 22 July

E-print Network

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. Updated November 16, 2009.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. Updated June 14, 2010.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. Updated February 9, 2009.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. Updated December 16, 2009.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations. Updated August 13, 2009.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations (July 9, 2009).

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled by the Al Saud family since its founding in 1932, wields significant political and economic influence as the birthplace of the Islamic faith and by virtue of its large energy reserves. Since 2005, King Abdullah bin Abd a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Robust, Efficient, Globally�Optimized Reinforcement Learning with the

A. Al�Ansari and Ronald J. Williams College of Computer Science, 161 CN Northeastern University but can be found in Al�Ansari and Williams (1998). We applied both algorithms to each of these problems to optimal. Acknowledgments Mohammad Al�Ansari acknowledges the continued support of King Saud University

E-print Network

REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NDE University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

,2007 Visiting Lecturer, Muskingum College, New Concord, OH, 2002 Visiting Lecturer, King Saud University, Riyadh presented at International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Conference on Learning Disabilities, Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Fuchs, D., Hughes, C

E-print Network

OPNET Implementation of Megaco/H.248 Protocol Shufang Wu, Mahmood Riyadh, Riadul Mannan, and Ljiljana Trajkovic

University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN Computer Science Department King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Received (Day Month Year) Revised (Day Month Year

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Connecting Students across Universities in Saudi Arabia

The present study reports results of an experiment in which the author and her students at King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia shared an online grammar course with a professor and his students at Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia using The experiment proved to be a total failure. Factors ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Available at: IC/2009/071 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

King Saud University, College of Science, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Riyadh, Saudi�Arabia and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Riyadh 11451, Riyadh, Saudi�Arabia. Abstract In this paper we prove the existence of solutions

E-print Network

Available at: IC/2009/071 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

King Saud University, College of Science, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Riyadh 11451, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia. Abstract In this paper we prove the existence of solutions

E-print Network

America's Strategic Imperative: A National Energy Policy Manhattan Project.

The U.S. presence in the Middle East stretches back to the closing days of World War II when then-President Roosevelt first met King Saud aboard a U.S. warship in the Suez Canal. Through the ensuing thirty years, the U.S. sought to maintain Middle East oi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Evaluating Online Dictionaries From Faculty Prospective: A Case Study Performed On English Faculty Members At King Saud University--Wadi Aldawaser Branch

The purpose of this study was to evaluate online dictionaries from faculty prospective. The study tried to obtain in depth information about various forms of dictionaries the faculty used; degree of awareness and accessing online dictionaries; types of online dictionaries accessed; basic features of information provided; major benefits gained while accessing online dictionaries; and major ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Bin-Jaliah Elected as Secretary General of Saudi Society for Medical Education

This is an article from The Physiologist. "Ismaeel M. Bin-Jaliah, a Regular Member of APS, has been elected as the Secretary General of Saudi Society for Medical Education (SSME) in November 2007. Dr Bin-Jaliah is an Assistant Professor of Neurophysiology and the Director of Medical Education Center at King Khalid University in Abha, Aseer, Saudi Arabia."

NSDL National Science Digital Library

next results page - JSC Digital Image Collection

Nov 1, 2006 ... Payload specialists Baudry and Al-Saud conduct Postural experiment ... Payload specialist Sultan Abdelazize Al-Saud conducts Postural ...

NASA Website

H. St. John Philby, Ibn Saud and Palestine.

... Accession Number : ADA111290. Title : H. St. John Philby, Ibn Saud and Palestine. Descriptive Note : Final rept.,. Corporate ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Measuring Students� Beliefs about Physics in Saudi Arabia

Over the last decade, science education researchers in the US have studied students' beliefs about science and learning science and measured how these beliefs change in response to classroom instruction in science. In this paper, we present an Arabic version of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) which was developed to measure students' beliefs about physics at ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

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Measuring Students' Beliefs about Physics in Saudi Arabia

Over the last decade, science education researchers in the US have studied students' beliefs about science and learning science and measured how these beliefs change in response to classroom instruction in science. In this paper, we present an Arabic version of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) which was developed to measure students' beliefs about physics at ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Integration of evidence based medicine into a medical curriculum.

The College of Medicine at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS) was established in January 2004. The four-year curriculum was based on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) format and involved the web-based graduate medical program adopted from the University of Sydney, Australia. At KSAU-HS, one additional semester was added to the ...


How do medical students in their clinical years perceive basic sciences courses at King Saud University?

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:The inclusion of detailed basic science courses in medical school curricula has been a concern of students. The main objective of this study was to explore the attitudes of medical students towards basic sciences courses taught to them in the preclinical years and the applicability of these courses to current clinical practice.DESIGN AND SETTING:A cross-sectional survey ...

PubMed Central

Analysis of regional travel time data from the November 1999 dead sea explosions observed in Saudi Arabia

Two large chemical explosions were detonated in the Dead Sea in order to calibrate seismic travel times and improve location accuracy for the International Monitoring System (IMS) to monitor a Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). These explosions provided calibration data for regional seismic networks in the Middle East. In this paper we report analysis of seismic data from these shots as ...

DOE Information Bridge

Saudi Arabia's National Guard

... Abdulaziz Al-Saud, the custodian of the two Holy mosques. B ... all living necessities, including mosques, schools with all ...

DTIC Science & Technology

7 - NASA Technical Reports Server

To support the reconstructions and forensic analyses a Materials and .... Views of certain experiments are also seen. Al-Saud is seen conducting the ...

