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An Endangered Species Survey of Abandoned Mine Shafts in ...

... Title : An Endangered Species Survey of Abandoned Mine Shafts in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Kentucky and ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Reclamation of Abandoned Deep Mine Entries.

Over 1,000 abandoned coal mine entries such as shafts, slopes, and drifts exist in the Eastern Coal Provinces of the United States. The paper discusses recent Office of Surface Mining case histories of hazardous shaft reclamation. Shaft collapse and chara...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Bat use of abandoned mines on BLM lands in southwestern Montana 1997-1998

... provides information on the use by bats of abandoned mine workings (77 adits, 96 'shafts' and pits) at ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Field Trial for Sealing Abandoned Mine Shafts and Adits with Lightweight Concrete.

An abandoned mine shaft near Omar, in Logan County, WV, was permanently sealed through a cooperative agreement between the West Virginia Department of Commerce, Labor, and Environmental Research, Division of Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Bureau o...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effects of Remote Drop and Pumpdown Placement on Cellular Concrete.

The hazards to the public posed by abandoned mine shafts are well documented. As private development encroaches on previously mined areas, the potential of fatalities and serious injuries from abandoned mine shafts increases. The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USB...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


(CAUDATA: PLETHODONTIDAE), FROM AN ABANDONED MINE SHAFT IN ARKANSAS Stanley E. Trauth Department in a nesting aggregation of western slimy salamanders (Plethodon albagula) from an abandoned mine shaft located and Gordon 1958); it also nests in abandoned mine shafts scat- ...

E-print Network

Field trial for sealing abandoned mine shafts and adits with lightweight concrete. Report of investigations/1994

An abandoned mine shaft near Omar, in Logan County, WV, was permanently sealed through a cooperative agreement between the West Virginia Department of Commerce, Labor, and Environmental Research, Division of Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Abandoned Mine Lands (AML). An engineered shaft seal ...

Energy Citations Database

Inverted Pyramid-Shaped Plugs for Closing Abandoned Mine Shafts--Galena, Kansas Demonstration Project.

This Bureau of Mines report describes a shaft closure demonstration project in which 11 inverted pyramid-shaped plugs were used to plug abandoned open mine shafts in Galena, KS. The inverted pyramid-shaped forms, fabricated from steelplate, were designed ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Location and mapping of abandoned mine shafts at shallow depths by engineering-geophysical methods

Engineering-geophysical methods are used at present for locating mine shafts close to the surface. In practice, the simultaneous application of seismic, gravimetric, geoelectric and electromagnetic methods is an effective tool to specify locations of concealed shafts. However, this ability to detect shafts can be improved through ...

Energy Citations Database

Treatment of Abandoned Mine Shafts and Adits.

This technical note has been prepared specifically for the information and guidance of those engaged in the examination, design, and construction of works connected with abandoned mine entrances. This technical note has accordingly been compiled using cur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

30 CFR 881.10 - Obligations of States or local authorities.

...DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ABANDONED MINE LAND RECLAMATION SUBSIDENCE AND STRIP MINE REHABILITATION, APPALACHIA...objective of the project is to seal abandoned open shafts, slopes, air holes and other mine openings to underground...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2010

General Disclaimer One or more of the Following Statements may ...

abandoned shafts, pits, and tunnels signify that she area has been extensively explored for mineral deposits. Description of Facilities: ...

NASA Website

A field trail for sealing abandoned mine shafts and adits with lightweight concrete

An abandoned mine shaft near Omar, in Logan County, WV, was permanently sealed through a cooperative agreement between the West Virginia Department of Commerce, Labor, and Environmental Resources, Division of Environmental Protection, and the US Bureau of Mines (USBM), Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Program. An engineered ...

Energy Citations Database

Shaft sinking by stripping churn-drill holes

An inexpensive method of shaft sinking is described. Two vertical shafts, 8 feet in diameter, were sunk at this mine by stripping a 12-inch-diameter churndrill hole, into which muck was shoveled and dropped to mine workings below, where it was loaded mechanically and stowed in abandoned rooms.

Energy Citations Database

PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Second Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 22-24, 2007

the decreasing price of the copper in the international market. The mine became abandoned, roadways and the shafts were flooded by mine water. The abandoned mine has got a substantial geothermal potential, Stanford, California, January 22-24, 2007 SGP-TR-183 A PROSPECT GEOTHERMAL POTENTIAL OF AN ABANDONED COPPER

E-print Network

Danger to the public from abandoned mine workings and other property

The need of safeguarding persons and animals from dangers of both active and abandoned mine properties by filling in, blasting in, or covering and fencing in test pits and shafts, guarding properties temporarily idle, and securely sealing abandoned mines from entrance of persons or admission of air are considered.

