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Validated Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Tool (PREA)

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Top 100 Contributor
Level 3 MVP
Points 528
Kila Jager posted on Mon, Mar 19 2012 5:31 PM

PREA Standards require screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness. 


What you are using to satisfy this standard.  We have been asked about using the SAVY  I cannot find where it is validated.  Does anyone know? 

Does anyone use a validated vulnerability and risk assessment that is working well for you.  Will you share what it is and any link or copy of what you are using. 


PREA Standard 115.241:  An agency must screen during the intake process (within 30 days of entry) to assess the potential of the inmate to be a victim or a perpetrator.  An objective screening instrument shall be used with copies available to the public upon request.  At a minimum: mental, physical, or developmental disability, age, including whether or not the offender is a juvenile, physical build, previous incarceration, prior convictions for sex offenses against an adult or child, gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, or intersex, previous sexual victimization, the inmates own perception of vulnerability and gang affiliation.  The classification process must consider prior acts of sexual abuse, prior convictions for violent offenses, and history of prior institutional violence or sexual abuse.  Rescreening should be considered as warranted and the offender shall not be disciplined for failure to respond to a question and ensure responses to the screening questions are not exploited by other residents or staff.





Standard 115.242

Once the screening information has been completed, the agency shall use the information to inform all appropriate staff involved in housing, bed, work education and program assignments of the results, so as to keep potential victims separated from perpetrators.  This shall be done on an individual basis to best determine the safest method to ensure the safety of the individual. 



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