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Crisis Assistance Home

Resources for Treatment and Prevention (PDF)

Support Groups

Emotional Support

Grief and Loss

Suicidal Behavior

Mental Health Issues

Deployment Support

Combat-Operational Stress

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Domestic Abuse

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Sexual Harassment

Sexual Assault

Substance Abuse Support

Alcohol Use

Drug Use

Medical Support

Blanchfield Hospital

Warriors in Transition

Sexual Crisis Assistance 

Sexual Harassment

Need help dealing with sexual harassment? Call the EO Hotline at 270-798-0492.The Army’s military Equal Opportunity Program demands equal opportunity and fair treatment for military personnel, family members and Department of the Army civilians without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or National origin. It also demands an environment free from sexual harassment.

The policies apply on and off post, during duty and non-duty hours, and in working, living and recreational environments.

To report incidences of equal opportunity violations, call the following numbers:

Active duty: (270) 798- 0484, or call the EO Hotline at (270) 798-0492.
Civilian employees: (270) 798-3765


 Online Resources

Army Sexual Harassment Site

Army Behavioral Health

Are You at Risk? Call 270-798-CARE

Military OneSource

National Suicide Hotlines

If you are in CRISIS call 1800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)