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February 2013

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2013 Events

February 2013

Title: Extreme Events Kick-off Meeting
Date: February 26 - 27, 2013
Location: First Floor Conference Center
EPA Potomac Yard South
2777 Crystal Dr.
Arlington, Virginia

EPA is pleased to present 14 newly awarded grantee projects on climate-induced changes in extreme events in the context of air and water quality management. A goal of this research funding is to seek a better understanding of the hazards (the extreme events) and to establish ways for climate scientists, impact assessment modelers, air and water quality managers, and other stakeholders to co-produce information necessary to form sound policy in relation to extreme events and their impact on air and water quality under a changing climate. Researchers from across the country will present their research plans and early results.
Extreme Event Impacts on Air Quality and Water Quality with a Changing Global Climate

Contact: Michael Hiscock (hiscock.michael@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-0258
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Agenda: TBD

Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: February 27, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The February Webinar will feature:

David Deganian
David Deganian
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
Barry University School of Law

David Deganian is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at Barry University School of Law in Orlando, FL and directs the law school’s Environmental and Earth Law Clinic. David’s work is focused, in part, on the development of laws and policies for the protection of environmental justice communities, as well as the representation of these communities in environmental litigation. He is a graduate of the Georgia State University College of Law and the University of Georgia.

Nick DiLuzio
Nick DiLuzio
Project Manager/GIS Analyst

Nick DiLuzio is a GIS analyst and project manager at NewFields in Atlanta, GA. Nick’s expertise in data management, geographical information systems (GIS), forestry, and environmental management has provided him the opportunity to contribute to diverse projects ranging from contaminant distribution to environmental justice issues. Prior to joining NewFields, Nick earned a B.S. in Biology at Davidson College, and Master’s degrees in both Environmental Management and Forestry from the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University as well as earning a Certificate in Geospatial Analysis. He has used his expertise in performing pro bono work for nonprofit environmental organizations and the people they serve.

Institutions: Barry University School of Law
Presentation: The Patterns Of Pollution: Perspectives From an Environmental Attorney and a GIS Scientist on the Identification And Assessment of Environmental Justice Communities
What will you Learn?
  1. Methods for identifying and prioritizing environmental justice communities using publicly available data and GIS software;
  2. Results of an environmental justice assessment in the metro Atlanta region; and
  3. Practical uses of this data from an environmental attorney’s perspective.
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
Save the Date (PDF) (1 pg, 464 K)

March 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: March 13, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Marie Lynn Miranda Marie Lynn Miranda Environment, Social Stressors and Disparities in Birth Outcomes Southern Center on Environmentally-Driven Disparities in Birth Outcomes (SCEDDBO) - Duke University
Amy Padula Amy Padula Traffic-related Air Pollution, Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Risk of Preterm Birth in the San Joaquin Valley of California

What will you learn:

  1. the association between traffic-related air pollution and preterm birth is driven by early preterm births;
  2. the association between air pollution and preterm birth is strong among those in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods;
  3. those who are exposed to multiple pollutants at high levels, the associations are compounded.
Berkeley/Stanford Children's Environment Health Center - UC Berkeley

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
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Title: Coarse PM Final Progress Review & Aero-allergens
Date: March 18, 2013
8:30am - 4:30pm EDT
Location: Webinar
EPA Research Triangle Park
Auditorium C111(A-C)

Previously, there has been a lack of published studies investigating the associations of mortality and morbidity with coarse particulate matter (PM10-2.5) and addressing the effects of different components or sources of these particles. The composition and toxicity of coarse PM likely vary significantly across locations with large differences between urban and rural regions because of a variety of different sources (e.g. pollen, endotoxin, road dust, agriculture, mining) and difficulties in estimating risks and exposure estimates.

In 2007, the National Center for Environmental Research awarded five STAR grants for research studies to improve understanding of the composition, sources, and health effects of urban and rural coarse PM, which includes particles in the size range from 2.5 to 10 micrometers in diameter. This meeting will include presentations and discussions of the final results from these STAR grantees and EPA scientists.

For more details on the STAR grants, see: Sources, Composition, and Health Effects of Coarse Particulate Matter.