NASA Website

[Use of the islamic penal code and its effects on the prevention of delinquency (field research)].

The Authors maintain that modern countries, despite their economic and social development, have not been able to find a efficient way to combat crime. In fact, the improvement of the material conditions of human and social life is accompanied by a regression in moral conditions and an increase in crime. But Saudi-Arabia has established a system which has proved itself extremely efficient, both for ...


Making On-line Science Course Materials Easily Translatable and Accessible Worldwide: Challenges and Solutions

The PhET Interactive Simulations Project partnered with the Excellence Research Center of Science and Mathematics Education at King Saud University with the joint goal of making simulations useable worldwide. One of the main challenges of this partnership is to make PhET simulations and the website easily translatable into any language. The PhET project ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Case Study on Using A Knowledge Management Portal For Academic Departments Chairmen

Today, many institutions and organizations are facing serious problem due to the tremendously increasing size of documents. This problem is further triggering the storage and retrieval problems due to the continuously growing space and efficiency requirements. This problem is becoming more complex with time and the increase in the size and number of documents in an organization. Therefore, there ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Attitude to blood donation in Saudi Arabia

Background and Objectives:The blood donor system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia depends on a combination of voluntary and involuntary donors. The aim of this study is to explore the attitudes, beliefs and motivations of Saudis toward blood donation.Materials and Methods:The study was conducted at the Donor Centers at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH) Blood Bank and ...

PubMed Central

x - NASA Technical Reports Server

Scenes include the crew in the mess deck via video link with Mission Control Center ... Al-Saud also spoke with his father in Saudi Arabia via video link. ...

NASA Website

x - NASA Technical Reports Server

Al-Saud is seen conducting the postural experiment, and Baudry is seen conducting the equilibrium experiments. Panoramic views of the Hawaiian Island ...

NASA Website

The New Middle East Security Threat: The Case of Yemen ...

... Buraymi Oasis. Rulers of Muscat, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the Al Sauds all claimed this oasis settlement ... Abu Dhabi. The Wahhabis ...

DTIC Science & Technology

STS51G-105-030 - NASA

... Abdelazize Al-Saud assists in conducting a French Postural Experement (FPE) on the middeck of the Space shuttle Discovery during the STS 51-G flight. ...

NASA Website

STS51G-104-033 - NASA

Description: Payload specialists Patrick Baudry (left) and Sultan Salman Abdelazize Al-Saud team up to conduct a French Postural Experement (FPE) on the ...

NASA Website

Omnibalancing and the House of Saud

... royal family have dumbfound even the most skilled advisors and are seemingly ... in-chief, Jamie, for her moral and technical support throughout this ...

DTIC Science & Technology

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Yitzhak Nakash: Reaching for Power

relations with Ibn Sa`ud.30 The entry of the Ottoman Empire into World War I, and its call for jihad against- pile a treatise calling for jihad. By contrast, they wrote, Ibn Sa`ud showed no sympathy toward to the Ottomans but also led the jihad movement against the British. -- 36 #12;The Burden of the Past The jihad

E-print Network

The effect of microcomputer-based laboratory (MBL) experimentation on students' learning of capacitance in introductory college physics courses in Saudi Arabia

This study attempted to identify effects of Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) experimentation on students' learning about capacitance in introductory college physics courses at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The study asked if students using MBL technique in a capacitor experiment understand capacitance better than do students taught via ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Students' and teachers' perceptions of clinical assessment program: A qualitative study in a PBL curriculum

Background"Examinations drive students' learning." This statement refers to what is assumed to be one of the strongest relationships in education. We explored in this research how and why students differ in their approaches to learning, how assessment affects deep learning, and which barriers stand in the way of good assessment and learning in the clinical years of a Problem Based Learning (PBL) ...

PubMed Central

Indoor-outdoor relationship of suspended particulate matter in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the suspended particulate matter levels indoors and outdoors in the Engineering Laboratories in the College of Engineering at King Saud University in Riyadh. The total suspended particulate matter (TSP) was evaluated by using standard high volume air samplers and the inhalable particulates (IP) were evaluated by ...

Energy Citations Database

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Gastroprotective Effect of an Aqueous Suspension of Black Cumin Nigella sativa on Necrotizing Agents-Induced Gastric Injury in Experimental Animals

Background/AimPrevious studies on �Black seed� or �Black Cumin� Nigella sativa (NS) have reported a large number of pharmacological activities including its anti-ulcer potential. These studies employed either fixed oil, volatile oil components or different solvent extracts. In folkloric practices, NS seeds are taken as such, in the form of coarse dry powder or the powdered seeds are mixed ...

PubMed Central

Exploring factors affecting undergraduate medical students' study strategies in the clinical years: a qualitative study.

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of clinical supervision, and assessment characteristics on the study strategies used by undergraduate medical students during their clinical rotations. We conducted a qualitative phenomenological study at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during ...


Evaluation of Preparation Program for Teachers Specializing in Learning Disabilities in Saudi Arabia

The purpose of this study was to provide an evaluation of the undergraduate special education teacher preparation program at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A final sample of 160 LD teachers provided the data used for analysis. Data for the study were collected by a survey consisting of five subscales: coursework, internship quality, ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Correlation between Serum Electrolytes and Fasting Glucose and Hb1Ac in Saudi Diabetic Patients.

In subjects with impaired insulin action, alterations of the serum sodium and potassium concentrations have been reported. The resulting cationic imbalance, along with the osmotic effect of the elevated sugar levels, could influence the course of diabetes mellitus management. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels with those of the serum ...


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