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2--14 microns Spectroscopy of Vega-type Stars

We present intermediate-resolution (lambda /Delta lambda ~ 50) infrared (2--14 microns) spectroscopy of four early-type main-sequence stars, conducted with the Aerospace Corp. Infrared Spectrograph. We observed beta UMa (A1 V), alpha Aql (A7 V), and beta Leo (A3 V) at the 1.3-m KPNO telescope in May 1993, and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NASA - Zeta Ophiuchi -- Runaway Star Plowing Through Space Dust

The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. When seen in visible light it appears as a relatively dim red star surrounded by other dim ...

NASA Website

Space Images: Zeta Ophiuchi -- Runaway Star Plowing through Space ...

Jan 24, 2011 ... The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. Zeta Ophiuchi is actually a very massive, hot, bright blue star plowing its ...

NASA Website

Voyager observations of Zeta Tau

Two Voyager observations of Zeta Tau, a well-known Be/shell star of spectral type B1 IVe and vsin(i)

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Catalog Page for PIA13455

the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. Zeta Ophiuchi is actually a very massive, hot, bright blue star plowing its way through a large cloud of interstellar dust and gas in... Websites

Runaway Star Plows Through Space - NASA Jet Propulsion ...

Jan 24, 2011 ... The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. When seen in visible light it appears as a relatively dim red star surrounded by ...

NASA Website

Zeta Oph: Runaway Star - Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA

Feb 4, 2011 ... In the false-color view, bluish Zeta Oph, a star about 20 times more massive than the Sun, lies near the center of the frame, moving toward the ...

NASA Website

HD 93521, zeta Ophiuchi, and the effects of rapid rotation on the atmospheres and winds of 09.5 V stars

Both low- and high-resolution IUE spectra of the rapidly rotating 09.5 V stars HD 93521 and zeta Oph

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Catalog Page for PIA13455 - NASA

Jan 24, 2011 ... The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. When seen in visible light it appears as a relatively dim red star surrounded ...

NASA Website

The Wind Variability of Zeta OPH and Zeta PUP

We propose to obtain coordinated optical and UV spectroscopy of both the photosphere and the wind of zeta Ophiuchi (09 V) and/or zeta Puppis (O4 If). These data will be used to seek correlated variability patterns in an attempt to determine whether photospheric variations (which are believed to arise from nonradial pulsational velocity fields) play a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chemical Abundances of Early Type Stars

The chemical abundances of O-stars, zeta Ori, lambda Ori, delta Ori, zeta Pup and zeta Oph, were obtained from the ASCA observations. The abundances derived from simple isothermal optically-thin model fits for the stars are significantly smaller than cosmic abundances for certain elements. If ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Circumstellar Envelope of Zeta Tauri through Optical Interferometry.

We present optical interferometric observations of the Be star Zeta Tauri obtained using the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (NPOI). The multichannel capability of the NPOI allows a high-quality internal calibration of the squared visibilities corre...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Space Images: Slideshow - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

This artist's concept shows a celestial body about the size of our moon ... Dance of the Light Echoes. The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta ...

NASA Website

Asteroid Belt Found around ... - NASA - Astrobiology - Latest News

According to astronomers Michael Jura and Catherine Chen, it may include a vast asteroid belt. The star, zeta Leporis, lies 70 light years from Earth, and is ...

NASA Website


The rapidly rotating non-radial pulsator, Zeta Oph, an O9.5V(e) star, has a history of mass ejections and the formation of shells. ...

NASA Website


The rapidly rotating non-radial pulsator, Zeta Oph, an O9.5V(e) star, has a history of mass ejections and the formation of shells. ...

NASA Website

On the detection of rubidium in diffuse interstellar clouds

A search for absorption from neutral rubidium at 7800 A was conducted. No evidence for absorption to a 3 sigma limit of less than 1.5 mA was seen in the diffuse interstellar gas toward the stars omicron Persei, zeta Persei, and zeta Ophiuchi. Present results do not confirm the detection by Jura and Smith (1981) toward ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Detection of rubidium in diffuse interstellar clouds

A search for absorption from neutral rubidium at 7800 A was conducted. No evidence for absorption to a 3 sigma limit of less than 1.5 mA was seen in the diffuse interstellar gas toward the stars omicron Persei, zeta Persei, and zeta Ophiuchi. Present results do not confirm the detection by Jura and Smith (1981) toward ...