Contact: Ashley Berg (berg.ashley@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-0343
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Logistics: TBD
Agenda: TBD

Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: March 20, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The March Webinar will feature:

Douglas Crawford-Brown
Dr. Douglas Crawford-Brown
Professor and Director
Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research
University of Cambridge

Dr. Crawford-Brown is Director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research at the University of Cambridge, and Emeritus Professor in Environmental Sciences and Policy and Director Emeritus of the Institute for the Environment at the University of North Carolina in the US. He has served on the US National Drinking Water Advisory Committee, Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee; on the US Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change; on the American Water Works Association's Technical Advisory Workgroup for Climate Change; on the European Commission's Panel of Scientific Experts on Risk; on the OFWAT (UK) Regulatory Futures Panel; and on the HM Treasury (UK) Interdependent Infrastructure Expert Panel. He has advised governments and businesses on risk, climate change, sustainability and environmental protection in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Mexico and France.

Institutions: University of Cambridge
Presentation: A Semi-Quantitative Framework For Cumulative Risk Assessment Of Waterborne Contaminants
What will you learn?
  1. Understanding competing philosophical and policy foundations of cumulative risk
  2. Calculating cumulative risk based on disability adjusted life years
  3. Using cumulative risk to identify strategies of risk reduction for water supplies
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

April 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: April 10, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Dana Dolinoy Dana Dolinoy Epigenetics and Children's Health Perinatal Exposures, Epigenetics, Child Obesity and Sexual Maturation - University of Michigan
Joe Wiemels Joe Wiemels Epigenetics and Children's Health Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE) - UC Berkeley

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
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Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: April 17, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The April Webinar will feature:

Dr. Jonathan Levy
Dr. Jonathan Levy
Professor and Associate Chair
Department of Environmental Health
Boston University School of Public Health

Jonathan Levy is Professor of Environmental Health in the Department of Environmental Health at the Boston University School of Public Health. Dr. Levy's research focuses on air pollution exposure assessment and health risk assessment, with an emphasis on urban environments, multi-stressor exposure scenarios, and issues of heterogeneity and equity. Recent research projects have included evaluating spatial patterns of air pollution in complex urban terrain; developing methods to quantify the magnitude and distribution of health benefits associated with emission controls for motor vehicles, power plants, and aircraft; using systems science approaches to evaluate the influence of indoor environmental exposures on pediatric asthma in low-income housing, and developing methods for community-based cumulative risk assessment that includes chemical and non-chemical stressors. [Read More]

Institutions: Boston University School of Public Health
Presentation: Simulating Population Characteristics and Exposures to Multiple Stressors for a Community-Based Cumulative Risk Assessment
What will you learn?
  1. The value of synthetic microdata for community-based cumulative risk assessments
  2. Statistical methods by which synthetic microdata can be generated and validated, relying solely on public databases
  3. Approaches for predicting exposures to key stressors as a function of synthetic microdata, with an example applying this approach to cigarette smoking in a low-income urban community
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

Title: 2013 National Sustainable Design Expo (SHC)
Date: April 19 - 21, 2013
Location: National Mall; Washington DC

EPA’s People, Prosperity & the Planet (P3) Program is a two-phase competitive research grants program for teams of college/university students to address real-world problems by designing solutions that benefit people, promote prosperity and protect the planet. The National Sustainable Design Expo, cosponsored annually by ORD/NCER since spring 2005 is a public showcase of the designs of the P3 teams which have competitively received a P3 Phase 1 grant couples with a public expo.

Contact: Cynthia Nolt-Helms (nolt-helms.cynthia@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8102
Registration: TBD
Logistics: TBD
Agenda: TBD

Title: Kick off and Progress Review Meeting; Water Distribution System Science Update (SSWR)
Date: TBD
Location: TBD

EPA funded 10 grants in 2008-2009 on public health protection with improvements in the condition and function of the water infrastructure. The research funding goal is to improve the effectiveness of the water infrastructure for protecting public health. The projects demonstrate an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach that leads to advances in design, operation, and management of the water infrastructure and directly tie those advances to public health protection while improving water efficiency and reducing energy requirements. Please join EPA and the researchers as they present their latest findings.
Advancing Public Health Protection through Water Infrastructure Sustainability

