Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

Reflections on Ramadan and Eid in the U.S.

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Eid Mubarak! On Thursday, August 23, 2012, at 08:00 EDT (12:00 UTC)
join Rashad Hussain, U.S. Special Envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), for a virtual discussion on his work to deepen and expand partnerships between the United States and Muslims around the world. Special Envoy Hussain will talk about his recent travels and take your questions about Ramadan and Eid in the U.S., as well as about his experiences as Special Envoy.

This will be a video webchat in English. To participate just click (Short URL: )

Tweet your questions to #askconx or submit them in the chat space during the live program.

Interview with Hijabi Monologues’ Sahar Ullah

Monday, March 14th, 2011


Hijabi Monologues creative director Sahar Ullah performing at the Kennedy Center. Courtesy of Ayesha Ahmad Photography.

Our friend Sahar Ullah, creator of the Hijabi Monologues, recently did an interview on Latitudes, a radio program out of American University’s WAMU 88.5.  The interview features Sahar and includes performance excerpts from Kamilah Pickett and Maytha Alhassen, who were both in Ottawa performing the Monologues last fall.

Click HERE to listen to the interview!


Friday, December 10th, 2010

The promotion and protection of human rights has been a major preoccupation for the United Nations since 1945, when the Organization’s founding nations resolved that the horrors of The Second World War should never be allowed to recur. The Day marks the anniversary of the Assembly’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Over the years, a whole network of human rights instruments and mechanisms has been developed to ensure the primacy of human rights and to confront human rights violations wherever they occur.

One instrument the Department of State uses to disseminate information on the state of human rights around the world is its annual Human Rights Report (HRR). The HRR describes in detail human rights conditions in each country, and also contains recommended actions to promote improvement. It is used not only by American government officials but also by foreign governments (including Canada) as a reference tool.

In March of this year we held a digital video conference (DVC) to discuss the 2009 HRR, which had at that time recently been released. We connected with representatives from Bureau of Democracy, Rights and Labor in Washington, and hosted an audience that included contacts from Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Parliament, and Canadian NGOs. It was a good occasion for the parties to hold a candid discussion, and the audience had the opportunity to ask questions of the Bureau of Democracy, Rights and Labor’s Associate Deputy Secretary.

More generally, the U.S. Mission’s Public Affairs programs in Canada have included multiple activities that promote equality and acceptance within North American Civil Society. One in five Canadians are considered New Canadians, so much of our programming focuses on diversity and acceptance within Canada’s multi-faceted civil society. Examples of this type of programming include hosting an International Information Program (IIP) speaker on interreligious dialogue (see the post on Chantal McGill), bringing up two performers from The Hijabi Monologues to present their play for

The Hijabi Monologues

audiences in Ottawa and Halifax, and running a speaker program on shared North American Black historical and cultural connections. We’ve also done a speaker program on Domestic Violence with Beth Feder, and a speaker tour with an expert on governmental and non-governmental initiatives to promote the economic empowerment of minority women and communities with American expert speaker, Dr. Cheryl Shavers. We continue to work closely with individuals and organizations in the local community that also have a focus of mutual understanding within the religious and cultural communities. After all, human rights are best asserted through grass root initiatives!

If you’re interested in learning more about human rights, The Department of State has several resources available to the public, including publications, remarks, etc. We encourage you to read up, and SPEAK UP!

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Secretary Clinton on the Importance of Civil Society for Democracy

Clinton at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women

Appointment of Adviser for International Disability Rights

Photo Gallery: The Evolution of Human Rights

Sixty Years: Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights publication, Human Rights in Brief

Things have been quiet on here…

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

…But only because we’ve been out and about! …or “oot & aboot” as our locally engaged staff would say…  What were we doing?  WELL, we were:

  • - Welcoming the incoming Fulbrighters and celebrating Fulbright Canada’s 20th Anniversary.  Thursday night’s gala, as you may have read in the Ambassador’s Blog, was an incredible event!  
  • - Engaging with Alumni at events.
  • - Attending Eid dinners hosted by contacts.
  • - Programming this week’s IIP speaker program.
  • - AND attending the annual Public Affairs Conference.

