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Information Science

Branch Chief: Vacant

The FORT Information Science Branch staff enhance discovery and management of our natural world and turn information into knowledge. Branch staff offer expertise in information management and delivery, information technology and security, GIS and remote sensing applications, and other environmental information science products including Web applications, decision-support systems, and integrated access to distributed databases.

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FORT Hosting Sage-Grouse Habitat Modeling Workshop

Vista of sagebrush-steppe ecosystem in Wyoming. Photo [copyright] Cameron Aldridge, Colorado State University/USGS.

On Nov. 5-6, 2012, FORT is hosting an invitation-only workshop to describe and demonstrate the use of newly developed multi-scale seasonal (nesting, late-brood rearing, and winter) Sage-grouse habitat models. A journal manuscript and USGS data series currently in peer review. Invited participants will be introduced to the modeling process, data inputs, products developed, and uses and limitations of those products, including hands-on exploration of the datasets. They will then work on focused case-study scenarios, actively using the models and custom-designed GIS software to address land management questions. The Workshop Team will guide participants through example approaches of how to address specific applied management questions. The team will also assist participants with practical ways to address their own management questions of interest.

 Sagebrush Ecosystems: Landscape-Scale Modeling to Address Management Priorities for Sagebrush Habitats and Sagebrush-Obligate Wildlife Species


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