Michelle Obama Celebrates First Anniversary of Anti-Obesity Initiative

One year ago this week, first lady Michelle Obama launched her Let’s Move! campaign to end childhood obesity in the United States.  To celebrate the program’s first anniversary, Mrs. Obama is making multiple media appearances, releasing a televised public service announcement, and traveling to Atlanta, Georgia to meet with students, teachers, and parents.

While in Atlanta on Wednesday the first lady visited a public elementary school that emphasizes teaching students about the benefits of a healthy diet.  She snacked on blueberries with kindergarteners, and first-graders showed her around the school’s garden, which grows produce such as collard greens, potatoes, and bok choy. 

What has the Let’s Move! program accomplished in its inaugural year?  For starters, the first lady has created partnerships with major players in the U.S., including Wal-Mart stores, which agreed to lower prices on fruits and vegetables and change the ingredients in their store-brand food items in an effort to make them healthier.  She also worked with Congress to pass the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which aims to improve nutrition and focus on reducing childhood obesity.

First Lady and Bo Surprise White House Visitors

On the second anniversary of President Obama’s inauguration first lady Michelle Obama and first dog Bo welcomed a stream of surprised visitors to the White House.  The public can tour the White House five days a week, but they don’t usually get to meet its residents. 

Standing in the Blue Room, the first lady greeted dozens of students, tourists, and locals who came to see the country’s most famous house.    Mrs. Obama offered handshakes, hugs, and photo ops, while her dog Bo stood calmly at her side and offered a furry head to pet.  This is the third time the first lady has greeted visitors to the White House.

The White House website live-streamed the event to make it more widely accessible.

Obama, Hu Hold Joint Press Conference While Michelle Obama Encourages U.S. – China Youth Exchanges

After the official welcome ceremony at the White House this morning and a series of meetings, President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China held a joint press conference at the White House.

The pair discussed the economy, politics, national security, human rights, and building stronger U.S. – China ties.   Speaking about the U.S. – China relationship, President Obama said that in the 21st Century the two countries should engage in a “spirit of cooperation that is also friendly competition.”

For his part, President Hu acknowledged the U.S. and China share “expanding common interests,” and he echoed Obama’s high hopes that U.S. and Chinese youth will continue to connect through exchanges and will help to bring about deeper cross-cultural understanding between their countries. 

Michelle Obama also showed her support for U.S. – China youth exchanges at a separate event today in Washington, DC.  Speaking at Howard University the first lady announced the new “100,000 Strong Initiative, which aims to increase the number and the diversity of young people from the U.S. studying in China.  Praising the benefits of study abroad in general, the first lady told the crowd of students:

“And I can guarantee all of you that when you study abroad, you won’t just change your own life.  You’ll change the lives of every single person you come in contact with.”

Learn more about the 100,000 Strong Initiative – http://bit.ly/gcbyMq

Read the full transcript of this morning’s welcome ceremony with Presidents Obama and Hu – http://bit.ly/ifyEbT

Happy Birthday, Michelle Obama!

First lady Michelle Obama celebrated her 47th birthday yesterday by dining out with her husband.   The first couple ate dinner together on January 17 at The Source, a Washington, DC restaurant run by celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck.  They were able to make the trip down Pennsylvania Avenue to the restaurant despite a snow and ice storm that began passing through the city last night.

The details of their dinner, such as what they ate, have not been publicly discussed, although The Source calls its cuisine “pan-Asian.”

Michelle Obama’s Letter to Parents

In the wake of the attempted assassination of Arizona Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, many have asked what drives a person to open fire on a peacefully assembled crowd and what something like this says about the United States.  For children these questions can be particularly confusing and difficult.  To help cope, first lady Michelle Obama released an open letter to parents across the United States yesterday offering ways to talk to children about the heartbreaking events in Arizona and lessons we can all take away from the tragedy. 

“In the days and weeks ahead, as we struggle with these issues ourselves, many of us will find that our children are struggling with them as well.  The questions my daughters have asked are the same ones that many of your children will have – and they don’t lend themselves to easy answers.  But they will provide an opportunity for us as parents to teach some valuable lessons – about the character of our country, about the values we hold dear, and about finding hope at a time when it seems far away.

“We can teach our children that here in America, we embrace each other, and support each other, in times of crisis.  And we can help them do that in their own small way – whether it’s by sending a letter, or saying a prayer, or just keeping the victims and their families in their thoughts.

“We can teach them the value of tolerance – the practice of assuming the best, rather than the worst, about those around us.  We can teach them to give others the benefit of the doubt, particularly those with whom they disagree. 

