News Archive

What's New: March 2012

screenshot of map showing New York offshore planning area

NOAA Science Supports New York's Offshore Energy Planning

A newly released NOAA study will help New York state officials identify wind energy development sites in the Atlantic while protecting critical offshore bird and fish habitats. More...

screenshot of Glider Asset Map

New Map Tracks Underwater Robotic Vehicles and Delivers Historical Marine Data

Want to take a virtual ride in our oceans with an underwater robot, also known as a glider? There is a new map for that. The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) recently launched a new map that displays where partner gliders are currently patrolling and where they've been. More...

screenshot of Arctic ERMA tool

Award-Winning Visualization Tool to be Expanded for Arctic Region

NOAA and partners are expanding the Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA®) to include the Arctic. The presence of this tool in the Arctic region will enable responders to prepare for possible oil spills and climate change. More...


Illinois Joins National Coastal Management Program

Illinois was welcomed into the coastal management system in a ceremony today, making the state eligible for approximately $2 million in annual grants to help manage its Great Lakes resources. The creation of the Illinois Coastal Management Program comes at the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Coastal Zone Management Act by Congress in 1972. Illinois was the only remaining eligible state without an approved coastal zone management program in the act’s history. More...

recreated face of sailor from USS Monitor

NOAA Honors Lost Crew of USS Monitor

Nearly 150 years after 16 USS Monitor sailors died when their vessel sank in a New Year's Eve storm, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has released forensic reconstructions of the faces of two crew members. The skeletal remains of both sailors were discovered inside the Monitor's gun turret after it was raised from the ocean floor in 2002. More...

NOS image montage

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Highlights

On February 13, the President released the fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget request, which includes $478.1 million for the National Ocean Service (NOS). The NOS request reflects a net decrease of $8.9 million from the FY 2012 estimated budget. This budget request supports the highest priority and most essential services for coastal communities and the nation. More...