Energy Citations Database

Observations of H II regions around Zeta OPH and other O-B stars

A Fabry-Perot spectrometer was used to measure the emission intensities in H-beta near Zeta Oph, Alpha Vir, Alpha Cam, and HD 188209. The spectrometer sensitivity is 0.2 rayleighs, the intensity measurement accuracy is 20 percent. Ionization zone boundaries are determined for Zeta Oph and Alpha Vir; the angular diameters of both regions are about 15 deg. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Zeta functions of quantum graphs

In this paper, we construct zeta functions of quantum graphs using a contour integral technique based on the argument principle. We start by considering the special case of the star graph with Neumann matching conditions at the center of the star. We then extend the technique to allow any matching conditions at the center for which the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Slideshow - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

This artist's concept shows the searing-hot gas planet WASP-12b (orange orb. Hot , Carbon-Rich Planet (Artist ... Stars Can't Spin Out of Control (Artist's Animation) ... The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. ...

NASA Website

The weak magnetic field of the O9.7 supergiant zeta Orionis A

We report here the detection of a weak magnetic field of 50 - 100 G on the O9.7 supergiant zeta Ori A, using spectropolarimetric observations obtained with NARVAL at the 2m Telescope Bernard Lyot atop Pic du Midi (France). zeta Ori A is the third O star known to host a magnetic field (along with theta^1 Ori C and HD 191612), and the ...

E-print Network

Zeta Pegasi: An SPB Variable Star

Broadband photometric observations of the bright star Zeta Pegasi are presented that display brightness variability of 488.2 +/- 6.6 micromag (ppm) range with a period of 22.952 +/- 0.804 hr (f approx. equals 1.04566 c/d). The variation is monosinusoidal, so the star is recommended for membership in the class of small-amplitude Slowly ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Towards understanding rapid line-profile and light variations of early-type stars. I - General considerations and a critical re-analysis of the data on 13 Zeta OPH and 45 Epsilon Per

Interpretations of the rapid spectroscopic and photometric variability of OB stars are examined, focusing on observational data on two OB line-profile variables, 13 Zeta Oph and 45 Epsilon Per. The characteristics of these stars are presented, including travelling features, radial velocities, spectroscopic periods, and probable masses ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Long Term Variability of the Coronal and Post-Coronal Regions of the Oe Star HD 149757 (zeta Oph)

In the spectra of Oe and Be stars, many spectral lines present peculiar and complex profiles due to the fact that the observed absorption features are composed of two or more absorption components (Discrete or Satellite Absorption Components-DACs/SACs). Here we detected the presence the SACs phenomenon in the C IV, N IV and N V spectral lines in 11 spectra of the Oe ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evidence for Corotating Clouds in the BE Star zeta Tauri

We reexamine a time series of spectroscopic data of the Be star zeta Tauri obtained by Kaye & Gies. When the difference spectra are folded with the 0.777 day period, a distinctive pattern emerges. This pattern is not the standard ``barber pole'' diagram expected from nonradial pulsation but is instead a pattern of two sinusoidal variations of enhanced ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Discovery of two distorted interstellar bubbles. [LL Ori, zeta Oph

During an extensive program of direct imagery of emission nebulae, arcuate structures were found around two stars. A well-defined shock-like structure was found about the T-Orionis variable LL Orionis, located to the side of the Orion Nebula. A less extensive shock-like structure was also found about the runaway star zeta Ophiuchi. ...

