Section 508

U.S. Army Central is here to provide service to both the public and to Soldiers around the globe. This service includes the ability to provide accessible web pages. To achieve this goal, U.S. Army Central has adopted Section 508 of the 1998 Rehabilitation Act and the Federal IT Accessibility Initiative.

Section 508 outlines a series of web standards that all military web sites must abide by. U.S. Army Central has started the initiative to make sure that we stay in accordance to this standard. If a page that you have visited has any problems displaying the information, please feel free to contact Webmaster and we shall address your concerns with due diligence. We ask that you provide the URL and the problem that you are having. To best provide a prompt response, we also ask that you include what type of browser that you were using when the problem occurred.

Additional information about accessibility can be found at the following web sites:

U.S. Army Central is here to provide the best quality of service available to both Soldiers and civilians alike, so please do not hesitate helping us build a more accessible future.
U.S. Army Central

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