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Frequently Asked Questions

High Growth and Community-Based Reporting FAQs

  Section A: Questions from the Dallas Reporting Performance Conference
  1. Is it acceptable for LVERs and DVOPs to serve non-veterans and, if so, what are the parameters?
  2. I seem to recall some kind of percentage or threshold of non-veterans that could be served by LVERs and DVOPs who are NOT part-time or half-time workers. Can you clarify this?
  3. Are H1-B participants and participants in “pathways to construction” captured on the WIASRD when they exit services?
  4. Is a youth considered in-school if they’re in a GED training program that is offered by a private CBO versus a regular school?
  5. For youth, what is the maximum amount of time between eligibility determination and providing the first service?
  6. Are NEG participants included in the WIASRD? If the answer is “yes,” then why does the data validation software kick them out?
  7. If we have a youth who is tested as basic skills deficient in math and speaking and they increase an educational functioning level in speaking, is that a positive hit for Literacy/Numeracy?
  8. Veteran status requires 180 days of active duty service. Does the 180 days have to be consecutive?
  9. VETS has programs that involve LVERs and DVOPs physically going into prisons and serving veterans (they can provide services up to 18 months prior to their potential release date). Since these people are incarcerated at participation, do they even count toward performance?
  10. The WIASRD report is based on exiters but are there circumstances where a WIASRD is submitted for someone who has NOT exited?
  11. When do youth follow-up services begin? Is it after WIA exit or exit from all partner services?
  12. What happens if we give a youth their pre-test after the 60 days?
  13. Are exclusions still in place for the original measures?
  14. What changes have been made to the current 7 youth measures and when will those changes take effect? For instance, will the definition of advanced training/occupational skills training in TEGL 17-05 be applied to the Older Youth Credential Rate and, if so, when?
  15. If a participant doesn’t have a SSN but you have supplemental data, can you take a positive hit for Entered Employment?
  16. States that use DART don’t have to use the ETA DRVS software to perform Wagner-Peyser Act report and data element validation. Does this apply only to the ETA 9002 and VETS 200 reports?

  Section B: Questions from the San Francisco Reporting Performance Conference YOUTH

  1. If during the year an out-of-school youth participant acquires a job or enrolls back into school, will this impact a program’s performance with regards to the literacy/numeracy measure? Is there a possibility of excluding the participant from the measure? And if not, why not, since obtaining employment or returning to school are the ultimate goals of the program?
  2. Can apprenticeship be counted as advanced training?
  3. There has been much discussion regarding partnering with our sister agency – Adult Basic Education – to help implement the measure successfully. However, they may feel slighted if we request an assessment of a participant who just recently acquired their GED through ABE’s program. It would seem as if programs are questioning the validity of the GED if they were to follow this exercise. Cannot the GED be recognized as an assessment by proxy, especially in light of the fact that it is currently recognized and accepted by USDOL as an obtained credential?
  4. How much success have rural, isolated areas, especially those where timely assessment may not be so readily available, had with implementation of the literacy/numeracy measure? If an assessment can be administered, how can a WIA program help the participant achieve a gain from one educational functioning level to another without a local ABE office or other educational resource in the area?
  5. If a participant refuses to undergo the assessment process, either pre-test or post-test, should services then be denied to a participant based on his/her unwillingness to comply with a program’s attempts to meet the measure? This is likely to occur with older out of school youth. Those who may already have a GED or High School diploma will see the effort as duplicative and may wonder why we are testing these areas?
  6. If you have a youth ages 19-21 that is identified as a veteran, do you count the participant in the older youth or the adult performance group?
  7. If a youth has a gap in service and does not return to the program what is the exit date?
  8. Will ETA entertain requests for waivers on the work readiness certificates?
  9. What is needed to document a youth with a disability?
  10. Do supportive services count as a follow-up service for youth?

  TEGL 17-05 Questions

  1. Question for clarification: Attachment D, Scenario 2: How has the customer been “determined” eligible for WIA services in this scenario so that she is counted in the Participant count? How do we know that she is legal to work or, if it is a male, registered with the selective service?
  2. How can two programs share the same date of participation when the TEGL refers to the date of participation as “represents the first day, following a determination of eligibility….funded by the program?” If an individual is served in January by Wagner-Peyser funds and begins a WIA funded program in March the date of participation for WIA can not be in January?
  3. Can on-the-job training count as advanced training in the WIA youth program?

