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2012 Yeosu Workshop (W7) on "Beyond Dispersion"

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Yeosu conference participants
Figure 1.  Participants in the 2012 Yeosu Workshop (W7) on "Beyond Dispersion".  Photo by Sukgeun Jung.

William Stockhausen (AFSC representative on U.S.- Republic of Korea Fisheries Science Panel) Sukyung Kang (Korea, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)), and Carolina Parada (Chile, Fisheries Research Institute (INPESCA)), co-convened a 1-day workshop entitled "Beyond Dispersion: Integrating Individual-based Models for Bioenergetics and Behavior with Biophysical Transport Models to Predict Influences of Climate Change on Recruitment Processes in Marine Species" on 20 May 2012, immediately following the 2nd International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans held in Yeosu, Korea.

Future climate change is expected to influence the abundance and distribution of marine fish species in complex ways, including changes in the local environmental characteristics and transport pathways experienced by early life stages that are typically pelagic, such as eggs and larvae. To date, numerous coupled biophysical models (CBPMs) with individual-based model (IBM) subcomponents have been developed to study the influence of oceanographic transport patterns on dispersion of early life stages and recruitment variability in marine fish species.

In many of these models, advective oceanographic processes are hypothesized to be the main determinant of recruitment variability; simulated individuals in the models are regarded primarily as passive particles or drifters, and "success" is judged by the relative number of simulated particles that end up being advected to suitable juvenile nursery grounds. While these models represent a significant step in our ability to understand and predict the effects of climate change on recruitment, they ignore important effects (temperature/salinity stress, food availability, etc.) on growth and survival associated with the environmental conditions encountered by (simulated) individuals along their drift trajectories.

Although bioenergetics models typically include such effects and can be used to address the impact of local environmental variation on the growth and survival of eggs and larvae, few bioenergetics models have been targeted toward early marine life stages, few CBPMs incorporate bioenergetic considerations, and fewer still have been used to address the potential impact of climate change on marine species.

The workshop was intended to discuss the state-of-the-art for incorporating individual-based bioenergetics models within coupled biophysical models, together with current challenges and future directions.

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