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Regulations and Policy

USAID is required to comply with internal regulations and directives as well as Federal Government policies and regulations. All of these regulations and directives are interconnected in different ways; for example, the FAR and AIDAR (two chapters in the CFR) are Mandatory References to ADS Chapter 302.

The following is a list of the various Policies and Regulations concerning procurement :

  • Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
    The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

  • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
    The Federal Acquisition Regulations System establishes and publishes uniform policies and procedures for acquisition by all executive agencies. The Federal Acquisition Regulations System consists of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which is the primary document, and agency acquisition regulations that implement or supplement the FAR. The FAR System does not include internal agency guidance.

  • Justification and Approval Documents for Other Than Full and Open Competition (J&A)
    J&As are available for viewing by clicking on the above link which takes you directly to Federal Business Opportunities (FBO). Once in FBO, go to "view by agency" and "select Agency for International Development", then in the keyword space type in "J&A". Note: J&As may also be referred to as "justification for other than full and open competition" (JOFOC).

  • Class Determinations and Findings (D&F) Documents
    D&Fs are available for viewing by clicking on the above link. Contracting Officers ("COs") must approve a separate justification and approval ("J&A") for each use of this class D&F when limiting competition. The J&A will cite this class D&F as the authority for the action. FAR 6.305 requires COs make J&As publicly available within 14 days. J&As are available, after posting, for viewing by clicking on Justification and Approval Documents for Other Than Full and Open Competition (J&A) which takes you directly to Federal Business Opportunities (FBO). Once in FBO, go to "view by agency" and "select Agency for International Development", then in the keyword space type in "J&A". Note: J&As may also be referred to as "justification for other than full and open competition" (JOFOC)..

  • AID Acquisition Regulations (AIDAR)
    The AIDAR is USAID's Acquisition Regulation supplementing the FAR (48 CFR Chapter 1) and is published as Chapter 7 of Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations.

  • USAID Policies and Procedures
    The ADS is USAID's directives management program. Agency policy directives; required procedures; and helpful, optional material are drafted, cleared, and issued through the ADS. Agency employees must adhere to these policy directives and required procedures.

  • Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives
    AAPDs (previously Contract Information Bulletins or CIBs) provide information of significance to contracting personnel including (but not limited to): advance notification of changes in acquisition or assistance regulations; reminders; procedures; and general information.

  • OMB Circulars
    OMB Circulars are instructions or information issued by the Office of Management and Budget to Federal agencies. These are expected to have a continuing effect of two years or more.

  • Other References

Policy Division

The Policy division is responsible for the creation, review, and interpretation and distribution of all Acquisition and Assistance Policy for USAID. This site will provide updates and general information regarding changes in policy; however, contractors and grant recipients are encouraged to contact their cognizant Contracting/Agreement Officer in matters relating to specific awards or solicitations. The Ombudsman is also available for crosscutting issues, customer service, and outreach activities.

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