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Staff & Center News

John Hughes Clarke Delivers Talk Entitled "Imaging Water Mass Variability in Coastal Environments"

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John Hughes Clarke, from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, visited the Woods Hole Field Center and gave a talk entitled "Imaging Water Mass Variability in Coastal Environments" at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on January 30. John provided the following abstract to describe his presentation:

"As marine surveyors increasingly switch to wide-swath multibeam sonar systems, so their sensitivity to local changes in the sound-speed field is increasing. To maintain bathymetric accuracy levels at the decimeter scale (now required for precise monitoring of seabed change), they need a far greater understanding of the medium they work in. Previously water-mass sampling at time scales of hours and length scales of tens of kilometers was acceptable, but they now require minutes and hundreds of meters.

"This demand is almost equivalent to having a complete understanding of the local oceanographic variability. We will show the scale of the problem, current methods of addressing it, and our most recent results from multifrequency acoustics used to image the location and timing of rapid water-mass changes."

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John E. Hughes Clarke
Ocean Mapping Group, University of New Brunswick

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Staff & Center News Bill Dillon Retires

John Hughes Clarke—"Imaging Water Mass Variability"

Deltas Seminar

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)