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Programs & Services > Allowances > Frequently Asked Questions > Per Diem - First and Last Days of Travel

Per Diem - First and Last Days of Travel
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: 10/21/10

  1. Are the M&IE rates for the first and last days of my travel different from my non-travel days?
  2. Is the rate affected by the time of day that I leave or return?
  3. Does the Government Meal Rate (GMR) or Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) apply on the first and last days of my travel?
  4. How do I determine what the applicable M&IE rate is for my travel?
  5. What M&IE rate applies when I have a stopover going to or returning from my TDY destination?
  6. What M&IE rate applies when my return travel requires more than 1 stopover?
  7. What M&IE rate applies when I'm traveling but don't need lodging for the night?
  8. How is the M&IE rate for the first and last days of travel computed?
  9. Why was the M&IE computation for first and last days of travel changed to 75%?
  10. Can I get an exemption or waiver to the 75 percent rule?
  11. Does the 75 percent rule also apply for PCS travel?

1. Are the M&IE rates for the first and last days of my travel different from my non-travel days?

Yes. When you are assigned to temporary duty, 75 percent of the appropriate M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) is paid for the day of departure from the PDS and the day of return to the PDS.

2. Is the rate affected by the time of day that I leave or return?

No. The rate is 75 percent of the appropriate M&IE rate regardless of what time you depart or return.

3. Does the Government Meal Rate (GMR) or Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) apply on the first and last days of my travel?

No. On these days, the GMR or PMR do not apply.

4. How do I determine what the applicable M&IE rate is for my travel?

The M&IE rate for the day of departure from the Permanent Duty Station is the rate applicable to the TDY location. The M&IE rate for the day of return to the PDS is the M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) applicable to the last TDY station, except when return travel requires more than one day and a stopover for the night is required.

5. What M&IE rate applies when I have a stopover going to or returning from my TDY destination?

The M&IE rate for the stopover point applies.

6. What M&IE rate applies when my return travel requires more than 1 stopover?

If authorized return travel to the PDS requires more than 1 day and additional stopovers are required, per diem for the last day of travel is based on the M&IE rate applicable to the last stopover location.

7. What M&IE rate applies when I'm traveling but don't need lodging for the night?

If lodging is not required the M&IE rate for the destination is the applicable rate.

8. How is the M&IE rate for the first and last days of travel computed?

The following is an example of how the M&IE rate on the first and last days of travel are computed:

Per diem rate at TDY destination is $70 (lodging) + $46 (M&IE) = $116 (total per diem).
Actual lodging cost at TDY location is $65 per night.
Date Travel Status Per Diem Computation Total
10 May
(travel day)
Depart Residence
Arrive TDY Station
$46 (M&IE) x 75%=$34.50
$65 (lodging) + $34.50 =
11 MAY TDY $46 (M&IE) + $65 (lodging) = $111.00
12 MAY TDY $46 (M&IE) + $65 (lodging) = $111.00
13 May
(travel day)
Depart TDY Station
Arrive Residence
$46 (M&IE) x 75%= +34.50
Total Per Diem Reimbursement = $356.00

9. Why was the M&IE computation for first and last days of travel changed to 75%?

To simplify travel by eliminating times and meal-by-meal construction on vouchers.

10. Can I get an exemption or waiver to the 75 percent rule?

No. There are no exemptions or waivers to this rule.

11. Does the 75 percent rule also apply for PCS travel?

Yes, the 75 percent rule applies to the day of departure from the old PDS and the day of arrival at the new PDS, designated places, or Consecutive Overseas Tour leave locations when lodgings-plus per diem is paid. If travel begins and ends on the same day, and is longer than 12 hours, per diem is 75 percent of the appropriate M&IE rate.



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