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Homepage: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle
Author(s): M. Alsup
Version: 2.65

The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a lightweight slideshow plugin. Its implementation is based on the JQueryInnerFade Plugin by Torsten Baldes, the Slideshow Plugin by Matt Oakes, and the jqShuffle Plugin by Benjamin Sterling. It supports pause-on-hover, auto-stop, auto-fit, before/after callbacks, click triggers and many transition effects. It also supports, but does not require, the Metadata Plugin and the Easing Plugin.


Add the jqCycle class to the container holding the elements to be cycled.


St Andrews State Park

Located in the Florida panhandle

Endless fun.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
beach1.jpgjpg beach1.jpg manage 19.9 K 16 Nov 2009 - 13:54 ProjectContributor  
beach2.jpgjpg beach2.jpg manage 21.0 K 16 Nov 2009 - 13:54 ProjectContributor  
beach3.jpgjpg beach3.jpg manage 22.1 K 16 Nov 2009 - 13:55 ProjectContributor  
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Feb 2010 - 16:31:15 - ProjectContributor

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