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The Rising Tide: Uganda Country Program Final Evaluation

The Rising Tide: Uganda Country Program Final Evaluation
Apr 11 (pdf, 917k)


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Transition Initiatives

The USAID Office of Transition Initiatives supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy in priority countries in crisis. Seizing critical windows of opportunity, OTI works on the ground to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key political transition and stabilization needs.

Since 1994, OTI, part of USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, has laid the foundation for long-term development in 31 conflict-prone countries by promoting reconciliation, jumpstarting local economies, supporting nascent independent media, and fostering peace and democracy through innovative programming. In countries undergoing a transition from authoritarianism to democracy, violent conflict to peace, or pivotal political events, initiatives serve as catalysts for positive political change. OTI programs are short-term—typically, two to three years in duration. OTI works closely with regional bureaus, missions, and other counterparts to identify programs that complement other assistance efforts and lay a foundation for longer-term development. OTI programs often are initiated in fragile states that have not reached the stability needed to initiate longer-term development programs. OTI strategies and programs are developed and designed to meet the unique needs of each situation.

Recent Highlights and Successes

Women of the Borabu-Sotik Peace Initiative and their supporters march for peace.


Kenya - Borabu-Sotik Women Work for Peace - March 2012
Women of the Borabu-Sotik border region have risen above the animosities generated by the 2007–08 post-election violence to work for change. Their center has become a hub for reconciliation.

Young women prepare pappadam, a crisp flatbread, for market.


Sri Lanka - Pappadam Boosts Local Economy - March 2012
USAID assistance helped revitalize a once-thriving pappadam factory, which was closed in the mid 1980s because of the conflict. The factory is again providing residents with jobs and hope for the future.

A Phoenix Libya billboard in downtown Tripoli promotes unity, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among Libyans.


Libya - Women's Group Promotes Reconciliation and Unity - April 2012
Although the transition process in Libya has been marred by lingering hostilities, groups like Phoenix Libya are working for reconciliation and forgiveness. OTI is supporting the group's national campaign to spread its message of unity across the country.


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