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Related Publications
Publication 54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens AbroadIndex for this PublicationPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 519 U.S. Tax Guide for AliensPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 4588 Basic Tax Guide for Green Card Holders: Understanding Your U.S. Tax ObligationsPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 4588 (SP) Basic Tax Guide for Green Card Holders: Understanding Your U.S. Tax Obligations (Spanish Version)PDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 4588 (VN) Basic Tax Guide for Green Card Holders: Understanding Your U.S. Tax Obligations (Vietnamese Version)PDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Links Inside Publications
Publication 3 - Armed Forces' Tax Guide - Alien Status
Publication 17 - Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals) - Filing Information
Publication 514 - Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals - Who Can Take the Credit?
heading icon Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - U.S. Aliens and Citizens Living Abroad
heading icon Tax Topics
Tax Topic 851
Tax Topic 858
heading icon Web Links
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Web Site