“We can also teach our children about the tremendous sacrifices made by the men and women who serve our country and by their families.  We can explain to them that although we might not always agree with those who represent us, anyone who enters public life does so because they love their country and want to serve it.” 

Read the full letter.

Presidents Obama, Sarkozy Meet in Washington

French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in Washington today to meet with President Obama and to discuss a range of issues affecting both their countries, such as the global economy and national security.  France will assume the presidency of the G-8 and the G-20 in 2011.

After their meeting the two presidents held a joint press conference during which President Obama said they discussed, “how we can coordinate our [G-8 and G-20] agendas to make sure that we are as productive as possible in delivering the kinds of reforms and follow-through that will result in prosperity for peoples around the globe.”

Speaking about Franco-American relations President Obama said: “We don’t have a stronger friend and a stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people.  We have cooperated over the last several years on dealing with a global economic crisis, dealing with the challenges of terrorism, dealing with a range of geopolitical issues from the Middle East to Iran to Afghanistan.  And I’ve always found Nicolas to be an outstanding partner and an outstanding friend to the American people, as well as a leader on the world stage.”

As the presidents met, so did their wives.  Mrs. Obama hosted Mrs. Bruni-Sarkozy for lunch at the White House.

10 in 2010: A Year of Notable Obama Moments

From the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to a surprise trip to Afghanistan, to getting injured during a friendly game of basketball, President Barack Obama has certainly had a busy year.  Here, in order of occurrence, are Obama Today’s picks for 10 notable Obama moments of 2010:

1.       Signs the Affordable Care Act into Law

During the presidential campaign, Obama listed making health care affordable and accessible to all Americans as one of his main priorities.  After a long and hard battle in Congress, and in the court of public opinion, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23.   Speaking about the momentous occasion, the president said, “Today, after almost a century of trying; today, after over a year of debate; today, after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America.”
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/hBdcSA

2.       Visits the Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoThe country and the world watched as millions of gallons of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, the result of a BP oil rig that exploded.  The accident killed 11 men and untold numbers of wildlife.  It has also affected the livelihoods of Americans who live along the Gulf Coast.  President Obama visited the devastation in May and said, “More than anything else, this economic and environmental tragedy – and it’s a tragedy – underscores the urgent need for this nation to develop clean, renewable sources of energy.”
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/g4LVgx

3.       Hosts Young African Leaders ForumIn August President Obama hosted the President’s Forum with Young African Leaders, aimed at giving African youth delegates and U.S. officials the opportunity to discuss the future of the African continent.  During a town hall meeting with the African delegates the president told them, “Today, you represent a different vision, a vision of Africa on the move…An Africa that’s ending old conflicts… an Africa that’s pursuing a broadband revolution that could transform the daily lives of future generations.”
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/eRN8Pa

4.       Declares  End of U.S. Combat Mission in IraqRealizing yet another campaign promise, in September President Obama declared the U.S. would end its seven-and-a-half-year military operation in Iraq and shift to a civilian-led mission to build a partnership with the country in an effort to strengthen its government, industry and people.  Speaking to the American people from the Oval Office the president said, “Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility.  Now, it’s time to turn the page.”
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/hRtCHZ

5.       Michelle Obama Helps Harvest the White House GardenWe can’t talk about President Obama without mentioning the first lady.  Michelle Obama has had a busy year in her own right, working with military families, accompanying her husband during important events, and leading her Let’s Move! initiative to end childhood obesity.  As part of that initiative the Obamas planted a garden on the White House grounds, and Mrs. Obama uses the garden to teach kids about the benefits of eating healthy, fresh foods, most notably vegetables.  In late October she invited elementary school students and world famous chefs to the White House for the First Lady’s Fall 2010 Kitchen Garden Harvest.
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/erDiPg

6.       Delivers a Post-Midterm Election Press ConferenceThe midterm elections were a tough time for President Obama’s party.  The Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives, and lost a handful of seats of the Senate even while managing to retain the majority there.  After the elections the president gave a press conference in which he made note of the defeats and signaled he was willing to work with Republicans to move the country forward. 
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/fiVzZq

7.       Takes a Trip to AsiaDuring a major international trip in November the president visited India, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea.   He met with foreign leaders, students and young people, and attended the G20 in Seoul.  Mrs. Obama took the opportunity to meet with women and girls to discuss empowerment and to play a game of hopscotch. 
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/fz0Txh

8.       Gets Injured During a Basketball GamePresident Obama played basketball in his youth, and has been an ardent fan of the sport ever since.  During one of his regular games with friends and White House staff, a fellow player accidentally struck the president in the mouth, busting his lip and requiring him to get 12 stitches.  Ouch!
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/fMJpMr

