Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema

Representing the 9th District of Arizona
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Sinema Joins Forces with GOP Freshmen to Smash Partisan Gridlock [VIDEO]

Feb 16, 2013
Press Release


February 16, 2013


Contact:  Justin Unga
Phone:  202-225-9888

Sinema Joins Forces with GOP Freshmen to Smash Partisan Gridlock [VIDEO]

Washington, D.C. -- Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, D - Ariz, appeared on the FOX National News Hour today to announce an emerging effort among a small group of freshman Democrat and Republican lawmakers.  Sinema joined Congressman Robert Pittenger, R - N. Carolina, to discuss the group's formation.  

The group met each other during a House freshman orientation before the legislative season. Sinema and the small group began meeting regularly with the goal of forming a new coalition.  Their goal is to break through partisan gridlock in order to solve our nation's fiscal crises.  

VIDEO:  Bipartisan Freshman Group Works to Fix Fiscal Problems

On Thursday, Sinema and others delivered a letter of principles to House Speaker John Boehner and House Leader Nancy Pelosi.  The group urged others to join their effort with the letter affirming their goal to secure the nation's fiscal heath "with mutual understanding and without personal agendas or political gamesmanship".  The letter had 32 signatures from both Democrats and Republicans.  The group held a press conference where Sinema was picked to offer remarks:

"Hardworking Americans sent a clear message last year when they cast their vote for the 113th Congress." said Sinema.  "We were sent to Washington with the duty to fix the most critical issues of our generation.  Americans and folks in my home state of Arizona need jobs.  They need an economy and a national budget that works  -- and they need a Congress that will restore their faith in leaders who will go to work and fight for them. 

"A generation ago, Congress came together with one thought in mind:  “What can we do to help those who sent us here?” Decades ago in my state, great statesmen like Congressional leaders Mo Udall and Barry Goldwater -- who were from different sides of the aisle -- put their partisan ideologies aside to take on their fight for Arizona.  This is how they were able accomplish great things and were remembered by history for serving their communities. 

"Our group is committed to fighting for the American people and committed to fighting AGAINST stubborn gridlock.  I’m hopeful that this is the first step toward long term collaboration, ingenuity and a return to statesmanship."