Energy Citations Database

Ultraviolet spectra of groups of hot stars in Taurus

The article reports a study of the energy distribution in the continuous UV spectrum of stars in the neighborhood of Zeta Tauri based on Orion-2 space observatory data. Findings are compared with theoretical models and with other available data for stars of the same spectral classes (O-B). An attempt is made to arrive at a law ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Short-term photometric variability of Psi Persei and Zeta Tauri

We report the short-term photometric periods and UBV light and color amplitudes of the Be stars Psi Persei and Zeta Tauri, derived from observations made in Arizona and Hungary, as part of a multiwavelength campaign in 1991. The most likely periods are 1.021 and 0.665 days, respectively, with the period of Zeta Tauri being most ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

1979-1980 eclipse of zeta Aurigae, I. The circumstellar envelope

The resonance lines of Mg/sup +/ and C/sup + + +/ have been studied in the spectrum of zeta Aurigae during 1979 and 1980. A model of the K-star wind far from the K star and its interaction with the B star in the system has been derived. The data suggest a mass loss rate from the K star of 2 x ...

Energy Citations Database

IUE MEGA Campaign: The Rotationally Modulated Wind of zeta Puppis.

We discuss 16 days of intensive International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations of the Si iv doublet (lambda1400) in the spectrum of the O4 I(n) f star zeta Pup. The data show continuous variability throughout the greater part of the blueshifted abs...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Upper limits for interstellar boron and beryllium abundances toward zeta ophiuchi

Observations of interstellar boron and beryllium in the zeta Oph spectrum were made using Copernicius. While neither element was detected, the boron limit can be used to derive (B/H)<3 x 10/sup -11/ in themain interstellar cloud seen toward zeta Oph. Since (B/H) = 1.5 +- 0.7 x 10/sup -10/ in the interstellar gas between the Sun and kappa Ori, and since ...

Energy Citations Database

Radio observations of OH toward zeta Ophiuchi: evidence for an interstellar shock

The 1667 MHz line of OH has been observed toward zeta Ophiuchi and toward several dusty patches seen projected on the H II region. The column density of OH from radio and that from optical data agree. The OH is in two velocity components, at about : 0.5 km s/sup -1/ and 5 km s/sup -1/. The more negative velocity is that of the strongest atomic and molecular lines observed ...

Energy Citations Database

Slideshow - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. ... Aitoff projection of the three-color composite JHKs source count map of the entire sky ... This artist's concept shows the searing-hot gas planet WASP-12b (orange orb ...

NASA Website

2000: Refereed Papers in Stellar Interferometry

T.E. Nordgren Astrophys. J., 540, L91-93 (2000). (NPOI: Binary) Direct detection of pulsations of the Cepheid star Zeta Gem and an independent calibration of the period-luminosity... Websites

P Cygni profiles in zeta Ophiuchi and zeta Puppis. [Emission and absorption, width, velocity

Selected regions of the far UV spectra of zeta Oph (O9.5 V) and zeta Pup (O4 If) obtained with the Copernicus satellite have been plotted to show the P Cygni profiles. In addition, widths and velocity shifts of both emission and absorption features have been tabulated. In zeta Oph only the C iv and N v resonance lines show the ...

Energy Citations Database

Chandra Hetgs Observations of the Rapidly Rotating OE Star Zeta OPH

We propose a 92 ks Chandra HETG observation of the O 9.5V(e) star Zeta Oph. Several very interesting results have emerged from HETG observations of O stars, e.g., not only are the X-rays distributed throughout the stellar wind, we also find X-ray emission from high ion stages (S XV and Si XIII) at the base of the wind. These results ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Elemental abundance analyses with DAO spectrograms: XXXII. HR 6455 (A3 III), ? Aqr (A3 V), ? Lep (F2 V), and 1 Boo (A1 V)

We examine the sharp-lined stars HR 6455 (A3 III, v sin i = 8.7 km s-1) and ? Lep (F2 V, v sin i = 13.5 km s-1) as well as ? Aqr (A3 V, v sin i = 81 km s-1) and 1 Boo (A1 V, v sin i = 59 km s-1) to increase the number consistently analyzed A and F stars using high dispersion and high S/N (?200) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Be Stars Visibility Curve Constraints from Measurements with the CHARA Array Long Baseline Interferometer

Be stars are hot, non supergiant, B-spectral type stars that are rapidly rotating and ejecting mass into a circumstellar disk. These disks vary in time and have low densities that are responsible for the emission lines seen in the Be stars spectra. We will present the first results on Be stars from observations ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Subsonic structure of radiatively driven winds of early-type stars

Methods are developed for the calculation of extended nongray model atmospheres for early-type stars with radiatively driven mass loss. Models for a central star of a planetary nebula and a Wolf-Rayet star are calculated, and compared with hydrostatic model calculations. Scaling laws are given for explaining the differences ...

