Fighting for Immigration Enforcement

If the Obama Administration is telling us that first they'll give us amnesty but then, after that, they’ll start enforcing our borders and illegal immigration laws, do you believe them? I certainly don’t. As we’ve learned, when this administration brings up “immigration reform,” they are really only focused on providing amnesty for illegal immigrants.

This is the same formula that has been tried before – and frankly, failed – including when it passed in 1986 under President Reagan. But of course, we provide amnesty and the enforcement part of the plan never materializes.
Click here to watch my recent speech on the Senate floor and interview on CNBC.

There is no guarantee that this or any future administration will achieve operational control of the border absent serious pro-enforcement legislation in the Congress.

As the chairman of the U.S. Senate Border Security Caucus, I’m on the front lines fighting for common sense legislation to secure our borders and prevent amnesty for illegal aliens, and I’ll continue working to promote a true, achievable alternative: attrition through enforcement. And I’ll stand and fight for that against the President, or anyone in the Senate, including members of my own party.

I have a number of proposals that I’ll be introducing this year such as legislation to eliminate tax handouts for illegals, close the birthright citizenship loophole, and prohibit federal funds from being used on sanctuary cities, or places that intentionally protect and support illegals.

Immigration can only truly be reformed when we start taking our current laws seriously. Until then, these promises will continue to be broken.