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Workforce Data Quality Initiative Technical Assistance

As of June 2012, DOL has awarded two rounds of WDQI grants. Each round of grants also has a Technical Assistance (TA) contract associated with it. Social Policy Research (SPR) is providing TA.

Each WDQI grantee is expected to build (or to have built) a workforce database that integrates longitudinal education data. The state-level workforce data sources include (but are not limited to) wage record data from employers reporting through the Unemployment Insurance (UI) payroll tax system; benefit and demographic data from claims processed through UI; data from the employment and training services authorized under the Workforce Investment Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act employment services; Trade Adjustment Assistance; and demographic data from the Federal Employment Data Exchange System.

WDQI grant recipients may be in various stages of workforce longitudinal database development. Some states are in the initial development stages while others are expanding upon fully implemented systems. Education data is being collected under the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Education to which the WDQI is a parallel effort. The SLDS emphasizes the collection of workforce data and the WDQI was created, in part, to accompany the work being done on the education side to gather longitudinal data.

Collaborative Workspace

WDQI grantees, Federal Project Officers, and other pertinent grant personnel have login access to the WDQI Collaborative Workspace operated through SPR. If you need access to the Collaborative Workspace, please email with your name, email address, and grant affiliation.

Technical Assistance Documents

Context Mapping Document

Workforce Data Quality Initiative(WDQI) Recommended Resources

Florida’s Matching Model

Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI) Quarterly Reporting Guidelines

WDQI Timeline for Reporting

Technical Assistance Events

October 29 - 31, 2012 - SLDS P-20W Conference, Washington DC

Technical Assistance Webinars

Coming soon!