Energy Citations Database

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Evidence for the Importance of Resonance Scattering in X-Ray Emission Line Profiles of the O Star Zeta Puppis

We fit the Doppler profiles of the He-like triplet complexes of O VII and N VI in the X-ray spectrum of the O star {zeta} Pup, using XMM-Newton RGS data collected over {approx} 400 ks of exposure. We find that they cannot be well fit if the resonance and intercombination lines are constrained to have the same profile shape. However, a significantly better ...

Energy Citations Database

Evidence for Corotating Clouds in the B{bold e} Star {zeta} Tauri

We reexamine a time series of spectroscopic data of the Be star {zeta} Tauri obtained by Kaye & Gies. When the difference spectra are folded with the 0.777 day period, a distinctive pattern emerges. This pattern is not the standard {open_quotes}barber pole{close_quotes} diagram expected from nonradial pulsation but is instead a pattern of two ...

Energy Citations Database

Spectral Diagnostics for Early-Type Stars in Support of High-Resolution Satellite Observation.

High-resolution X-ray spectra have recently been obtained using the Chandra X-ray Satellite Observatory for the two hot supergiant stars zeta Pup and delta Ori. The spectra show the presence of strong K-shell line emission from O, Ne, Mg, Si, and S, as we...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Refine Results Further - Images from the Universe Gallery

The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. .... PIA11969: M33 : A Close Neighbor Reveals its True Size and Splendor (3-color composite) .... PIA08626: Stars Can't Spin Out of Control (Artist's Animation) Animation Icon ... This artist's concept shows the searing-hot gas planet WASP-12b (orange orb ...

NASA Website

Photoelectric UBV photometry of variable stars observed during the years 1961-1999

Photoelectric UBV photometry of the variable stars V 636 Cas, alpha UMi, V 440 Per, zeta Gem, UU Cnc, TYC2-880-515-1, V 473 Lyr, chi Cyg, V 1794 Cyg, DT Cyg, V 1334 Cyg, V 532 Cyg, pi Aqr, and DY Peg is reported.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Images from the Universe Gallery

The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. ..... This majestic false-color image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows 'mountains' .... PIA08626: Stars Can't Spin Out of Control (Artist's Animation) Animation Icon ... This artist's concept shows the searing-hot gas planet WASP-12b (orange orb ...

NASA Website

Probing shock models of CH(+) formation

High-resolution, high SNR observations of CH and CH(+) toward Zeta Oph, Xi Per, and P Cyg are used to test several predictions of shock models of molecule formation. The predicted differences between the CH and HCH(+) heliocentric velocities of the magnitude produced by the shock theories are not found in any of the three stars. toward ...

Energy Citations Database

The long-period binary AL Velorum - The atmospheric eclipse of a bright K0 giant

The properties of the AL Vel binary system, a Zeta Aur system containing a B dwarf and a bright K0 giant, are reviewed with reference to IUE observations of its atmospheric eclipse and eclipse of the accretion disk around the B-dwarf component. It is found that the conditions in the chromosphere are rather similar to those in the Zeta Aur supergiants, once ...

Energy Citations Database

The absolute spectrophotometry of binary stars

A spectrophotometric study has been made of twelve binaries by using mean energy distribution data for stars of different spectral classes. Spectrophotometric observations of the twelve binaries, Tau Per, Gamma Per, Epsilon Aur, Zeta Aur, Alpha Aur, Omicron Leo, Beta Cyg, Delta Sge, 31 Cyg, 32 Cyg, Beta Cap, and Eta Peg, were carried out during the period ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Discovery of an Extended Halo in the Fomalhaut Debris System

