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Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program - Methyl Bromide Transitions Program (MBT)

The goal of the Methyl Bromide Transitions (MBT) program is to support the discovery and implementation of practical pest management alternatives to methyl bromide uses for which the United States is requesting critical use exemptions. The program seeks to ensure that economically viable and environmentally sound alternatives to methyl bromide are in place and available as soon as possible for the current 2013 Critical Use Nominations. The program is focused on integrated commercial or field scale research that targets short- to medium-term solutions and associated extension activity that will foster the adoption of these solutions, as well as a focused economic analysis of cost of successfully implementing the transition on a commercial scale.

Special Notation

More Integrated Programs Information

Who Is Eligible to Apply

  • 1862 Land-Grant Institutions
  • 1890 Land-Grant Institutions
  • 1994 Land-Grant Institutions
  • Hispanic-Serving Institutions
  • Other or Additional Information (See below)
  • Private Institutions of Higher Ed
  • State Controlled Institutions of Higher Ed
  • More Information on Eligibility

    Colleges and universities (as defined in section 1404 of NARETPA) (7 U.S.C. 3103) are eligible to submit applications for the Methyl Bromide Transitions (MBT) Competitive Grants Programs. Please see the RFA see Part III, B. and Part VIII, E. for more information and specific details.

    Request for Application (RFA) | Apply: Electronic | Abstracts of Funded Projects

    Solicitation Date (Opening) May 9, 2012
    Letter of Intent Due Date None
    Due Date (Closing)
    June 19, 2012
    Estimated Total Program Funding $1,900,000.00
    Range of Awards $0.00 to $500,000.00
    Percent of Applications Funded Last Fiscal Year 50%
    Cost Sharing Requirements If benefits are commodity-specific, dollar-for-dollar match required. See RFA.
    For More Information Contact Kitty Cardwell
    Funding Opportunity Number USDA-NIFA-ICGP-003790
    Contact for Electronic Access Problems
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