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Crisis Assistance Home

Resources for Treatment and Prevention (PDF)

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Emotional Support

Grief and Loss

Suicidal Behavior

Mental Health Issues

Deployment Support

Combat-Operational Stress

Dealing with Deployment

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Domestic Abuse

Children/Youth Resources

Exceptional Family Members

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Medical Support

Blanchfield Hospital

Warriors in Transition

Deployment Crisis Assistance 

Dealing with Deployment

image of kid and dad is shiping outCoping with Deployments

Deployments and separation are expected functions of Army life and can be divided into three main phases – pre-deployment, deployment and post-deployment. All three phases within the deployment cycle are distinct and pose their own challenges and needs for preparation. Poor planning for any part of the deployment cycle can negatively impact family stability, individual readiness, unit readiness, and cohesion and, ultimately, the ability to meet the mission.

The Family Resource Center on Fort Campbell provides training for Soldiers and families preparing for deployment, during deployment and during reintegration from deployments.

The Family Resource Center is located at 1501 William C. Lee Rd., and can be reached by calling (270) 956-2935 or 1-866-252-9319.


 Local Resources

Coping with Deployment of Spouse or Partner

Emotional Cyles of Deployment

Getting to Know Your Children Again

Holiday Stress

Parent's Guide to Deployment

Returning to Family Life

Supporting your Loved One During Deployment

Hearts Apart Booklet

Parents Guide to Deployment and Reunion

 Resources  For Childern

Youth Coping with Deplyment (Video)

Educators Guide to Children
and Deployment

Talking with Childeren

Ten Tips to Support Children with Deploying Parents

Army Fun Kids Activity Book

Coloring book

My Goodbye Book (3-5)

Goodbyes Are Hard (6-8)

I Can DO That (9-12)

Separations Happen (13-15)

Travel Pack (13-18)

Online Resources 

Deployment Cycle Support

Military Homefront

Army Behavioral Health

Are You at Risk? Call 270-798-CARE

Military OneSource

National Suicide Hotlines

If you are in CRISIS call 1800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)