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Programs & Services > Allowances > Frequently Asked Questions > Per Diem Meal Breakdown

Per Diem Meal Breakdown
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: 10/21/10

1. What is the breakdown for meals in Per Diem? (What percentage of the maximum amount prescribed for meals in a per diem rate is allowed for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner?)

There is no percentage breakdown for meals within DoD. Under the DoD system a proportional meals rate (PMR) is paid instead of making deductions for meals. For an explanation of the proportional meal rate see the Proportional Meals Rate FAQ. For regulations concerning the proportional meals rate see the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), par. U4149-C for uniformed members and the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), par. C4554 for civilian employees. Both regulations are available in the Travel Regulations Section of this website.

Meal Breakdown Tables (not authorized for use in DoD)



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