
Aqaba Economic Mobilization

Title: Aqaba Economic Mobilization

Country: Jordan

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2004

Georgia Employment and Infrastructure Initiative (GEII)

Title: Georgia Employment and Infrastructure Initiative (GEII)

Country: Georgia

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2004

Objective: GEII increases incomes, forges partnerships, and supports strategies that bolster local economic development throughout rural areas. Its community-based projects focus on skills development, employability, and private sector demand.

Key Implementing Partner: CHF International

End Date: 2009

The Education and Employment (QUEST) Alliance

Title: The Education and Employment (QUEST) Alliance

Country: Egypt, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2005

Objective: To develop and expand quality education, job training and placement programs in countries with high rates of youth unemployment.

Key Implementing Partner: International Youth Foundation

End Date: 2009

Local Business Development Program (LBD)

Title: Local Business Development Program (LBD)

Country: Ecuador

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2007

Objective: The program is supporting the expansion of private enterprises and strengthening local producer groups and associations to rapidly generate income and employment in these targeted regions.

Key Implementing Partner: AED

End Date: 2009

Partners in Local Economic Development and Government Effectiveness (PLEDGE)

Title: Partners in Local Economic Development and Government Effectiveness (PLEDGE)

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 1998

Rural Employment Generation Activity (REGA)

Title: Rural Employment Generation Activity (REGA)

Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2006

Objective: As part of REGA, USAID entered into a cooperative agreement with UPI Bank (now Intesa Sanpaolo Banka) to finance the purchase of berry and cherry seedlings for small farmers in Brcko and Tuzla.

Key Implementing Partner: Intesa Sanpaolo Banka

End Date: 2012

Enabling Labor Mobility Program (ELMO)

Title: Enabling Labor Mobility Program (ELMO)

Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2006

Objective: Through ELMO, USAID promotes flexible and diverse forms of labor relations and agreements in order to reduce barriers to labor mobility and to ease the fiscal burden on SMEs. By upgrading the inspection capacity of select labor inspectorates, ELMO supports local BiH counterparts in fostering a more effective compliance and enforcement of labor obligations.

The Job Opportunities and Business Support (JOBS) project

Title: The Job Opportunities and Business Support (JOBS) project

Country: Bangladesh

Primary Focus: Entrepreneurship

Start Date: 1997

Objective: To create sustainable employment by helping small, micro, and medium entrepreneurs grow their enterprises. Provide Training of Trainers (TOT) on Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management (EDBM) to national and international NGOs for developing their resource base.

Key Implementing Partner: IRIS, University of Maryland

End Date: 2005

Building and Rehabilitating Infrastructure for Development and Growth in Employment (BRIDGE)

Title: Building and Rehabilitating Infrastructure for Development and Growth in Employment (BRIDGE)

Country: Armenia

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2005

Objective: BRIDGE assists vulnerable communities in achieving greater self-sufficiency by providing vocational training in construction skills and employment opportunities on public works projects that will rehabilitate community-prioritized infrastructure. BRIDGE also initiated and launched an ad-hoc working group on vocational training issues.

AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Employing Workers

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January 10, 2011

The agricultural sector faces unique challenges regarding seasonality of employment, migration, working conditions and employment laws and policies, coupled with the fact that such a large percentage of the adult labor force are engaged in agriculture. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Employing Workers highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness.  




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