Energy Citations Database

Stratification in Water Quality in Inundated Anthracite Mines, Eastern Pennsylvania.

The Bureau of Mines conducted a field investigation of the water quality in inundated underground coal mines in the Northern Anthracite Field, eastern Pennsylvania. Water samples were collected at multiple depths from nine abandoned mine shafts in the Wyo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Selection of a Backfilling Method for Roadway Storage of POLLUX Spent Fuel Casks.

For the backfilling of cavities in the roadways of an abandoned shaft for ultimate disposal of POLLUX spent fuel casks, the two methods suitable for this purpose are pneumatic backfilling, or slinger stowing. The two methods are described in detail by mea...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

OSM'S (Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement) Cone Design and Installation Experience.

The concrete filled steel cone offers an alternative solution in sealing vertical mine shafts. This paper gives the design and installation experiences of the Office of Surface Mining when dealing with abandoned coal mines. This same solution can also be ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

OSM's cone design and installation experience

The concrete filled steel cone offers an alternative solution in sealing vertical mine shafts. This paper gives the design and installation experiences of the Office of Surface Mining when dealing with abandoned coal mines. This same solution can also be used with other types of shaft closures. 4 figures.

Energy Citations Database

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Endangered Species Survey of Abandoned Mine Shafts in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Kentucky and Tennessee.

A total of 114 abandoned mine openings in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area (BSFNRRA) was surveyed for the presence of endangered species of bats between December 10, 1982, and April 14, 1983. Although no endangered species were found,...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effects of remote drop and pumpdown placement on cellular concrete

The hazards to the public posed by abandoned mine shafts are well documented. As private development encroaches on previously mined areas, the potential for fatalities and serious injuries from abandoned mine shafts increases. The US Bureau of Mines has conducted research into cellular concrete as a material for ...

Energy Citations Database

Abandoned mine shafts and levels in the British coalfields

Industrial dereliction is a concern to all societies. In the United Kingdom the British government is trying to make its abandoned coalfields more attractive to new industry through a combination of land reclamation and job incentive programs. The most ambitious of these projects occurs in the South Wales Coalfield, which records 200 years of land defilement and the highest ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Pumping characteristics of scrubber sludge for pipeline transport and subsequent deposit in old abandoned mine shafts: Final report, July 1, 1985-February 28, 1986

This is a report on an initial eight-month project which considers the possibility of transporting scrubber sludge slurry via pipeline to abandoned mine sites for subsequent deposit into underground mine shafts. An experimental system was designed and constructed which consists of three test loops, each 87 ft in length and each having two 40-ft ...

Energy Citations Database

The impact of coal mining on water quality in Claybank creek, northern Missouri, USA

Abandoned and unreclaimed shaft and strip mines are the source of sediments and selected, solute ionic species polluting the North Fork of Claybank Creek in north-central Missouri. Coal was mined by shaft and strip techniques in this drainage basin from the 1860's to the 1950's. Coal has been removed from under ...

Energy Citations Database

Stratification in water quality in inundated anthracite mines, eastern Pennsylvania. Report of investigations/1984

The Bureau of Mines conducted a field investigation of the water quality in inundated underground coal mines in the Northern Anthracite Field, eastern Pennsylvania. Water samples were collected at multiple depths from nine abandoned mine shafts in the Wyoming Basin. The shafts were also monitored for fluid resistivity, fluid ...

Energy Citations Database

Shoemaker, M.L., N.L. Anderson, A.W. Hatheway, T. Newton, S. Cardimona, A. Shaw, J.A. Baker, D.A. Webb, and J. Conley, "Reflection Seismic and Ground-Penetrating Radar Study of Previously Mined (Lead/Zinc) Ground, Joplin, Missouri," Missouri

and abandoned mine features, and determine structural geologic trends in the study area. The GPR data were acquired to identify and locate abandoned mine access and ventilation shafts in areas that were overlain and paleosinkholes), locate abandoned, in-filled and/or caved-in open pit mines; and define areas of ...

E-print Network

Leaching Experiments with Real-Scale Specimens in the Asse Abandoned Shaft. Period Covered: 1979-1985.

The experiments are carried out in order to obtain data describing the incident of water or brine intrusion into a nuclear waste repository. The specimens used are real-scale, solidified waste dummies. The solidification matrix is the first barrier agains...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ground Control in Mining. Proceedings

The proceedings contain 36 papers on strata control in underground mining. Specific topics include: support pillar design, mathematical modeling of support-rock interactions, deformation of mine roadways, support recovery, roof bolt design and performance, rock burst prediction methods, detection of abandoned shafts, water influx control, rock mechanical ...

Energy Citations Database

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