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AM Friday, February 22nd

USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum

AM Friday, February 22


8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Track: Conservation

Drainage Water Management
This session will explore the use of the drainage system to provide crop moisture during dry times, when moisture is needed. The speakers will explore the technology and management changes needed to effectively utilize drainage water to reduce “dry-side” production risk and increase net returns. Speakers will also discuss the conditions when drainage water management can improve production’s bottom line and emphasize the potential private gain from improved drainage water management.
Moderator: Ann Mills, Deputy Under Secretary, Natural Resources and Environment, USDA
Washington, DC

The Farm Perspective
Speaker: Brian Hicks, a Minnesota producer, will share his experiences in yield improvements attributable to improved drainage water management.
Brian Hicks, Nettiewyynnt Farms, Tracy, MN

The Research Perspective
Dr. Frankenberger will bring a research perspective to the issue of drainage water management. She was involved in a multi-state Conservation Innovation Grant on drainage water management. 
Speaker: Jane R. Frankenberger, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

The Engineering Perspective
Dr. Skaggs will discuss the conditions and circumstances of yield risk reduction from improved drainage water management.
Speaker: R. Wayne Skaggs, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Track: Managing Risks

Crop Insurance: A Global Perspective
The discussion will outline the challenges faced by rural producers, the role of crop insurance in risk management, the changing face of the U.S. crop insurance model in other countries, the role of reinsurance, and how the U.S. benefits from crop insurance or similar programs in other countries.
Moderator: Joseph Glauber, Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC

Agricultural Insurance - A Growing Class of Business Globally
Speaker:John Drakeford, Aon Benfield/Agricultural Specialty, London, England

The French Agricultural Insurance Scheme
Speaker: Yves Salmon, Groupama SA, Paris, France

Agricultural Insurance for Developing Countires: the Role of Governments
Speaker: Jose Angel Villalobos, Acturial Consultant, Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program, The The World Bank

Track: International Trade

Genetically Engineered Organisms: Trade & Domestic Use
The session looks to the future of policy, science, and technology for genetically engineered organisms.  APHIS’ Biotechnology Regulatory Services implements regulations for certain genetically engineered organisms that may pose a risk to plant health. APHIS coordinates these responsibilities along with the other designated Federal agencies.  The session will include input from USDA Advisory Committee on Biotechnology & 21st Century Agriculture (AC21).
Moderator: Rebecca Blue, Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, USDA, Washington, DC

Crop Adaptation in a Changing Climate and Biotechnology’s Role: Drought Tolerant Varieties
How will genetically modified plants be more resistant to droughts or climate change?  Industry organizations like Monsanto and Pioneer, and others, are working in coordination with APHIS to ensure that policy and permits continue to advance.
Speaker: Adrianne Massey, Managing Director, Science & Regulatory Affairs, Biotechnology Industry Organization, Washington, DC

Innovations in Techniques for Biotechnology
Speaker will discusses genetically modified crops that are resistant to pests/diseases and the emerging RNAi technology.
Speaker: Robert T. Fraley, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Monsanto, St. Louis, MO

International Trade Issues with Genetically Engineered Organisms
Future and current trade and domestic related topics of biotech production will be discussed.
Speaker: Russell Redding, Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Delaware Valley College, Doylestown, PA

Track: Commodity Outlooks

Sugar Outlook

Moderator: Steve Hines, Director of Marketing, United Sugars Corporation
Bloomington, MN

Mexico Sugar Policy
Speaker: Adriana Herrera Moreno, Graduate Student, Master of International Public Policy, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC

Private Sector Analysis of the NAFTA Sugar Market
Speaker: Ron Sterk, Associate Editor, Milling & Baking News and Food Business News, Sosland Publishing Company, Kansas City, MO

To Label or Not To Label?  
Speaker: Peggy Lemaux, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA

Grains & Oilseeds Outlook

USDA staff will analyze the meteorological factors behind last summer’s historic drought, evaluate the effects of summer weather on corn and soybean yields, and provide the 2013 supply and demand outlook for wheat, corn, and soybeans.
Moderator: Bill Lapp, Advanced Economics Solutions, Omaha, NE

Evolution of the 2012 Drought and Its Impacts
Speaker: Brad Rippey, U.S. Agricultural Meteorologist, Office of the Chief Economist, USDA, Washington, DC

Weather Effects on Expected Corn and Soybean Yields
Speaker: Paul Westcott Agricultural Economist, Economic Research Service, USDA
Washington, DC
Presentation Paper

USDA Grains & Oilseeds Outlook
Speaker: Pete Riley, Agricultural Economist, Farm Service Agency, USDA, Washington, DC

10:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Track: Conservation

Reducing Risks by Improving Soil Health
This session will examine the indicators of soil health, to reduce chemical inputs and apply the right techniques for sustainable production and other benefits. Conservationists, researchers, and farmers extol the facts and the beauty of healthy land. Soil Health is defined as the capacity of the soil to function as a living ecosystem that sustains plant, animal, and human health with limited human intervention.
Moderator: Jane Hardesty, Indiana State Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, Indianapolis, Indiana

What is a Healthy Soil?
Archuleta will demonstrate the usually unseen and misunderstood differences between healthy soil and how soils can become unhealthy. He’s a champion for understanding soil health as the foundation for farming sustainably in the 21st century: reducing chemical inputs; creating sustainable farming; improving water holding capacity; improving the farmer’s bottom line; and feeding an increasing global population.
Speaker: Ray Archuleta, Agronomist, National Soil Health and Sustainability Team, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, Greensboro, NC

How to Achieve a Healthy Soil
Dr. Haney will talk about the sources of nutrients around us, but focus on management of chemicals on land to produce crops sustainably and what carbon sequestration means to soil health.
Speaker: Rick Haney, Soil Scientist, Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Temple, TX

