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Staff & Center News

Bruce Buffet Visits Woods Hole

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Bruce Buffet, a professor in the Earth and Ocean Sciences Department at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, was a guest lecturer this month for a Geodynamics Seminar offered at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He delivered a talk about gas-hydrate stability. During his visit, Bruce met with the members of the Woods Hole Field Center (WHFC)'s Gas Hydrates group (Bill Dillon, Debbie Hutchinson, and Bill Waite) to discuss their ongoing projects and to tour the Gas Hydrate And Sediment Test Laboratory Instrument (GHASTLI) facilities at WHFC.

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Earth and Ocean Sciences Department
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

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in this issue: Fieldwork cover story:
Gas-Hydrate Research Wells Completed

Moloka'i Coral Reef Sediment

Research Role of Parasites in Ecosystems

Outreach Public Art Project

Prairie Restoration

Marine Science Day

Marine Environmental Careers Symposium

Students Visit Woods Hole

Congressional Briefing on Wetlands

Woods Hole Science Fairs

Talks—DOE and College of William and Mary

Meetings Netherlands Sediment-Transport Collaboration

Sediment-Transport Modeling

Tampa Bay Estuary Tour

Awards Monterey Bay Research Award

Staff & Center News Japanese Land-Management Team Visits St. Pete

Western Region Retirements

Woods Hole Visitor

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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)