  Section C: Questions from the Philadelphia Reporting Performance Conference

  1. When is school status determined and does it change?
  2. How does citizenship affect eligibility requirements? What about “right to work” and selective service?
  3. What do we do in the case of wage “anomalies?”
  4. How do we access/use FEDES data? For instance, the data are annualized.
  5. If an individual is taken out of performance calculations under one of the “global exclusions” conditions, is that person still included in participant counts?
  6. Concerning source documentation for veteran status, although a DD-214 is required, why can’t grantees use a letter received from the Veterans Administration (VA) that clearly states date of entry, exit and type of discharge? It could substitute for a DD-214 until one was secured.
  7. The data in FRED mysteriously changes from the outcomes reported to the outcomes contained on the graphs. What is causing this?
  8. What’s the relationship between the “date of first youth service” for the Literacy/Numeracy common measure and the “date of participation” for the Younger Youth Skill Attainment Rate?
  9. Now that the WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Older Youth Credential measure use the certificate definition, do GEDs, high school diplomas, and college degrees still count under the credential measure?.
  10. What is the meaning of intensive services for veterans reported on the VETS 200 reports? What part of WIA intensive services are is included in the VETS meaning of the term?
  11. How is the age of youth calculated? In the validation software, it’s calculated based on date of first youth service. The TEGL says the youth’s age is calculated based on the date of participation but the example in the TEGL implies date of first youth service. This relates to Younger Youth Skill Attainment as well
  12. What would happen if a youth received Wagner-Peyser core services, went to WIA three months later, but information on school status was not collected at initial participation?
  13. Let’s say I provide school status information when I become a Wagner-Peyser participant, and I am in high school. Six months later I become a WIA youth and no longer am in high school. Am I considered an in-school or out-of-school youth for WIA? This affects performance and could be significant.
  14. An issue came up about planned gaps from an MIS perspective and how to do a gap when there has been 60 days of no service, for instance, and then the person gets sick. Would you back-date the gap to the last day of service?
  15. Please clarify the credential/certificate changes and requirements effective July 1, 2006 and how they apply to current participants and those after July 1st?

Information for States

States should refer to the ETA Performance site for updates on policy guidance, data validation information, software, handbooks, tutorials, GAO reports and all other performance related information:

Questions regarding any performance issue should be submitted to . Please indicate what subject your question refers to in the subject line so it can be referred to the right person.
  1. What will be the governance structure for the WRIS?
  2. How will WRIS policy be developed and approved?
  3. How will monitoring be performed to ensure proper use of the WRIS data?
  4. Will confidentiality compliance reviews be conducted, and if so, by whom?
  5. Who will decide on what is an appropriate research purpose for which data obtained through the WRIS can be used?
  6. Who will be the WRIS Operations Contractor?
  7. Has the Agreement been reviewed by ETA's Unemployment Insurance (UI) staff for conformity with UI laws in the Federal-State partnership and the new confidentiality regulations?
  8. How will the Agreement be amended once signed?
  9. How do states pose questions about the WRIS or the new Data Sharing Agreement?
  10. Who will be signing the WRIS Data Sharing Agreement on behalf of ETA?
  11. Under Section V.C.2 of the WRIS Data Sharing Agreement, why was the "Maintaining the confidentiality" language contained in the original agreement changed to "Facilitating the confidentiality" in the new Agreement?
  12. In Section VII, the Agreement seems to imply that states will observe the Privacy Act of 1974 in the safeguarding of data. Why does ETA believe that the Privacy Act applies to states?
  13. As ETA currently receives individual level data from the states, could you please clarify the statement that ETA will not receive Wage Data?
  14. Why were amendments to the Consolidated WRIS Data Sharing Agreement recommended by the WRIS Advisory Committee not included in the new Agreement?
  15. Why does the new Agreement last into perpetuity, as opposed to being in effect for a period of 4 years and then being renewed?
  16. Please elaborate on Section IV.D, regarding the Distributed Database Index (DDBI). Will states update the DDBI continuously or quarterly as was done in the past?
  17. What data will be provided to the national grant programs operated by the Department of Labor, such as Job Corps, and how will that be accomplished?