Fomalhaut, a bright A3V star located 7.7 pc away, is a particularly interesting system for the study of planetary formation and evolution because it possesses a debris disk and a planet revealed by direct imaging. The whole system provides a unique opportunity to explore the connection between debris disk structure ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Discovery of a magnetic field in the Slowly Pulsating B star zeta Cassiopeiae

zeta Cas is a B2 IV star with vsin i = 17 km s-1. Time-resolved circular spectropolarimetric observations of zeta Cas obtained in 2001 and 2002 with the Musicos �chelle spectropolarimeter at the 2 m T�lescope Bernard Lyot (TBL) show a sinusoidally varying longitudinal magnetic field with a strength between 10 G and -46 G for the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the Accuracy of Double Star Measurements from "Lucky" Images, a Case Study of Zeta Aqr and Beta Phe

The accuracy and reproducibility of measuring double stars from "lucky" images was tested by repeated recordings at consecutive nights of two systems, zeta Aquarii (STF 2909) and beta Phoenicis (SLR1 AB), with current separations of about 2 arcsec and 0.4 arcsec, respectively, using a fast CCD camera at two telescopes (40 cm and 50 cm Cassegrain). By ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

MG II profile variations of Zeta Aurigae

The authors have observed variations in the Mg II 2800 � doublet of Zeta Aurigae. The Mg II profiles deviate from simple P-Cygni profiles in that they exhibit an absorption feature consistent with Chapman's (1981) interpretation of C IV absorption as evidence of a column of accretion onto the B star component of the binary. The authors find the opening ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The s-process nucleosynthesis of barium stars

Nuclear-reaction calculations of the heavy-element synthesis occurring in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars were performed to analyze the observations of enhanced s-process elements in barium stars. In addition, s-process abundances were obtained from single neutron exposure calculations, and significant differences were found in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Solution of a Certain Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problem with an Application.

The report shows that the nonlinear barrier equation F(+)(zeta)F(-)(zeta) + mu(zeta)(F(+)(zeta) + F(-)(zeta)) + sigma(zeta) = 0 can be solved in closed form provided mu(zeta), sigma(zeta) are Holder continuous and so related that signa(zeta) + S ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Interstellar lithium and the Li-7/Li-6 ratio in diffuse clouds

The 6078-A doublet of interstellar Li I has been observed at high spectral resolution (3 km/s) toward Delta Sco and Zeta Oph with a Reticon detector yielding an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio around 4000. This first detection toward Delta Sco gives a measured equivalent width of 0.25 + or 0.03 mA. In order to evalute the lithium isotopic ratio, the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Emission variations in H-alpha and H-beta lines in the spectra of some Be stars - Gamma Cas, Zeta Tau, and 66 OPH

The emission behavior in H-alpha and H-beta lines in the spectra of three Be stars (Gamma Cas, Zeta Tau, and 66 Oph) is studied using spectrograms obtained on a 1220-mm reflector and on a grating-spectrograph with dispersions of 30 and 15 A/mm. Short time-scale variations were observed in the relative intensities of the V and R components of the H-alpha ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Comparison of optical and radio column-density measurements toward omicron and Persei and zeta Ophiuchi

Optical and radio measurements of interstellar column densities toward two stars are compared in order to improve our knowledge of diffuse cloud geometry, excitation conditions, and molecular abundances. Toward omicron Per, radio column density measurements made with 20' beams (H i, CH, OH) agree with optical determinations, but a measurement with a 1' beam ...

Energy Citations Database

Nonradial pulsation and mass loss in early B stars

It has been firmly established that nonradial pulsation (NRP) probably occurs in nearly all sharp-lined early B stars near the main sequence. A recent breakthrough occurred with the discovery of quasi emission/absorption bumps moving across the line profiles of the rapid rotators zeta Oph and alpha Vir. It was found that an intermediate-1 (1 8) NRP mode is ...

Energy Citations Database

Direct detection of pulsations of the Cepheid star zeta Gem and an independent calibration of the period-luminosity relation.

Cepheids are a class of variable (pulsating) stars whose absolute luminosities are related in a simple manner to their pulsational periods. By measuring the period and using the 'period-luminosity' relationship, astronomers can use the observed visual brightness to determine the distance to the star. Because these stars are very ...


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Stellar Ultraviolet Rocket Research Program.

