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Summer of Softball at USGS' Woods Hole Field Center

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members of the Woods Hole Field Center softball team pose in front of the scoreboard
A USGS victory! From left to right, front row: Sandy Baldwin, Greg Booma, Steven Griffey, Seth Ackerman, Dirk Koopmans. Middle row: Matt Gove, David Stolper, Glynn Williams. Back row: Troy Currence, Debbie Hutchinson, Chris Lyon, Bill Waite, Matt Wander, Fausto Marincioni.
August 20 marked the last U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) game of the 2002 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Summer Softball season. Mirroring the Woods Hole Field Center's state of leadership flux, the USGS team had a series of "Acting Team Chief Captains," including Joel Moore, Debbie Hutchinson, and Bill Waite. This year's squad, known more for its entertainment value than its athletic prowess, put it all together in the final game to muster a heroic one-run victory against the determined Townies. Debbie Hutchinson's son, Matt Gove, provided the game-winning hit, and our Mendenhall Rookie, Australian David Stolper, sealed the win with two consecutive putouts at second base.

There are no strikeouts in this league, and we mercifully don't keep track of fielding errors or other niggling details, like wins and losses, so if you're visiting the Woods Hole Field Center next summer, join us! What we lack in skill we more than make up for in enthusiasm and good humor. Mitts are optional, but sunglasses are recommended.

Missing from the photograph are the rest of the large and illustrious team: Cat Albert, Takitta Childress, Chuck Denham, Chris Lyon, Chris Polloni, Jen Moore, Joel Moore, Joanne Sedlock, John Warner, Larry Poppe, Mark Capone, Becky Deusser, Bill Condon, Kristen McKee, and Marcie Palmer.

Related Web Sites
Woods Hole Field Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA

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