Los Alamos National Laboratory

Science >  LANL Institutes >  Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics

National Security Education Center


FY14 Call for Research Proposals

(Both New and Renewal Proposals)

Deadline for receipt: Monday, April 5, 2013


The Institute of Geophysics, Planetary Physics and Signatures (IGPPS) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is one of the Los Alamos National Laboratory science institutes. Its science mission is to promote and coordinate basic research on the understanding of the origin, structure and evolution of the Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe, to develop the science base to predict future changes as they affect human life. As part of the mission, IGPPS at Los Alamos National Laboratory is committed to promoting and supporting high quality, cutting edge science in the areas of astrophysics and cosmology; space physics; solid earth geoscience; an integrated understanding of the Earth’s climate system, and the understanding, identification and exploitation of significant signatures that leads to an improved understanding of the relevant phenomenology. These subject areas are selected based on their breadth of scientific challenges facing the international scientific community as well as on the strategic need to extend scientific excellence supporting the Los Alamos National Laboratory mission.  

In order to encourage highly creative and innovative ideas and concepts, IGPPS encourages revolutionary and moderate to high-risk research. Projects supported by IGPPS often involve students and/or postdocs, with project durations up to three fiscal years.  

Collaboration between Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists, university scientists, (LANL or University) postdocs, and (LANL/University) graduate students is viewed by both IGPPS and the Laboratory as an effective arrangement to promote creativity, extend science beyond today’s understanding, and build a long term opportunity for program growth for both the Laboratory and its collaborating partners.

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Advisory Board 2012
External Committee

Richard Aster - Chair
New Mexico Tech

George Fuller
UC San Diego

Brian McPherson
University of Utah

Mike Liemohn
University of Michigan

Greg Taylor
University of New Mexico

Carol Anne Clayson
Woods Hole

Dave Gutzler
University of New Mexico

Katrin Heitmann
Argonne National Laboratory

Donald "Don" Wuebbles
University of Illinois

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