9.       Makes a Surprise Visit to AfghanistanIt was a quick, unannounced trip that garnered lots of media attention.  President Obama landed in Afghanistan on December 3 to meet with U.S. troops and U.S. officials on the ground.   He told a gathering of 4,000 troops at Bagram air base, “I know it’s not easy for all you to be away from home, especially during the holiday. We are here to say thank you for everything you do.”
Read the original post: http://bit.ly/fYKj6x

10.   Named Most Admired Man in AmericaFor the third year in a row a USA Today- Gallup poll found that Barack Obama is the man Americans most admire.  Garnering 22 percent of the votes, he beat out such world figures as former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the Dalai Lama, and Nelson Mandela.  Read the original post: http://bit.ly/eATRI6

The Obamas in Hawaii / A New Breed of Crops / Art Behind Bars

President Obama and his family are in Hawaii for the holidays, and so are dozens of White House staff and journalists. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency will put in place new rules to regulate greenhouse gases. For undernourished people who live in remote areas, a new approach called biofortification may bring healthier diets. Some of the wealthiest people in America are pledging to give away most of their fortunes to charity. And finally, explore a photo gallery of art created by prison inmates.

The Obamas in Hawaii
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The Obamas are vacationing in Hawaii this week, and they’re not alone. Dozens of White House staff and journalists who cover the president have also traveled to the island state. A president is never truly on vacation. There are always reports to read, public appearances to be made, and unexpected issues to address. At right, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama travel by motorcade on Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

New Emissions Rules
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The U.S. government continues to use federal regulatory powers to rein in greenhouse gas emissions, most recently focusing on power plants and oil refineries, which produce nearly 40 percent of emissions in the United States. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will put in place new permit requirements for all heavily polluting industry, followed by specific greenhouse gas standards for power plants and oil refineries.

A New Breed of Crops
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Crop breeders are developing new varieties of seven staple food crops, each with high levels of essential micronutrients and each with potential for rewarding farmers who grow them with higher yields. This approach is called biofortification, and the goal is to bring healthier diets to people who rely on food staples for most of the calories they consume.

A Billionaires’ Pledge
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The two richest men in the United States, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, launched The Giving Pledge in June 2010, encouraging other billionaires, in the United States and abroad, to give away the bulk of their fortunes to philanthropic causes. As of December 2010, 57 billionaires have joined their campaign.

Photo Gallery: Art Behind Bars
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The Prison Creative Arts Project, founded in 1990 by University of Michigan professor William “Buzz” Alexander, helps prison inmates develop their creativity. The program encourages them to examine and even transform their lives. Explore a photo gallery of their work. At left, James Wilt’s self-portrait Yet Free, which identifies him by inmate number. The small cross in the upper left-hand corner is a symbol of his Christian faith.

The Obamas Vacation in Hawaii

President Obama joined his wife and daughters in Hawaii late last week to celebrate Christmas and participate in the annual Obama family vacation. The president was born in Hawaii and often returns there for some rest and relaxation.

In general, the Obamas keep a low profile while vacationing on the island of Oahu, residing in a private vacation home and protected by the Secret Service. Nevertheless, the family has made some public appearances.

For example, President Obama has been spotted playing golf as well as taking his daughters to the beach. The president, his family, and a group of friends who have joined them on their vacation were also seen ordering shave ice – a frozen Hawaiian treat – at local shop Island Snow. Other vacation activities have included basketball, bowling and morning workouts.

On Christmas Day President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama visited the Marine Corps Base at Kaneohe Bay. The first couple shook hands and took pictures with U.S. Marines and their families who had gathered at the base for Christmas dinner. This is the third year in a row the Obamas have stopped by the base during their Christmas vacation.

On Sunday the president and Mrs. Obama returned to the Marine base with daughters Malia and Sasha to attend services at Michael’s Chapel. The family joined the rest of the crowd in singing during the service.

Michelle Obama Arrives in Hawaii with Malia, Sasha and Bo

First lady Michelle Obama arrived on the Hawaiian island of Oahu on Saturday with her two daughters and their dog Bo for the family’s annual Christmas vacation. President Obama was scheduled to depart on Saturday with his family, but decided to stay in Washington, D.C. to take care of some last minute business. With Congress still in session and working on a number of measures before shutting down for the holiday, it’s possible the president will not leave Washington until the middle of this week.

This will be the third Christmas season the Obama family will spend in Hawaii since Barack Obama won the presidential election in 2008. They are scheduled to return to Washington, DC on January 1. The president was born in Hawaii and spent some years of his childhood in the state.