A 1/4 meter ultraviolet spectrometer, developed to measure the ultraviolet flux from several standard type stars was flown successfully on Aerobee rockets. The ultraviolet flux from alpha Lyr, eta U Ma, zeta Oph, delta Ori, alpha CMa, beta CMa, and alpha ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Oxygen I depletion in the diffuse interstellar medium

Data for interstellar neutral oxygen absorption lines available in the literature for five unreddened and three reddened stars are reviewed to assess the accuracy of the derived column densities. The interstellar absorption spectra for omicron Per are analyzed in detail along the lines of an earlier paper on zeta Oph data, leading to the upward revision of ...

Energy Citations Database

Interstellar absorption-line spectrum of. mu. OPHIUCHI

UV interstellar lines have been measured on high-resolution, long- and short-wavelength IUE spectra of the B8 V star Oph. Column densities for the observed atoms and ions have been determined as well as turbulent velocities. The interstellar spectrum of Oph is similar to the ones for rho Oph and zeta Oph.

Energy Citations Database

Pulsations of B stars: A review of observations and theories

The observational and theoretical status are discussed for several classes of variable B stars. The older classes now seem to be better understood in terms of those stars that probably have at least one radial mode and those that have only nonradial modes. The former are the ..beta.. Cephei variables, and the latter are the slowly rotating 53 Persei and ...

Energy Citations Database

Zeta potential in ceramic industry

Deflocculation, electrical conductivity and zeta potential (ZP) are studied for the addition of 0 to

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

The angular diameter and distance of the Cepheid ? Geminorum

Cepheids are the primary distance indicators for extragalactic astronomy and therefore are of very high astrophysical interest. Unfortunately, they are rare stars, situated very far from Earth. Though they are supergiants, their typical angular diameter is only a few milliarcseconds, making them very challenging targets even for long-baseline interferometers. We report ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Rotationally excited HD toward zeta Ophiuchi

The column density of rotationally excited HD toward zeta Oph has been measured, giving 0.15 +- 0.02 (1 sigma) for the ratio in J=1 to J=0. Distorted-wave Borne approximation calculations of the collisional excitation cross sections are given, and the effects of UV pumping on the population in J=1 are derived. A new analysis of the H/sub 2/ population in J=6 shows that the UV ...

Energy Citations Database

Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Subjected to Ordnance ...

... shelters and in the nuclear energy industry in reactor containment ... Bauer and Calder [11] have results showing ... Dideon �--a 2 pt ln(1 + a3 v2) ...

DTIC Science & Technology

CHARA Array Observations of Be Stars and Regulus

The disks of Be stars produce an infrared flux excess that is predicted to have an angular size much larger than the stellar diameter in the sky. Here we report on the first K-band long baseline interferometric observations of Be stars made with the CHARA Array on Mount Wilson, California. We present observations of the Be stars Phi ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Precise Spectropolarimetric Measurements of Magnetic Fields on Some Solar-like Stars

Results of precision measurements of the net longitudinal component of magnetic field strength (B_e) performed for Procyon (alpha CMi, F5 IV-V) and three solar-type stars-beta Com (G0 V), zeta Her (F9 IV), beta Aql (G8 IV)-are reported. All stars observed are weak solarlike activity analogs. We outline an improved observational ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Eclipse Mapping of the Chromopsheric and Transition Region Structure of the Hybrid Chromosphere Star HR2554 (G6 Ii)

We propose to observe an eclipse of the Zeta Aurigae-type binary HR2554 using the GHRS. Every 195 days the A1 dwarf secondary passes behind the outer atmosphere of the G6 II primary and can be used as light source to observe absorption lines from plasma in the G star atmopshere. The G star has a hybrid-chromosphere structure with hot ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Observations of eight close binaries with the Einstein Observatory

Eight close binaries were observed with the Imaging Proportional Counter aboard the Einstein Observatory. The binaries R Ara, Zeta Aur, RZ Cas, 31 Cyg, Delta Lib, U Sge, RZ Sct, and RW Tau all show strong indications of active mass flow in their ground-based and/or ultraviolet spectra. The systems R Ara, RZ Cas, 31 Cyg, Delta Lib, and U Sge were detected as X-ray sources while ...

