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Rep Sandy Levin

Rep Sandy Levin
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  • Government Official
    Rep. Sander “Sandy” Levin represents The 9th Congressional District which includes communities in Macomb and Oakland counties and spans from Lake St. Clair to Bloomfield Township.
  1. Visited Dr. Divizio's AP Govnment Class today at Groves High School to announce the 9th District Student Inaugural Address Competition. High School Students are invited to record a 2-3 minute Inaugural Address expressing their vision for the country. Videos are due by Friday, January 25, 2013. For more information on the competition visit
    Photo: Visited Dr. Divizio's AP Govnment Class today at Groves High School to announce the 9th District Student Inaugural Address Competition. High School Students are invited to record a 2-3 minute Inaugural Address expressing their vision for the country. Videos are due by Friday, January 25, 2013. For more information on the competition visit
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Rep Sandy LevinSee All
    • Hello my name is Michelle. I was involved in a domestic violence case back in August of 2012. I'm writing you because i was injured really bad,I had to have a cat scan done to make sure i didnt have anything more than what i had wich was a closed head injury. I have pictures so do the police. I'm wondering why the law for what he did to me he only is charged with a misdemeanor? He was charged twice with in a week and I have complications due to his actions! I dont understand how and why!?! I feel it was great bodily harm and all he gets is probation. I would like to know what i can do to try and make stricter laws against domestic violence. All i have is my phone and faace book if someone could get back to me. again my name is Michelle Delozer. 586 443-6208
      Sunday at 10:43am
    • Here are the Ways & Means Members for the 113th Congress on Facebook (1/2): Rep Sandy Levin Charles Rangel Congressman Jim McDermott John Lewis Congressman Richard Neal Congressman Xavier Becerra Rep. Lloyd Doggett Mike Thompson John Larson Rep. Ron Kind
      51 · January 4 at 11:58am
    • Don Garriott
       Ban hammers! More people are killed with them every year than ALL rifles!
      January 4 at 9:19am
    • Don Garriott
      Just say NO to new firearms restrictions!
      January 3 at 10:17am
    • David Bright
      thank u for helping me and my family
      January 2 at 7:29am
  3. Looking forward to stopping by the Berkley City Council and Royal Oak City Commission meetings tonight.
  4. LikesSee All
  5. Nearly 70 days after Superstorm Sandy devastated New Jersey and New York, the House today is finally voting on a bill to provide some disaster assistance to the affected areas. It is very unfortunate that it took deep public criticism of Speaker Boehner earlier this week by members on both sides of the aisle – including from New Jersey Governor Christie – to shame the House into action. Disaster aid should not be held up by partisan politics. Unfortunately, the approach taken by Republicans today will require another Senate vote and delay relief, but at least we are moving forward to assist these areas.
  6. Congratulations to Dave Flynn who was just elected by his colleagues as Chair of the Macomb County Board of Commissioners this evening. I am confident he will do a talented job.
  7. Nice to see the families of all of the new Members gathered for the swearing-in as we all reflect on the trust the American people have placed in us. I’m proud to be serving the new 9th District of Michigan. While much of the new district remains a similar combination of Macomb and Oakland communities, it also includes several new communities that I have not represented this past term, and in some cases never before – which I’m excited to get to know. Many thanks for keeping in touch on issues important to you.
  8. A very important part of President Obama's remarks last night on avoiding the fiscal cliff: “Today’s agreement enshrines a principle into law that will remain in place for as long as I am president. The deficit needs to be reduced in a way that is balanced. Everyone pays their fair share. Everyone does their part. That is how our economy works best. That is how we grow.”
  9. Important Status Update:
    Important news: the Senate early this morning overwhelmingly approved legislation to extend federal unemployment insurance through 2013, at the same levels that were in effect in 2012. Updates to come as soon as the information is available.
  10. May 2013 bring to you good health, time enjoyed with family and friends, economic security and time to share your views on Facebook. My deepest appreciation for your involvement.
  11. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, "I heard the bells on Christmas Day, their old, familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the words repeat of peace on earth, goodwill to men!"
  12. It has been deeply troubling that Speaker Boehner has spent day after day on the road to nowhere; making it clear Republicans are having trouble governing and only putting us closer to the fiscal cliff. The Speaker needs to now exercise leadership and go back to the negotiating table with the President to find a path forward that is balanced, equitable, and promotes economic growth.
  13. 12 days from the end of the year with many outstanding issues and House Republicans are wasting precious time debating a bill that provides a $50,000 tax cut to the very wealthiest instead of negotiating a comprehensive and balanced solution with the President. Here is my floor statement from today.

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012