Posts Tagged ‘Charlotte Gray’

October 14, 2010 – Ottawa

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Last night Julie put together a new way to celebrate the shared culture of the United States and Canada.  We had a reception at our home for the launch of our friend Charlotte Gray’s new book Gold Diggers.  The book follows the fortunes of six very different characters during the Yukon Gold Rush of 1896. 

While the action takes place in the Canadian Yukon, four of the six characters are Americans, including author Jack London who – when he was not hanging out in local bars – was busy collecting fascinating source material during his stay in Dawson City.The event was co-hosted by Blue Metropolis, a literary organization based in Montreal.  Thirty of Blue Met’s top supporters joined us in Ottawa for the event along with a big crowd from Ottawa.

While Charlotte’s remarks were the highlight of the night, the gold rush-themed cocktails and appetizers were a close second.

A good time was had by all.