Contact: Angela Page (page.angela@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8046
Registration: TBD
Logistics: TBD
Agenda: TBD

May 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: May 8, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Kari Nadeau Kari Nadeau Asthma Berkeley/Stanford Children's Environment Health Center - UC Berkeley
Rachel Miller Rachel Miller Asthma Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health - Columbia University
Elizabeth Matsui Elizabeth Matsui Asthma Mechanisms of Asthma-Dietary Interventions against Environmental Triggers - Johns Hopkins University

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
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Title: 2013 Spring National SBIR/STTR Conference
Date: May 13 - 16, 2013
Location: Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor, MD 20745

The National Innovation Summit and Showcase (NISS), May 13-16, 2013 in Washington DC. NISS is designed to accelerate the commercialization of American innovation by providing the world's largest on-site matchmaking program with investors and corporate development partners and attracts over 3,500 attendees to its annual conference. The SBIR and STTR programs are the largest source of federal funding - over $2 Billion annually - for small high tech firms. This new event format efficiently combines both events; it’s an ideal opportunity for you to speak directly to those from the public and private sector looking to invest in innovative technologies.

This event is structured to cater to everyone from the SBIR beginner to the veteran firm. Both federal agency SBIR and Tech-Transfer offices will be participating. Together the two events will offer a variety of sessions both technical and informational, one-on-one opportunities with the SBIR PM’s, display booths and unique programs like the NISS-SBIR Commercialization Acceleration Program. Three special registration options have been established for the SBIR and STTR community.

  1. National SBIR Conference Registration, May 14-16: $375.00
  2. National SBIR Conference & NISS Registration, May 13-16: $575.00 (please use code SBIR13 when registering online)
  3. NISS-SBIR Commercialization Acceleration Program, May 13-16: $650.00 (discounted price includes Showcase booth and full access to both conferences).

    Please contact Derek Mayer at dmayer@techconnect.org to register for this package. Requires an Innovation Submission (SBIR awarded or other technology) by January 30 at: National Innovation Showcase Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer. Accepted submissions will be asked to showcase their technology, with top-ranked submissions asked to present their innovation.

Contact: April Richards (richards.april@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8103
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Agenda: TBD

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Discounted Room Rates:
Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: May 22, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The May Webinar will feature:

Dr. Glenn Suter
Dr. Glenn Suter
Science Advisor
National Center for Environmental Assessment
Office of Research and Development

Glenn W. Suter II is Science Advisor in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Center for Environmental Assessment-Cincinnati and Chairman of the Risk Assessment Forum’s Ecological Oversight Committee. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of California, Davis, and 35 years of professional experience. He is the principal author of three texts in the field of ecological risk assessment, editor of three other books and author of more than two hundred other publications. He is Associate Editor for Ecological Risk of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, and Assistant Editor for Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. [Read More]

Institutions: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Presentation: Why and How to Integrate Your Assessment
What will you learn?
  1. Why health and environmental assessments need to be more integrated?
  2. What are the ways in which assessments may be integrated?
  3. How to decide on the type of integration?
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

June 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: June 12, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Tracey Woodruff Tracey Woodruff Endocrine Disruptors and Early Development Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center: Formative Center - University of California, San Francisco
Kim Harley Kim Harley Endocrine Disruptors and Early Development Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health (CERCH) - UC Berkeley

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
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Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: June 26, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The June Webinar will feature:


Dr. Wenyaw Chan

Presentation: EPA STAR Grantee, Statistical Methods for Cumulative Risk
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

July 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: July 10, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Susan Schantz Susan Schantz Epigenetics, Endocrine Disruptors and Early Development Novel Methods to Assess Effects of Bisphenol A & Phthalates on Child Development - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Carmen Marsit Carmen Marsit Epigenetics, Endocrine Disruptors and Early Development Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Center - Dartmouth College

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
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Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: July 31, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The July Webinar will feature:

Dr. George Alexeeff
Dr. George Alexeeff

Presentation: Cal/EPA Cumulative Impact Methodology
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

August 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: August 14, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Isaac Pessah Isaac Pessah Autism and Environment Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCEH) - UC Davis
Irva Hertz-Picciotto Irva Hertz-Picciotto Autism and Environment Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCEH) - UC Davis

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
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Title: Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) 2013 Webinar Series
Date: August 21, 2013
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar

Join us for the monthly webinar series presenting the latest research findings in cumulative risk assessment and impacts.

EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Technical Panel is currently developing guidelines on CRA and NCER is funding extramural research to advance the science further and introduce additional strategies for examining combinations of chemical, physical and biological stressors while factoring in population vulnerabilities.

Invited speakers will present on a wide range of cumulative risk topics to inform participants about the development of the Agency’s CRA Guidelines.

The CRA Webinar Series will be presented monthly to run through December 2013. The CRA Webinar Series is open to the public to stimulate wider discourse on cumulative risk themes generally.

The August Webinar will feature:


Dr. Stephen Linder

Presentation: STAR Grantee, Statistical Methods for Cumulative Risk
Contact: Devon Payne-Sturges (payne-sturges.devon@epa.gov); phone: 703-347-8055
Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview

September 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: September 11, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Andrew Liu Andrew Liu Asthma Denver Children’s Environmental Health Center - Environmental Determinants of Airway Disease in Children - National Jewish Health
Rob McConnell Rob McConnell Asthma University of Southern California
David Schwartz David Schwartz Asthma Denver Children’s Environmental Health Center - Environmental Determinants of Airway Disease in Children - National Jewish Health

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

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Title: 2013 Biennial National EPA Fellowship Science Conference (SHC)
Date: September 17 - 18, 2013
Location: TBD

NCER’s competitive Fellowship program supports approximately 80-100 fellowships annually. All current and new Fellows are required to attend a biennial scientific conference. The objective is to provide a major science gathering encouraging the Fellows to meet and learn about each other’s projects in a way preparing them to establish the necessary working relationships and network helping to germinate future joint environmental activities.

Contact: TBD
Registration: TBD
Agenda: TBD

October 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: October 9, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Catherine Metayer Catherine Metayer Critical Windows of Early Exposure Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE) - UC Berkeley
Monique DePaepe Monique DePaepe Critical Windows of Early Exposure Formative Center for the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts on Fetal Development - Brown University

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

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Title: Children’s Centers Annual Progress Review Conference (SHC)
Date: TBD
Location: TBD

The conference brings together EPA/NIEHS Children’s Centers investigators and other stakeholders within the children’s environmental health community including key researchers, clinicians, federal staff, scientists and professional associations.

Contact: TBD
Registration: TBD
Logistics: TBD
Agenda: TBD

November 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: November 13, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Karen Peterson Karen Peterson Environment and Obesity Perinatal Exposures, Epigenetics, Child Obesity and Sexual Maturation - University of Michigan
Andrew Rundle Andrew Rundle Environment and Obesity Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health - Columbia University

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
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December 2013

Title: EPA/NIEHS Children's Centers 2013 Webinar Series
Date: December 11, 2013
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Webinar

For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental contaminants. To better understand the effects of these exposures on children's health, the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research ("Children's Centers") were established in 1998 to explore ways to reduce children's health risks from environmental factors. The program is jointly funded by EPA through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) with additional expertise and low-cost laboratory services provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The long-range goals of the program include understanding how environmental factors affect children's health, and promoting translation of basic research findings into intervention and prevention methods to prevent adverse health outcomes. The program is designed to foster research collaborations among basic, clinical, and behavioral scientists with participation from local communities. Many factors are examined that may impact a child’s health and well-being including physiology, activities and behaviors and both chemical and non-chemical stressors.

Researchers at the Children's Centers continue to publish significant research results increasing awareness and making a difference in quality of life and our environmental impact awareness. This Webinar series is designed to share research progress and significant findings from the Childrens Centers.

Featured Speakers:

Elaine Faustman Elaine Faustman Pesticides and Children's Environmental Health Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research - University of Washington

Richard Callan (callan.richard@epa.gov); 703-347-8051
Nica Louie (louie.nica@epa.gov); 703-347-8125

Registration: Register Now Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Additional info: Webinar Overview
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