Impacts of a Healthy Soil
Brandt farms 1,200 acres of continuous no-till corn, soybeans and wheat, using hairy vetch, oilseed radish, cereal rye, and Austrian winter peas as cover crops. Mr. Brandt is the modern farmer that uses education, scientific study, and commonsense observations to understand that healthy soils are the key to a productive farm.
Speaker: David Brandt, Conservation Farmer, Brandt Farms, Carroll, OH

Track: Managing Risks

Outlook for Transportation Risks 
Will cover rail, barge, and truck issues as related to the drought and Midwest infrastructure
Moderator: Bruce Blanton, Transportation Services Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA
Washington, DC

Outlook for Transportation Risks on our Inland Waterways
Speaker: Rick Calhoun, President, Cargill Marine and Terminal, Minneapolis, MN

Challenges for Maintaining Navigable Waterways
Speaker: Barry Holliday, Executive Director, Dredging Contractors of America

The Challenges of Funding our Inland Waterway Infrastructure
Speaker:Charles Stern, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy, Congressional Research Service, Washington, DC

Track: International Trade

Export Strategies of Farmer Co-ops
U.S. agricultural exports have been a bright sector of the nation’s economy, with an estimated record value of $143.5 billion in 2012, surpassing the previous record of $137.4 billion, set in 2011. More than 1 million American jobs are reliant upon agricultural exports, including jobs in food processing, packing and shipping, transportation and on-farm jobs and related support industries (farm machinery sales, farm services, etc). Farmer- and rancher-owned cooperatives have long been among the nation’s leading exporters.
Moderator: Doug O'Brien, Deputy Under Secretary, Rural Development, USDA, Washington, DC

How the U.S. Almond Industry Exported Its Way to Domination of the World Market
A representative of Blue Diamond Growers will discuss how the nation’s (i.e. California’s) almond industry has quadrupled during the past 20 years, from about 500 million pounds to over 2 billion pounds. This expansion would not have been possible without the rapid growth of export markets around the globe, which account for 70 percent of U.S. almond sales.
Speaker: Bill Morecraft, General Manager, Global ingredients Division, Turlock, CA

How Asian Livestock Producers Are Linked with American Grain Growers
CHS Inc.’s vice president of North American Grain Marketing, will relate how the co-op’s global export programs provide American-grown grains to livestock producers in Asian nations and other markets around the world. CHS will provide an overview of how it is tapping Asian markets.
Speaker: Rick Dusek, Vice President, North American Grain Marketing, CHS Inc., Inver Grove Heights, MI

How Accelerated Genetics Accelerated Its Business by Developing Export Markets
President & CEO of Accelerated Genetics, a Wisconsin-based livestock breeding cooperative, will present an overview of how the co-op developed and maintains its export business, with insight into the challenges it has faced, and its future plans for overseas business. The co-op, which made its first international sale in 1957, today does nearly half of its business overseas. It was awarded the 2011 Wisconsin Governor’s Export Achievement Award during the annual Export Achievement Awards. Speaker: Joel Groskreutz, President & CEO, Accelerated Genetics, Baraboo, WI

Track: Commodity Outlooks

Cotton & Fibers Outlook
Moderator:Davis Baker, Cotton Trader, Glencore Ltd., Stamford, CT

The Outlook for U.S. and World Cotton Supply and Demand
Speaker: Carol Skelly, Cotton & Fiber Analyst, Office of the Chief Economist, USDA
Washington, DC

The Brazil WTO Cotton Case: A 10-Year Retrospective
Speaker: Carol Goodloe, Senior Economist, USDA, Retired, Arlington, VA

Untangling China's Cotton Policy
Speaker: Fred Gale, Senior Economist, Market and Trade Economics Division, Economic Research Service, USDA, Washington, DC

Risk Management and the U.S. Cotton Farmer: Strategies for Today's Market
Kelli Merritt, President, CropMark Direct and Cotton Producer, Lamesa, TX

Livestock & Poultry Outlook
Moderator: Sherry Wise, Senior Economist, Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, Washington, DC

USDA 2013 Livestock & Poultry Outlook
Speaker: Shayle Shagam, Livestock & Poultry Analyst and ICEC Chair, Office of the Chief Economist, USDA, Washington, DC

A Tragedy of the Commons — How Do We Proceed Without a Spot Market?
Speaker: Steve R. Meyer, Ph.D., President, Paragon Economics, Inc., Adel, IA

Price Discovery in Feed Cattle Markets: A Research on How Thin is Tool Thin?and Demand
Speaker: Stephen R. Koontz, Associate Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Commodity Luncheons

Sugar & Sweeteners Luncheon
Moderator: Barbara Fecso, Economist, Dairy and Sweeteners Analysis Group, Farm Service Agency, USDA, Washington, DC

Buffering Wide Swings in the NAFTA Sugar Market
Speaker: Mike Gorrell, Imperial Sugar Company, Port Wentworth, GA

Cotton & Fibers Luncheon
Moderator: Kevin Latner, Executive Director, Cotton Council International, Washington, DC

Sustainability in the U.S. and Global Cotton Supply Chains
Speaker: Bill M. Norman, Vice president for Technical Services, National Cotton Council, Cordova, TN

Grains & Oilseeds Luncheon
Moderator: Steven Koenig, Senior Economist, Office of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA

Speaker: Jason R. Henderson, vice-President and Branch Executive, Omaha Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Omaha, NE

Livestock & Poultry Luncheon
Moderator: Joy Harwood, Director Economic and Policy Staff, Farm Service Agency, Washington, DC

The Outlook for the U.S. Forage Sector
Robin Newell, National Alfalfa and Forage Al;iance Board Member, DuPont Pioneer, Johnston, IO