There were of course other things, but it the past few weeks have been such a whirlwind that this is all we can remember.

Not to fret – new posts are on the way!!  In fact, we’ve been out with May and Kamilah of The Hijabi Monologues this week, so info on that is coming right up!  Stay tuned….

Upcoming Webchats Focus on Interfaith and Educational Exchanges in the U.S.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

CO.NX is an online State Department program that brings you live multimedia events with experts on a variety of topics.  Their goal is to connect with people around the world in order to gain a mutual understanding on a range of important issues.  

Be sure to check out two new webcasts from the Team:

Muslim Life in America is a live webchat happening next Wednesday, September 15th at 6:30am EDT.  Chat with American Imam Ghayth Nur Kashifabout about Muslim life and the celebration of Ramadan in the U.S.
Imam Kashif is resident Imam for Masjidush-Shura in Washington, D.C. He was a founding member of the American Muslim Council and director of Congressional Affairs. Sign up to participate at:
Visit that same site to submit your questions in advance.

The second webchat is for those of you interested in educational exchanges. Erica Lutes, Educational Adviser at the Fulbright Commission in Brussels, Belgium, will discuss Studying Abroad in the United States. The “Studying Abroad” webchat will take place at 4:00am EDT on Tuesday, September 21st. Visit to sign up.

By the way – if you’re not an early riser, transcripts of both webcasts will be available HERE at the CO.NX website.

(CO.NX  = Connects… get it? …I just did.)

Webcast: Islam in America – Muslims Organize for Action

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Join Inner-City Muslim Action Network Executive Director Rami Nashashibi on August 25 to learn how Muslims in the United States organize to address social issues. The webcast will begin at 17:30 GMT (1:30 p.m. EDT).

Rami Nashashibi has been the executive director of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) since its incorporation as a nonprofit organization in January 1997. He has a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago and has been an adjunct professor at various colleges and universities across the Chicago area, where he has taught sociology, anthropology and other social sciences.

If you would like to participate in this webcast, please go to No registration is needed. Simply choose “Enter as a Guest,” type in your preferred screen name, and join the discussion. We accept questions and comments in advance of, and at any time during, the program.

President Obama, Secretary Clinton, Mission Canada staff wish Muslims in Canada a happy and blessed Ramadan

Friday, August 13th, 2010

To mark the occasion of Ramadan, President Obama and Secretary Clinton have each released statements of best wishes:

Read the President’s Ramadan Message.

Click on the images below to view videos.

Read the Secretary of State’s Ramadan Message.

Mission Canada looks forward to joining our Muslim friends at Iftaars across the nation and Eid celebrations in September.

Ramadan Kareem.

Embassy Hosts Interfaith Roundtable with IIP Speaker Chantal McGill

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Earlier this week we hosted Chantal McGill of Chicago’s Interfaith Youth Core.  Chantal was in Canada on a State Department International Information Program (IIP) and visited Ottawa and Calgary.

Chantal McGillIFYC logo





While in Ottawa, Chantal led an interfaith roundtable with several members of Ottawa’s faith and interfaith community.  Participants of all ages discussed several events and programs that have taken place in Ottawa, including  the Multifaith Week of Action – Ottawa 2010.  Check out that video link (that underlined text you just read) - it showcases a number of events organized with the purpose of uniting individuals of different religions through a common cause: helping others

faiths actIf you are a young person of faith looking for an opportunity to make a change, or if you know of a young person who might fit the bill, look into becoming/nominating a A Faiths Act Fellow.  The Faiths Act Fellowship is a paid 11-month experience for young leaders inspired by faith, 20 to 27 years of age from the UK, Canada, India and the US, who are committed to interreligious engagement, social justice, and global service.  It has Fellows pairing with leading NGOs to fire up faith communities to act together in the fight against global inequity… and to prove to the world that Faiths Act!!

Applications will be available August 2010.

To learn more, stay tuned to, or contact