Energy Citations Database

Abundance of interstellar oxygen toward zeta Ophiuchi

Zeippen, Seaton, and Morton recently published profiles of interstellar neutral oxygen lines in zeta Oph. From a reconsideration of the profiles of visual interstellar lines to that star, it follows that the cloud dominating the O I absorption could have a very small velocity spread bapprox. =0.5 km s/sup -1/. Analysis of the profile of the 1302 A line ...

Energy Citations Database

Unravelling the Complex Wind Outflow from Zeta Aurigae

Zeta Aur is a long period (972 day) binary containing a K supergiant and a B dwarf. In Cycle 2 we observed with the GHRS the last eclipse of the B dwarf by the K star's wind and chromosphere. An analysis of these spectra have lead us to a significantly improved understanding of how the K star wind flows from the binary system. A low ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

All In The Family: Chandra Finds Evidence That Massive Stars Are More Like The Sun Than Previously Believed

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has found evidence that massive stars may be much more like the Sun than previously thought. Astronomers determined that magnetic loop structures, similar to those on the Sun, may exist on the surface of so-called O-type stars, some of the most luminous stars in the universe. "This result is quite ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Eclipse Mapping of the Chromopsheric and Transition Region Structure of HR2554 (G6 Ii) -- Repeat - Hopr 0247

We propose to observe an eclipse of the Zeta Aurigae-type binary HR2554 using the GHRS. Every 195 days the A1 dwarf secondary passes behind the outer atmosphere of the G6 II primary and can be used as light source to observe absorption lines from plasma in the G star atmopshere. The G star has a hybrid-chromosphere structure with hot ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Study of depletion in low-velocity diffuse interstellar gas

The diffuse gas in the Scorpius-Ophiuchi region of the sky has been studied in order to determine the effect of a weak shock on interstellar abundances. Using high-resolution spectra from the Copernicus satellite, column densities were derived from atomic species in five lines of sight: zeta Oph ..beta../sup 1/ Sco, Sco, sigma Sco, and 1 Sco. Each line-of-sight ...

Energy Citations Database

P Cygni profiles in zeta Ophiuchi and zeta Puppis

Detailed P Cygni profiles are plotted using data from selected regions of the far-UV spectra of zeta

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Computer Algebra Group at SFU - Meetings, Colloquia

Computing Roots of Truncated Zeta Functions. Greg Fee, SFU. We define the N-term truncated zeta function by the sum of the first N terns of the Riemann zeta ...

E-print Network


3. STATISTICS OF THE ZEROS OF THE RIEMANN ZETA FUNCTION. 3.1 Solution of the non -linear equation � 3.2 Empirical value of for Riemann zeta function zeros ...

E-print Network

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Spectral Diagnostics for Early-Type Stars in Support of High-Resolution Satellite Observation

High-resolution X-ray spectra have recently been obtained using the Chandra X-ray Satellite Observatory for the two hot supergiant stars zeta Pup and delta Ori. The spectra show the presence of strong K-shell line emission from O, Ne, Mg, Si, and S, as well as strong L-shell line emission from Fe. Initial examination of the spectra indicates that the lines ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the temperatures of diffuse interstellar clouds

It is proposed that the ratio of the column densities of HD and OH be used to estimate the kinetic temperatures of diffuse interstellar clouds. Ten reactions which govern the abundances of HD and OH in diffuse interstellar clouds are identified, and the ratio of the column densities of these two species is related to kinetic temperature. The method is employed to determine the kinetic temperatures ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ultraviolet observations of astronomical sources

The final report on 'Ultraviolet Observations of Astronomical Sources,' which ran for a total of three years, roughly between 1 July 1988 and 14 Feb. 1993 is presented. During the first year, I worked at Indiana University; since October, 1989, I have been at Tennessee State University. This grant has supported my studies of archival International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Time-Series Observations of O Stars. III. IUE and HST Spectroscopy of zeta Ophiuchi and Implications for the ``Photospheric Connection''

