Table 34

Five-Year Arrest Trends
Totals, 2003-2007
[9,746 agencies; 2007 estimated population 187,132,870; 2003 estimated population 180,729,448]
Offense charged Number of persons arrested
Total all ages Under 18 years of age 18 years of age and over
2003 2007 Percent
2003 2007 Percent
2003 2007 Percent
TOTAL1 8,480,862 8,814,016 +3.9 1,370,961 1,330,889 -2.9 7,109,901 7,483,127 +5.2
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 7,406 7,623 +2.9 599 753 +25.7 6,807 6,870 +0.9
Forcible rape 15,619 13,699 -12.3 2,501 2,183 -12.7 13,118 11,516 -12.2
Robbery 60,487 70,536 +16.6 13,836 18,624 +34.6 46,651 51,912 +11.3
Aggravated assault 275,833 269,706 -2.2 37,231 35,102 -5.7 238,602 234,604 -1.7
Burglary 183,664 192,743 +4.9 54,171 52,595 -2.9 129,493 140,148 +8.2
Larceny-theft 728,039 735,272 +1.0 211,717 192,752 -9.0 516,322 542,520 +5.1
Motor vehicle theft 81,982 67,316 -17.9 23,945 16,679 -30.3 58,037 50,637 -12.8
Arson 10,061 9,792 -2.7 5,255 4,894 -6.9 4,806 4,898 +1.9
Violent crime2 359,345 361,564 +0.6 54,167 56,662 +4.6 305,178 304,902 -0.1
Property crime2 1,003,746 1,005,123 +0.1 295,088 266,920 -9.5 708,658 738,203 +4.2
Other assaults 783,775 813,015 +3.7 151,619 150,646 -0.6 632,156 662,369 +4.8
Forgery and counterfeiting 72,157 64,027 -11.3 3,045 1,929 -36.7 69,112 62,098 -10.1
Fraud 207,296 167,673 -19.1 5,111 4,819 -5.7 202,185 162,854 -19.5
Embezzlement 11,890 15,151 +27.4 820 1,174 +43.2 11,070 13,977 +26.3
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 83,042 78,750 -5.2 16,004 14,548 -9.1 67,038 64,202 -4.2
Vandalism 173,591 185,412 +6.8 69,445 71,884 +3.5 104,146 113,528 +9.0
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 100,593 113,014 +12.3 23,607 26,345 +11.6 76,986 86,669 +12.6
Prostitution and commercialized vice 34,845 33,421 -4.1 722 728 +0.8 34,123 32,693 -4.2
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution) 54,249 50,696 -6.5 11,590 9,523 -17.8 42,659 41,173 -3.5
Drug abuse violations 1,002,012 1,097,267 +9.5 117,540 117,686 +0.1 884,472 979,581 +10.8
Gambling 3,512 3,004 -14.5 328 359 +9.5 3,184 2,645 -16.9
Offenses against the family and children 86,404 79,342 -8.2 4,519 3,799 -15.9 81,885 75,543 -7.7
Driving under the influence 888,660 903,244 +1.6 12,825 11,484 -10.5 875,835 891,760 +1.8
Liquor laws 388,033 390,964 +0.8 88,615 90,330 +1.9 299,418 300,634 +0.4
Drunkenness 364,149 408,141 +12.1 11,474 11,819 +3.0 352,675 396,322 +12.4
Disorderly conduct 399,596 418,957 +4.8 123,728 121,975 -1.4 275,868 296,982 +7.7
Vagrancy 17,261 13,061 -24.3 1,332 896 -32.7 15,929 12,165 -23.6
All other offenses (except traffic) 2,312,306 2,483,251 +7.4 244,982 238,424 -2.7 2,067,324 2,244,827 +8.6
Suspicion 1,163 1,423 +22.4 389 292 -24.9 774 1,131 +46.1
Curfew and loitering law violations 57,930 59,686 +3.0 57,930 59,686 +3.0 - - -
Runaways 76,470 69,253 -9.4 76,470 69,253 -9.4 - - -

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