Stellar-wind variability in the archetypal nonradially pulsating O star ? Oph (09.5 V) is discussed on the basis of new time-series lUE and HST spectroscopy and archival results. Time-variable "discrete absorption components" are first observed at high velocities (? 103 km s-1 ? 0.8??) and then migrate blueward; the recurrence time scale for the phenomenon is �20 hr. This is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The chemical composition of the mild barium star HD 202109

We present chemical abundances of the mild barium star HD 202109 (\\zeta Cyg) determined from the analysis of a spectrum obtained by using the 2-m telescope at the Peak Terskol Observatory and a high-resolution spectrometer with R=80 000, signal to noise ratio >100. We also present the atmospheric parameters of the star determined ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On zeta Functions of Quadratic Forms.

This paper shows that, for a proper choice of the function phi, the zeta function Z sub phi (s) (A. Weil, Adeles and algebraic groups, lecture notes, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1961) can be connected with the zeta function Zeta sub epsilon(S...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The absolute flux of six hot stars in the ultraviolet (912-1600 A)

Six hot stars were observed on 1984 March 2 from a Black Brant V sounding rocket (NASA 21.085UG). The absolute fluxes from Gamma 2 Vel, Zeta Pup, Alpha CMa ,Gamma Ori, Beta Tau, and Epsilon Per were measured in the spectral region between 912 and 1600 A at 10 A resolution. Comparisons with revised Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 Ultraviolet Spectrometer data and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Radiation driven winds of hot luminous stars. III - Detailed statistical equilibrium calculations for hydrogen to zinc

Multilevel statistical equilibrium calculations for the dominant ions of H to Zn in hot star stellar winds have been performed, comprising 133 ionization stages of 26 elements with a total of 400 levels and 10,000 radiative bound-bound transitions. Non-LTE effects are shown to be significant, and an important back reaction of the improved occupation numbers on the wind ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Niobium and rubidium in the barium star Zeta Capricorni

An abundance analysis of the elements Rb to Nb (relative to the G-giant standard ? Vir) has been carried out for the barium star ? Cap using low-noise, high-resolution Digicon and Reticon spectra. Tech's (1971) low abundance of Nb in ? Cap suggests that the s-process ceased less than about a million years ago. The authors' improved analysis finds a higher Nb abundance ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Zeta Aurigae stars

The elements of the orbits of the Aurigae stars are discussed and the masses and dimensions derived. It is found that the mass ratio, 1 / 2 , is less than 1�5 for the two systems, Aurigae and 31 Cygni, where the data are well determined, and masses of approximately 8 for the giant K star and 6 for the main-sequence B star ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


The method of measurement of temperatures in thermonuclear reactions in Zeta by measuring the width of the lines on the spectroscope plate is discussed. (M.H.R.)

Energy Citations Database

A semiempirical model for the red supergiant's wind in Zeta Aurigae systems

A semiempirical model for the wind in four Zeta Aur binary systems is developed, basing the analyses

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Absolute fluxes of six hot stars in the ultraviolet (912-1600 Angstroms)

Six hot stars were observed on 1984 March 2 from a Black Brant V sounding rocket (NASA 21.085UG). The absolute fluxes from ..gamma../sup 2/ Vel, zeta Pup, ..cap alpha.. CMa, ..gamma.. Ori, ..beta.. Tau, and epsilon Per were measured in the spectral region between 912 and 1600 A at 10 A resolution. Comparisons with revised Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 ...

Energy Citations Database

Identifying birth places of young isolated neutron stars

Young isolated radio-quiet neutron stars are still hot enough to be detectable at X-ray and optical wavelengths due to their thermal emission and can hence probe cooling curves. An identification of their birth sites can constrain their age. For that reason we try to identify the parent associations for four of the so-called Magnificent Seven neutron stars ...

E-print Network

Interstellar gas phase abundance of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, copper, gallium, germanium, and krypton toward Zeta Ophiuchi

An analysis of weak (less than 10 mA) UV interstellar absorption line data obtained for the line of sight to the O9.5 IV star Zeta Oph is presented. Measurements of weak semiforbidden lines of N I, O I, Cu II, and a new UV detection of Na I are reported along with a small upper limit for C II. Interstellar detections of Ga II, Ge II, and Kr I are also ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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